Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Goran Nath

Name: Goran Nath

Age: 27

Homeworld: Roon

Organization: Roon Defense Front


Not everyone born on Roon was born in beskar. The Nath family traced their roots back to simple miners, men and women who had come to Roon through the dangers of the nebula for the prospect of a better life. They did not always succeed, and the trials and struggles the Nath family continued to face would never see them climb into wealth or status, but they endured.

Goran was born into this family of miners, and while he spent his early years in primary education, it was always expected he would follow the rest of his family into the mines, perhaps one day becoming a supervisor at best.

Then the Mandalorians came, and Roon came under the purview of the Enclave. New flags, new banners, but nothing really changed for the common men and women of Roon. Taxes were taxes at the end of the day, and the labor the people of Roon focused on was dedicated to a new master that allowed them to live the way they always had. It was a decent arrangement, until the enemies of the Enclave came to Roon.

Goran was twelve when the Brotherhood of the Maw struck Roon, a child who was old enough to realize his world was coming to an end. The death and destruction was horrendous as it always is in war, but for the people of Roon, long accustomed to the safety the nebula their world resided in provided, it was a societal shock that reverberated to their core. The Nath family was not involved in the fighting, but that did not stop a plummeting starfighter to crash into their family home, destroying it and the generations of memories it held.

Goran was wounded like so many others that day, but where others had family left to care for them, he was alone. From the ashes of that bitter day, Goran swore a vow to himself, and to every other citizen of Roon who had lost a loved one, had their lives destroyed, and their faith in the galaxy shattered.

Never again.

Goran threw himself to his recovery, and when the time came, he joined the newly organized Roon Defense Front, a paramilitary organization founded by former Roon security forces that swore, no matter what government held sway over the planet, Roon would defend itself. Goran rose through the ranks, garnering a political following with his rise, and when Roon fell under the sway of the new Confederacy, Goran stepped forward and was chosen as the planets representative to the new government. With his appointment came the mantle of First Marshal and leader of the Roon Defense Front.

Now, Goran works to live in both worlds he finds himself in, furthering the goals of the people of Roon, while striving to uphold and expand the will and sway of the Confederacy to new worlds.

It is, after all, better to have other planets serve as the first line of defense.
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