defy the tyrannous stars
Overseen by the Chief of State.
IC Restricted Rank for GA Government
Current Ministers:
The Galactic Alliance has a very simple state order.
Planets are welcome to join. When they join, Worlds joining the Alliance must contribute to some key budgets: defence, aid, and health primarily. They must sign up to several key charters on Sentient Rights, but otherwise are left to themselves. They get bonuses in trade and most worlds have increased their economy by being part of the safety and trade agreements offered by membership above the costs.
Planets are permitted to have their own governance structures in place for selecting leadership. Each planetary government selects one individual to act as Governor, whether that person is the head of state or a specially appointed representative, to serve on the Galactic Alliance Assembly and represent their people in matters of deliberation concerning foreign policy and economic affairs.
The Assembly makes up the Alliance's legislative body, although Governors do not hold as much power or influence as Senators in more republican systems since for the most part each member worlds' domestic affairs are largely autonomous.
Galactic Alliance Advisory Council
Strategic Intelligence Service
Overseen by the Chief of State.
IC Restricted Rank for GA Government
- Minister: Details a leader in the government / political section.
- Governor
- Deputy
- Ambassador
- Any planetary leader overseeing a world within GA Space. This may include various systems of Government: Monarchs, Presidents, Commissioner, etc.
Current Ministers:
The Galactic Alliance has a very simple state order.
Planets are welcome to join. When they join, Worlds joining the Alliance must contribute to some key budgets: defence, aid, and health primarily. They must sign up to several key charters on Sentient Rights, but otherwise are left to themselves. They get bonuses in trade and most worlds have increased their economy by being part of the safety and trade agreements offered by membership above the costs.
Planets are permitted to have their own governance structures in place for selecting leadership. Each planetary government selects one individual to act as Governor, whether that person is the head of state or a specially appointed representative, to serve on the Galactic Alliance Assembly and represent their people in matters of deliberation concerning foreign policy and economic affairs.
The Assembly makes up the Alliance's legislative body, although Governors do not hold as much power or influence as Senators in more republican systems since for the most part each member worlds' domestic affairs are largely autonomous.
Galactic Alliance Advisory Council
Strategic Intelligence Service