[member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Mirshko Betna"]
Siobhan pulled her thoughts away from getting nostalgic and reminiscing about the past. For that was what the Battle of Roche had been. Whenever she got like this it made her feel old and she most certainly was not old yet! After all, she was not even forty...though here and there a grey hair had appeared. Another reason why she dyed it.
So her small ship kept flying as it maintained a steady approach to the asteroid field. Siobhan was not a good pilot, so she left that job to the professionals. While her pilot, one of the many amazonian Firemane operatives she always seemed to end up hiring, by the name of Mei-Ling, steered the craft Siobhan opened up a comms channel and sent a quick message to the Mandal Hypernautics installation. Best to let the folks there know she was coming and transmit proper identification codes in order to avoid misunderstandings. Likewise she sent one to the Pathfinder. Siobhan did not know Arrbi Betna personally, but she knew his wife and considered her a friend.
"Gettin' all nostalgic again?" Mei-Ling suddenly broke the moderately awkward silence while she guided the ship. "Just sayin', you got that 'I was here, killed things, crashed a roof' look you." There was a sardonic edge to her voice, but Siobhan could appreciate a certain degree of irreverence.
"I did actually. On that asteroid over there. G99," Siobhan responded evenly, pointing at it. Well, obviously both would be unable to see the asteroid in question because space is fething huge and there were lots of asteroids floating around in space, but hey, let's not have realism interfere too much.
"Right. I heard. There was a holonet series 'bout the battle. The woman playing you was...taller," Mei-Ling joked. "That Jedi, what's her name again, [member="Phylis Alince"] and that redhead Republic soldier girl and [member="Delila Castillon"] fought there as well. Tell me, is there any truth to the Crimson Chronicles stories?" There was a bit of a glint in the woman's eyes.
Siobhan flushed slightly then shook her head. "Hate to disappoint, but no. Contrary to what certain fan fiction says, we did not do non-PG-13 things in my cabin after blowing the feth out of G99 and Sith. Phylis is a good friend though. She saved many lives on that day. Dells...used to be one. Don't know what she's doing these days," she said with a shrug.
"Aye, well, the fangirls will be disappointed."
"They'll survive it. And I was not getting nostalgic, just remembering. There's a difference. Nostalgia is for old people."
"Well...you are sort of getting..."
"My dear, I think the Vandelhelm garrison could use a new member. Would you like to go there?" Siobhan asked deadpan with a completely straight face.
"Right, boss. You're a beautiful, young queen. My apologies for being disrespectful of your royal persona."