Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Eternal Queen
Some of you've noticed that I kinda disappeared. I've gotten a few concerned messages from friends here because I didn't really give much notice. The fact is, I'm gone. I really liked it here. Still do. But I can't stay. Too much negativity. Too many bad memories here.

And I've just been dealing with too much IRL to have any emotional energy to dedicate to here. I'll keep a summary of it as brief as I can. I lost a baby just before Christmas, then I lost my grandmother, and then I got asked to design a clothing line to be featured in a magazine and I might be going to NYC to show my designs. It's a lot of ups and downs. A lot of stress. A lot of yays and nays. In the end, IRL takes priority. My family and my career as a designer takes priority.

I made a lot of friends here. I also made a lot of... not friends. People that I'd rather leave behind in 2015. That's alright. It's all part of growing as a person. I don't feel angry. I don't feel sad. I think I've grown beyond being bitter about something I have no control over. I've learned something during my time away. I've learned to love myself first, and to pay no mind to the haters. That's how I am going to live now. With confidence.

I'm hanging out on a different site now. One that I won't link to here, out of respect for what Tef and company have built. But it's a lovely community and I am very much enjoying myself there, although I am much less active. You guys are still free to message me if you like. My skype is still T-Sparkzizzle. I'd love to keep in contact with some of you guys. Most of you were very lovely folks. <3

Anyway. Be kind, be respectful, and for the love of all that is good, RP with the newbies. ><

Bye guys.
[member="Feena Mason"]

We'll miss you :( But I wish you the best in NYC! Rock it!

The Eternal Queen
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
[member="Feena Mason"]

We'll miss you :( But I wish you the best in NYC! Rock it!
Thanks! I haven't heard back yet, (which is why I haven't said anything about it on FB) but I was assured that it was looking very positive, so I'm going to stay hopeful. It could mean big things for my career.
Feena Mason said:
Thanks! I haven't heard back yet, (which is why I haven't said anything about it on FB) but I was assured that it was looking very positive, so I'm going to stay hopeful. It could mean big things for my career.
Will cross my fingers for you! Feel free to message me on Skype if you wanna chat and waste some time !

Connor Harrison

[member="Feena Mason"] Sad to see you leave, and you've brought, to me personally as a writer, a great deal of enjoyment through writing, so thank you for that which you shared with me.

Very sorry to hear about your sad losses, but to counter that I wish you the very best for a brighter 2016 and fingers crossed for your big break in NYC which is very well deserved.

Hope to keep in touch - may the Force be with you. :)

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