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Character GR-2A



GR-2A serving on the CIS capital world of Geonosis some time before he was found by the Mandalorians (Credit)

Designation: GR-2A

Model: CIS B-2 Super Battle Droid (Heavily Modified)

Faction: Sons of Mandalore, Deathwatch Crusade

Clan: Kryze

Age: Unknown (Physical), roughly 10 (Programming)

Sex: Male Programming

Height: 2.13 Meters

Weight: 126 Kilograms


Very Strong Armour: 2A's already sturdy frame built of alusteel was reinforced in vital areas by his master using small amounts of beskar. Taking down GR-2A with a simple blaster rifle is highly improbable.

Limited Flight Capabilities: 2A's model comes with a built in jet-pack that can sustain flight for up to an hour, a useful feature for working alongside fellow Mandalorians.

EMP Resistance: 2A's alusteel frame gives him increased resistance to Ion and EMP weapons, but not an immunity.


Slow Moving, Large Target: His heavy and wide build means that when walking, GR-2A is much slower than a bipedal humanoid and his build is easily recognizable and easy to hit.

Haughty: Since GR-2A's primary programming is to follow the Resol'nare to the best of his abilities, 2A often perceives himself as above other Mandalorians since they do not have the Six Actions literally embedded in them.

Droid: For all the good that being a battle droid does for 2A, it also means he is an automatic outcast among his people. Although his creator was Mandalorian and he programmed 2A to be as Mandalorian as a droid can be, many (though not all) consider 2A to not possess a soul, therefore being dar'manda.


Built by a scientist of Clan Kryze before the onset of the Great Galactic War from a salvaged Confederate Droid, GR-2A's sole purpose was to fight the enemies of the Mando'ade. Although his original designation as a battle droid is unknown, his master gave him a new designation that sounded like the Mando'a word for vengeance, Gra'tua. The droid body underwent extensive modification to create this new weapon of war. It would think faster than a super battle droid and have a great deal more of autonomy by relaxing the restraints of it's life preservation programming. In addition to this, the Resol'nare was made a key part of 2A's code both following it and fighting for the Mandalorian Empire were his primary functions.

Although he was complete by the time the Sith Empire arrived on Mandalore, his use had yet to be green-lit by the Mandalorian army and he primarily served as a guard for his master and Clan Kryze in general. When the Sith came to Mandalore his master feared that his creation would either be destroyed or taken away, so he deactivated and sealed the droid in his lab. What happened to 2A's master is unknown, but 2A is certain the man is dead.

When the Mandalorians came back to liberate their home in 862 ABY, GR-2A was found by Mandalorian Union. Without a master to serve, he pledged himself to Mandalore the Reclaimer. His goal is to fulfill his name sake as the Vengeance of the Mandalorian Empire...

-Built in jet-pack
-Wrist-mounted blasters

Coming Soon
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