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Approved Tech Gorgodon Trophy Pauldron

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Image Source: Here
Intent: To make a trophy for monsters hunters. Boba Fett-Style wearable trophy rack

Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Gotal'Veman Arms and Armor
Model: Mk1
Affiliation: Private Market
Modularity: Yes
  • Aesthetics, Colors, Symbols
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Gorgodon Hide, Mandalorian Steel

Classification: Trophy Armor
Weight: 1 Kilogram
  • Blasters: 10
  • Other: 6
Draco and the craftsmen of Gotal'veman collaborated and created a pauldron from Gorgodon Leather and altered it through a mild process of Alchemy, notably not tainted by the Dark Side using techniques learned from [member="Ijaat Mereel']. Intended as a badge of honor depicting the kill of a skilled hunter, each pauldron is hand-crafted to fit over the Beskar'gam of the hunter using leather taken from the Hunter's kill, almost as a wearable trophy.

The leather is highly blaster resistant, normally considered to be blaster-proof in normal circumstance, and the alchemized leather increases this resistance beyond its normal capabilities. In addition the alchemy slightly increased its natural resilience to other weapons, including lightsabers, making it akin to armorweave.

Many Hunters will add teeth, claws, scales, fangs, braids of hair and fur as they accumulate them from hunts and kills across the galaxy, with some even wearing a half cape of fur attached to their pauldron, each addition representing a particular hunt they felt needed to be displayed.

  • Blaster Immune: The gorgodon hide is practically immune to blaster, Ion, stun, and other related energy weapons. Minor Alchemy and Force Enhancement has increased this particular resistance to the point of being nearly immune to those weapons all together.
  • Poor Coverage: Only covers one Shoulder of the person.
Special Features:
  • Blaster Immunity
  • Durability
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