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Approved Lore Government of Balmorra

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Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Be Our Guest (Takes place on Balmorra with the Governor)
Banking on It (Takes place in Senator's office on Balmorra)


(Flag of Balmorra)


The planetary governmental structure of Balmorra is based loosely on other democratically elected planetary governments throughout Alliance territory. The planetary populace is divided into 22 districts who each elected a representative to the planetary legislature known as the Balmorran Assembly which makes up the legislative branch. Each Assembly Member is elected to a term of 2 years, renewable indefinitely. This legislature is given the power to declare treaties (a power that is now defunct with the planet's alignment with the Alliance) and set laws for the planet according to Alliance regulations. Typically this assembly is made up of a mixture of corporate and citizen interests and is usually split equally along those two distinct "party" lines.​

The planet also collectively elects an executive officer called the Governor of Balmorra who appoints a council of planetary figures to help
dispense with the daily duties of governance. Collectively, this group of individuals is known as the Office of the Governor of Balmorra. The Governor, and by extension, his council serve a term of 4 years which is renewable four times. The Governor of Balmorra also regularly consults and cooperates with the democratically elected Senator of Balmorra who is elected by the populace to represent the planet in the Galactic Alliance Senate. While the Governor is generally free to do as they please in terms of the dispensation of government, the opinion of the Alliance Senator holds tremendous weight in the final decision of most politically savvy Governors.​
The planet regularly elects a Senator of Balmorra to represent planetary interests in the Galactic Alliance Senate and vests within that individual tremendous power to negotiate on behalf of Balmorra. The Senator is elected to an eight-year term which is renewable indefinitely and while they are instructed to consult with planetary government, they are not bound by Balmorran law to do so and have often been instrumental in influencing planetary policy as a result of their wide range of authority. When Senators do occasionally disregard their Government's advice on a given issue it is typically in favor of advice that more greatly benefits the planet or Alliance as a whole. This has occasionally caused tensions in the government.​
The judicial authority of Balmorra is often relegated to the Galactic Alliance Senate, though each of the 22 districts elects a magistrate to handle lower-level disputes. The magistrates have the authority to enforce planetary and Alliance law within their district. However, in the event of a serious crime against Alliance law, the prisoner is held and transferred to be tried on Coruscant. Outside of their duties to enforce the law or settle small disputes between citizens, they are also given the authority to bed, give a blessing, collect taxes, and distribute alms to the poor.​
  • Headquarters: Bin Prime the crown jewel of Balmorra, despite decades of destruction from outside forces, Balmorra was finally able to
    repair many of their ancient structures and even add numerous ned towers and economic districts. At the top level of Bin Prime is a massive dome topped with a tower that holds all of the planet's governmental functions. Both the Senator and Governor have offices on the upper floors. The Assembly meets regularly at the base of the tower have their own offices in the lower levels of the tower. The upper level of the capital is home to some of the most elite dignitaries on the planet with luxury restaurants, hotels, and embassies. The lover levels are residential and include shops, good and entertaining. The lowermost levels operate power plants and factories.
  • Domain: The Government of Balmorra lays legitimate claim to all lands encompassed within their sphere of influence on the Planet of Balmorra. They are a body of officials elected by the planetary populace to serve their interests.
  • Notable Assets: The Government of Balmorra reserves the right to grant a license to corporations who wish to establish factories or headquarters on their planet and reserves the right to revoke those licenses. Like most former fortress worlds leftover from the rule of the Empire, Balmorra has salvaged these weapons for planetary defense and intends to expand this defensive array with the help of the Alliance. The Government of Balmorra currently remains in command of a planetary shield and 3 turbo lasers that we were repurposes and stationed around the wide premier of Bin Prime.
  • Hierarchy: The Government of Balmorra is divided between the majority and minority party which is constantly in flux between the corporations who dominate most of Balmorra's economic sector and the workers who fill those factories. By law, the Governor is co-equal with the Assembly and local Magistrates, while the Senator is subservient to all three. However, in practice, the Senator for the planet is the de facto representative of planetary interests followed by the Governor and then the Assembly and then the Magistrates respectively.
  • Membership: 51 people make up the planetary government of Balmorra with 22 Assemblymembers, 22 Magistrates, 5 Executive Council Members, 1 Governor, and 1 Senator.
  • Climate: Balmorra has long been a planet recognized for their industrious attitude. For millions of years, factories have risen, fallen, and been replaced as they've worked for the ruling government power at the time. Their democratic spirit developed over centuries of planetary authority changing hands from the fair and representative treatment of the various democracies to the harsh and almost slave-like lives they led under Sith. Together, these experiences have made the people of Balmorra loyal to the ideals of freedom, democracy, and free trade.
  • Reputation: For the most part the people of Balmorra trust, or at least accept, the Government of Balmorra. As the planet has become more centrist, they have vested the majority of their trust in the Senator of Balmorra with nominal support for planetary politicians. The Governor typically has the support of the Senator which influences the public opinion of governance.
  • Curios: Most members of the planetary government wear a gold pin of the planetary emblem.
  • Rules: The planetary government was founded during the time of the Old Republic and was formalized with the creation of the Charter of the Peoples of Balmorra which provides for the basic rights of sentients on the planet, establishes the electoral process, and designates taxation authority. Currently, the planetary laws are superseded by the Common Charter of the Galactic Alliance when planetary laws are in conflict with the laws of the Alliance.
  • Goals: To unite the peoples of Balmorra under a single unitary code of law both during and without extraplanetary alignment with a faction such as the Alliance. The Government of Balmorra is the social contract by which all Balmorran people agree to coexist in harmony, respecting the sentient rights and trade agreements of others. This government is also, crucially, the final word on all planetary work contracts with are a major point of administration for the planet.
Adhira Chandra - Senator
NPC - Governor
TBD (Any Can Join)

