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Approved Starship Gorgon-class Eternal Fleet Warship

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Manufacturer: Aresian Naval Engineering
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Large
Size: Average









  • Lightning - Its greatest strength, is its speed which makes the deployment of the Gorgon-class exceptionally fast.
  • PHALANX - Being capable of working together, the GEMINI captains and their PHALANX-Protocols make fleet maneuvering and operations much more efficient.
  • Thunder - Not lacking in offensive armament, even though having little variety, the Gorgon-class is meant to destroy enemies swiftly.
  • Pursuit - The hyperspace tracker allows the ships to follow their prey through hyperspace if the enemy should manage to escape.


  • Glasscannon - With only basic defences, the ship is not capable of withstanding any form of capital ship punishment for even a short time.
  • The Rear - With nearly all of its major armament pointing forwards, its aft and engine section is not well equipped to deal with threats.
  • Chain Reaction- Powered by Sun Generators, a hit to them, them overheating or any interference to their equilibrium can cause a catastrophic explosion, destroying the ship and everything in its vicinity.
    • PHALANX - This effect is exponentially amplified should the ships be engaged in any of the PHALANX-Protocol orders.
  • Many Makes Might - On their own the ships will underperform even to comparatively weaker ships as they only gain actual strength in their formations.
  • Droids First - Due to the ship being 100% operated by droids, it has no amenities for organics at all, including no escape pods, medical facilities or sleeping quarters.


The Gorgon-class is the successor development and direct improvement on the Raptor Imperialis-class previously developed for deployment by Technocracy of Vandemar only, now expanded to be fielded with improved weaponry and some more systems by the Eternal Empire. Yet it remains a much cheaper production of overall build, engineering and construction quality than other, contemporary ships with the exception of its speed and offensive armaments.

On their own the Gorgon-class is not capable of taking on dedicated ships of the line, its meagre defences and vulnerable hull being easily pierced and its powering Sun Generator destroying the entire ship. It is in groups and formations that the Gorgon excels.

Its droid commanders follow the GEMINI frequency which enables them to coordinate fleet maneuvers without difficulties, focusing fire and maneuvering into favorably positions with precision and coordination. Their automatic behavior makes them capable of overpowering enemies in quick order if a frontal confrontation is chosen.

The PHALANX-Protocols are various formations and stances the combined units can assume and engage in. Each ship is designed to be able to connect through energy syphons with each other in specific orders for battle formations. Every ship is only capable to perform one order at the time.

Triarch Order - With the Triarch Order three ships line up to engage a single target without being slowed down or improving weaponry, but sharing scans, telemetry and sensors for improved accuracy and target selection to quickly overpower an enemy. Also utilised for pursuits.

Tetrarch Order - Four ships assume a circle, with one at the top, one at the bottom and one on each side. The smallest combined formation to be utilised. It is the smallest offensive battle order which is capable of utilising maximum weapons and shield power while sacrificing all speed and maneuverability.

Pentarch Order - Five ships a bow minimum, it is a line by all means with five or more ships in row. It is an idle formation which is used to conserve and recuperate energy and power as well as used for relocation.

Octarch Order - Eight ships form a circle to assume the most common and destructive offensive battle order. Empowering each other with maximum weapon and shield power to quickly destroy enemy fleet formations.

Polyarch Order - No specific order in itself, the Polyarch combines formations of similar orders for ease of command and control.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To recreate my old submissions for this warship for the Eternal Empire.
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Permissions: N/A
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Technical Information

Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Model: Gorgon-class Eternal Fleet Warship
Starship Class: Cruiser (500-1000m)
Starship Role: Other
Modular: No
Material: Various
Armaments: Very High
Defense Rating: Low
Speed Rating: Extreme
Maneuverability Rating:: Very Low
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 0
Cargo Capacity: Very Small
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