Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gotta start somewhere...


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
Andrey flew out of the door, dropping to his knees and skidding along the ground. "AND STAY OUT!" He looked back at the bouncer, wiping the blood from the corner of his lip. He got up to his feet and spat at the establishment, smirking. "Didn't want to play here... -hic- anyway..." Forlorn and slightly drunk, he leaned against the wall and slid down, pulling his guitar case to his side and opening it, removing the large guitar. He began strumming and singing one of his favorite songs in his native language.
Harvi Kwen sauntered down the streets of the city planet, hands in the pockets of his red smugglers pants. His twin DT-29 heavy blaster pistols bounced rhythmically against his thighs. He was smiling, an insane grin that encouraged most people to avert their eyes. No that he cared. He had finished his smuggling delivery, and now with time on his hands he was looking for some fun. Ahead of him, he saw a rather interesting looking bar.

"My kind of place," he said, smiling wider as he contemplated a nice drink. He was about to enter when suddenly a young man with a ange looking case on his back came flying out of the door. Harvi's eyes tracked the young man as he hit, slid, and engaged words with the bartender before slumping against the wall and beginning to play a strange instrument. Harvi walked up to him and listened to the music for a moment before speaking.

"Whatcha do, boyo?" he asked, "Put pepper in his drink?" Harvi smiled his insane grin, madness and laughter sparkling behind his sapphire eyes.


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
Andrey looked up to the voice from above him, eyeing down the oddly colorful guy with his hazel pools. "No no, nothing like that, Bre. This place doesn't exactly... appreciate 'friendliness' here. On top of that I'm not very popular here." He smiled and shifted to squat, with his heels to the ground. "The name's Andrey. Andrey Yevtushenko."

[member="Harvi Kwen"]


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
Andrey lifted the instrument. "What, this? This is my guitar. I made her out of fine Kriin-wood from Alderaan... when it still existed." He flashed a warm smile to Harvi before setting his guitar back beside him. "So what's a nice guy like yourself doing out here?"

[member="Harvi Kwen"]


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
"Really now? Hmn.. well, it just so happens I know of a place where they appreciate friendly faces. Would you care to join me, tovarisch?" Andrey's thick accent showed well in the last word he used. He picked himself up, packing his guitar in its case and slinging it onto his back.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
Andrey chatted with Harvi as they walked, eventually reaching the Slovanka Nightclub. As the two entered, they saw many peoples of different cultures, species, and ethnicity chatting, drinking, and enjoying themselves. "Let's find a table, hmm?"

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
"Yeah, lets!" Harvi said, plopping down in the first one he saw. He waved his hand towards one of the waitresses.

"Two Corellians, love!" he called. The girl brought two bottles of Corellian whiskey and placed them in front of the two young men.

"So!" Harvi said, kicking back his bottle and taking a long swig, "You got kicked out cause they didn't like your friendliness? Whatcha do, offer deathsticks at a discount?" Harvi grinned his insane smile and kicked the bottle back again.


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
He took a swig of the drink in front of him, nodding no as he gulped. "Nothing like that. I uhh... how do I put this... I sort of.. got in trouble for flirting with one of the waiters." He tried to hide his face in his beanie, slumping down in the seat.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
Harvi's eyebrows rose over the end of his bottle. He put the bottle down and laughed.

"Well then," he said, "That's a new one alright! What happened, did the guy not reciprocate?" Harvi chuckled a few more times before draining the last of his bottle.


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
"I think he appreciated the compliments... management didn't seem to like it though." Andrey gulped down the last bit of his drink, setting it back down with a clank.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
Harvi grinned again. Then, suddenly, his chrono beeped.

"Snap," he said, standing up, "I'm afraid I have to dash, places to be and things to do. It was a pleasure, mate." Leaving behind his share of the bill. Harvi gave a quick salute and strode out of the cantina.

That'll do it for me. It was great RP'ing with you!


Singer and Wanderer Extraordinaire
"You too, bre. See ya around."
Andrey flashed a quick smile before saluting back, setting his portion of the bill on the counter.

[member="Harvi Kwen"]
It was great Rp'ing with ya too!

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