In the earliest days of the Galaxy, the planet of Balmorra was considered by galactic powers to be both strategically placed. It was also rich with natural resources required to conduct the massive industrial projects necessary to fuel a new galactic government. While initially, a simple colony of their more barbaric sister planet, Humbarine, lack of technological advances on stellar travel made it quite easy for the Balmorran's, a mixture of different species, to claim independence and begin to profit from the fruits of their own labors. The earliest governments of Balmorra were formed around ideals of representative democracy and their culture was geared toward a multitude of scientific and artistic pursuits. These traits would later give Balmorran's an industrious spirit and a strong love for democracy.​
As the galaxy spun on, Balmorra made greater developments in technology and in their form of government. The Consul (which would eventually evolve into the modern-day Governor) of Balmorra readily accepted the Republics' offer to join them and Balmorra's already quite advanced weapon-making capabilities would long serve Republic interests. From there, Balmorra and thus its system of government went through a myriad of alterations. Whenever they were lead by a democratic power such as the Old Republic, they improved on their approach to democracy. In the absence of free wills, such as when the Sith ruled, the Balmorrans were little more than slaves working on fortress worlds.​
Under the protection of the Alliance, their preference for democracy has returned with what they believe to be an optimum system that prevents conflict between planetary and galactic rule. This same form of thinking has convinced most to support centrist ideals on the galactic scale.​
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Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra

Since this is a work in progress submission, I have moved it to precodex.

Any submission posted in Lore/NPC/Planet/Species Creation must already be finished and ready for judging. Precodex is the place for WIP subs.

Once you've filled out all the fields in submission, tag a member of Codex staff and the submission will be moved to Lore Creation for live judging.
Need proper source links for images 1, 2 and 3 so that it's clear where you got them from and, if possible, who the original artist is. Like you did with the Dragon Age link.
  • Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]

Image 1 seems to be from here:

Image 2:

Image 3:

You also need a source link for this image:

Found one here:

  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
Please hyperlink Galactic Alliance.

Also since this submission is all about how Balmorra is governed, please provide a link to the planet's Wookieepedia page.

  • Goals: To formalize a bit of lore concerning Alliance planet Balmorra which is a canon planet with a relatively scare lore. I also wanted to be able to use this as a way to bring together other people who play Balmorra.
I believe there's a misunderstanding here. What you've written here is ooc intent (which you describe in the Intent section). But this section is about the organisation's IC goals. In short, what the goals of Balmorra's government are.

Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
Elpsis Kerrigan Elpsis Kerrigan John Locke John Locke

This submission is ready. I made the following changes:
  1. Changed the Planet Emblem at the top of the submission.
  2. Changed the link to the Planet Emblem.
  3. Added a link to the Planet Flag
  4. Credited Jae for the creation of the emblem and flag.
  5. Added an image of the Balmorran Flag with a caption.
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