Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gotislyn Moltke

NAME: Gotislyn Moltke

RANK: former cult member


AGE: 20

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5’11”

WEIGHT: 187 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black

SKIN: white

Force skills: mind trick 4/10, telekinesis 2/10 force sense4/10



Strengths: Skilled fighter; Gotislyn is a skilled swordsman, and highly proficient with most blasters.
Tactical mind: Gotislyn has shown promise as a commander, and is constantly thinking.

Weaknesses: Insomniac: Gotislyn has trouble sleeping, often causing tiredness during the day, leading to dulled senses and slowed reactions
Quick to anger: Gotislyn will not take any offense lightly, and is easily enraged.

Gotislyn keeps a vibroblade on him or near him at all times. He dresses formally often, with outfits resembling some flamboyant military uniforms from the distant past. He also wears gloves, hiding the markings on his hands.

Gotyslin was born to wealthy parents on Corusant, who sent him to a private academy. When he was old enough He enlisted in the Galactic republic’s military, but dropped out of the academy. When he returned home he was ostracized by his parents and began to stay put of the house more and more often, though he still studied with a private tutor, and extensively practiced with a blade. At the age of 17 Gotislyn began to get involved with a cult, introduced to him by his then girlfriend. He soon was fully inducted, and the inductions involved several markings being seared into his palms. The leader of the cult, who dabbled in the dark side, recognized Gotislyn’s force sensitivity and began training him. Gotislyn was tortured in an effort to fuel his dark side abilities. When Gotislyn was 19, his parents ,oved to Dantooine, taking Gotislyn with them. During his time on Dantooine, Gotislyn realized the lies he had been told by the cult, and returned to Corusant. When there, he returned to the cult, and locked the doors during a meeting. Gotislyn killed every member of the cult, and fled the scene. Gotislyn continued to wander the galaxy, before returning to Dantooine to comfort his dying mother, who had lost her husband just a month earlier. After the death of his mother, Gotislyn used his inheritance to begin funding his travels.

Items of note: 4’6” vibro blade and scabbard, blaster pistol, knife



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