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GR-125 "Gun'oi" Armed Transport

Image Source: Google search for "Amarr Destroyer" then modified with Gimp.
Affiliation: Open Market
Manufacturer: Gallofree Yards Inc
Model: GR-125 "Gun'oi" Armed Transport
Modularity: Cargo area very modular, engineering and controls fixed
Production: Mass produced
Material: Solarium Glasteel, Bronzium, Durasteel, Hydroformed Permacrete,
Classification: Medium Transport (Frigate)
Length: 200m
Width: 40m
Height: 50m
Reactor: GR-a2b Solar Ionization Reactor (1)
Main Engines: GF-T1 Fusial Engines (4)
Secondary Engines: Nimble-5 Ion Engine (4)

Armament: 10 (fighter / Gunboat) 4 (captial)
(12) - QQ-T-05 "Hushaby" Rotary Ion Cannon
Defenses: 6
Standard Durasteel armor
Civilian shields
Hangar: No hanger

Special Features:
Extendable maneuvering struts to improve maneuverability.
"Little" River Type Tractor/Pressor
Massive hauling ability for size - 88,300 metric tons
Resu Navigators suite
Liquid metallic hydrogen avionics and conduits
Biolux series Organoform Circuitry and Calor Series Bio Computers

Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class: .8 (Zephyr hyperdrive)

+EM and Ion weapon resistant - Liquid metallic hydrogen technology greatly reduces the effectiveness of Ion and EM weapons. (50% effectiveness reduction)
+Unique defenses - Wedge deflection shields and River-type Tractor/Pressor
Emplacement designed to redirect enemy fire and incoming smaller vessels.
+Emergency speed - When needed the Nimble-5 Ion Engine can provide a quick burst of speed increasing the rating by +2 while reducing maneuverability by the same.
+Interdiction Resistant - Zephyr hyperdrive. gives the ship a strong resistance to interdiction.
- Limited range - Equipped with Ion, TibannaX or some combination of the two it needs to refuel often by either dropping out to normal space and allowing time for its' Solar Ionization reactor to recharge for to refill TibannaX tanks as rated refinery.
- Hauler, not a fighter - Though armed it is not meant to go toe to toe with other ships of its' size
- Heavy Maintainance requirements - With exotic components, it is a ship that requires a lot of maintenance and not all spaceports are equipped to address its' unique abilities.
- Glass - Ship is not well armored to save on weight and help with speed.

Description: The next model in the GR line the "125" was buit to provide extreamly large cargo capacity to remote system with smaller sized docking facilities. Though the size of a small firgate its' think design and improved maneuverability allows it to fit into slips that would be to small for a vessel of its' size.

To power this vessel Gallofree acquired plans for the venerable I-a2b solar ionization reactor and reworked it into the GR-a2b reactor that is recharged by the Bronzium plated Solarium Glasteel panels that adorn the ships outer hull and windows. Power is also produced by GF-T1 Fusial Engines which along with the Nimble-5 Ion Engine provide the sublight propulsion for this vessel.

All of the components above, though unique, are not far out of the norm. Though they may use exotic materials and fuels each serves a unique purpose and duty. Continuing this trend and to make the ship a true interstellar transport each "125" is fit with a Zephyr hyperdrive. With its' unique design it not only allows the "125" to go slightly faster in hyperspace but give the ship a strong resistance to interdiction as well, both needed traits in the outback.

Without access to advanced shield technology Bryce augmented what they had in a unique way. Instead of just having conventional deflector shields which cover the whole ship in a protective shell. Bryce created a way to tune the shield emitters to create a deflection wedge. Not when deployed the shield do no stop or absorb incoming fire but instead steer it away from the ship with layers of overlapping magnetic fields. While greatly more effective than traditional shields it does have its drawbacks, namely this level of protection can't cover the whole ship and will live area without shield cover if attacked my multiple opponents.

The last level of defense lies in the ingenious tractor system build into every ship. Based off the
River-type Tractor/Pressor Emplacement the "little" river is optimized to both attract and deflect attacking fighters and gunships. With the capabilities to handle ships up to and including its' own size it used this system when attacked to deflect, throwback, simply push them out of the way as it makes its' escape.

One of the most remarkable parts of this ship is built just below the bridge for you see this ship has no nav computer or any major electronics processor at all. Instead what lies at the heart of the "125" is the navigator's suite. Filled with distilled hydrogen infused water it housed one of the greatest undiscovered treasures in the galaxy. The Resu navigators and their Liquid metallic hydrogen technology. For you see instead of circuits and conduits of metal and plastoid. Large arteries of the "live metal" flow through the ship allowing these unique masters of electric "feel" the ship as if it was part of their own body. With cybernetically altered minds and a natural feel for three-dimensional navigation a brood of four or more are able to operate all system onboard the ship just as a host of computers would, but with the understanding and wisdom that only a sentient mind can bring. An added bonus to this setup is each conduit is contained in a plasma field of pure water. Water itself is an insulator and shields the conductive metallic hydrogen as an inert insulator. This has the net effect of greatly reduces the strength of most ion and electrical attacks and renders hacking a difficult task given the foreign nature of the design. Now where conventional system are still needed Gallofree uses Biolux series Organoform Circuitry to bridge the gap and allow almost any tech to function with the "125's" unique avionics.
Development Thread: NA

Intent: Build another freighter to use in the unique confines of the outback.
Who Can Use This: Mass produced

Primary Source: This ship is a continuation of the GR line noted here -

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