Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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GR structure

Hello hello,

This post is meant to adress the discussions from the threads regarding the new charter proposal and the discussion about head of state title, Prime minister vs Supreme Chancellor title discussion.

I am taging those who had posted in those threads but anyone is of course welcome to chim in.
[member="Ellya"] [member="Commander Lusk"] [member="Tonald Drump"] [member="Ordon Trozky"]
[member="Alyesa Organa"] [member="Jack Sparrow"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"] [member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Faith Balor-Organa"]
[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Gir Quee"]

The charter suggestion that is written by [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] has been reviewed by myself before she posted it and any changes suggested here does not reflect as something against Faiths style or wish to bring quality into this.
This is but a continued reflection on how the faction should function. It was also the entire purpose of why I also suggested to Faith to post it in the forum for input. Hence I am glad there has been a discussion. We will never find a solution that everyone feels is perfect however and we need to start moving things forward.

The staff has the following idea on these matters.

An IC charter is great Role Play support for everyone striving for political active characters and should definitely reflect the complex world of democracy that makes the Republic into what it is. There is however problems when mirroring this in too realistic manners. Writers go on LOA, five writers cant reflect the will of dozens of systems, and thus OOC will always be there out of necessity.

1 . Head of state
It appears that the title Supreme Chancellor is more popular then Prime Minister and it is our suggestion to re-install that title.

2. the jedi Order and the GR
The Jedi order is a faction on its own. But they are close allies as described and agreed upon by both myself and [member="Corvus Raaf"] here.
The text describing the Jedi Order as a plot device should be removed. The Jedi Grand Master and the Supreme chancellor will however have a direct line of communication and the Grand Master will serve as a advisory to the Surpeme Chancellor on request.

3. The role of the Head of state
As for how to choose the SC we believe that the right way is to elect a PC character for the role. We have discussed if the role should be given to the Faction Owner or a Faction Admin since that also reflects a will of the members and would make leading the faction easier on many aspects. Faction staff is also assumed to be of the more active members of a faction which is good for these roles. But we decided against that for now. Should this system prove to be ineffective or otherwise hurt the faction in the long run we as faction must perhaps reconsider.

3b. The role of the Vice
To ensure some sort of staff presence in the IC top-decisions which often are balancing on OOC decisions our approach would be to have a vice chancellor as NPC. The Vice Chancellor will be controlled by the faction staff and can step in should the IC leadership fall inactive or if the current IC leadership pulls out of order stuff that the staff need to have some sort of bearing to handle. Hence the Vice Chancellor can veto the Supreme chancellor. This is meant to be an emergency break as well as to ensure a continued IC leadership in times when no members are actively driving it. This reasoning have been posted in the faction description found here as well.

4. Minister roles
We should definitely have minister roles as well. This promotes Role Play and offer "career" possibilities for everyone. These should be appointed by the Supreme Chancellor ICly. As head of state the the SC has the right to form his or hers government. But, naturally there should be room for ooc requests from members that would like to see a certain type of ministry. The Supreme chancellor can also fire a minister (albeit the vice can veto that should there be valid OOC and/or IC reasons for it). A minister in her turn can employ staff for various jobs that should suit her office. We cant be to specific since it would be impossible to handle as a writer community but for instance it makes sense that a minister of foreign politics can appoint ambassadors and the Minister of intelligence can appoint a head of the Republic Intelligence. The Supreme Chancellor (and if need be the vice) can also appoint these titles if no minister handles it.
(on the topic - The Supreme Commander (the boss over the entire military is appointed by the SC but if anyone is appointed as "Minister of war" this can of course be discussed).
Ministers can be overruled by the SC, although that should be handled with care and classy manners and not abused by the writer of the SC.
Ministers also maintain their role as senator - this to ensure the senate does not disappear entirely if we get too many ministers.

5. Senators
There will be problems if we stick with having senators originate only from the world they represent. So that senators can come from one world and represent another is something we will enforce. The system for this has been described in the senator roster found here as well.
The senate will continue to be the instance to create new laws and be an arena for debates.
The election of Supreme Chancellor is also an IC election handled in the senate and it is also in the senate that a SC can be IC questioned and a re-election declared.
Should there be OOC reasons for shifting the SC (Like activity issues) the staff will handle the removal but the senate will again select a new SC via an IC election.

6. The military
Very cool dudes and dudesses. Will be lead by the Supreme Commander that is appointed by the SC. The Supreme Commander then appoints a Grand Admiral and a Grand General (if there is an interest for the roles) to share the fun and open career possibilities in the military as well.
Also explained here.

How above points are written in a charter would be left for the one presenting it IC. The charter suggestion posted by [member="Faith Balor-Organa"] can be found here and have a solid ground but would need to be adjusted a bit to fit in.
Perhaps a charter does not need to bring up OOC rules at all but rather make a OOC addendum with a link to the OOC rules to seperate OOC from IC.

Should no one forward an IC charter we will still use these rules for the faction anyway to make it ground to move forward on.
All things are perhaps not addressed either but we feel its what is needed to go forward.

Should no major issue be pointed out here this is how we will try to form up in the faction. Nothing is ever written in stone and things can of course be re-evaluated in the future.

That said - we are naturally open for input on these things again. Its our faction (not a single writers) but as mentioned I don't think we can make everyone feel this will be perfect. Our hope is to bring the faction forward and we are in need of some sort of launch pretty soon.

With love
Faction staff
I only have one suggestion, or mere statement, whatever.

Minister Roles.

Minister of Finance (Oversees the budget, etc)

Minister of Defense (Would presumably work with the Supreme Chancellor and Supreme Commander on Military Affairs and budget)

Minister of Security and Intelligence (Speaks for itself but this role needs to be clearly defined as to prevent abusive behavior)

Minister of Foreign Relations (Like a top ambassador)

Minister of Judicial something or another (I believe [member="Jack Sparrow"] was our Chairman of this when it was a Council)

There was an extensive description and layout that might be archived somewhere or hidden to which you can refer to and modify.
Since the Jedi Order apparently does not even want its name associated with the GR, I'm not sure why we even bother providing for them in the charter. How an external and independent group would have any right to execute any form of law within the Republic makes no sense.


Alyesa Organa said:
I only have one suggestion, or mere statement, whatever.

Minister Roles.

Minister of Finance (Oversees the budget, etc)

Minister of Defense (Would presumably work with the Supreme Chancellor and Supreme Commander on Military Affairs and budget)

Minister of Security and Intelligence (Speaks for itself but this role needs to be clearly defined as to prevent abusive behavior)

Minister of Foreign Relations (Like a top ambassador)

Minister of Judicial something or another (I believe [member="Jack Sparrow"] was our Chairman of this when it was a Council)

There was an extensive description and layout that might be archived somewhere or hidden to which you can refer to and modify.
We could definately expand on the minister roles if folks pick up an interest but for now we need to just get the general bearing of this without hammering down too many details, me thinks. ;)
Geneviève Lasedri said:
Since the Jedi Order apparently does not even want its name associated with the GR, I'm not sure why we even bother providing for them in the charter. How an external and independent group would have any right to execute any form of law within the Republic makes no sense.


The relationship is an ic one as agreed upon here: Link
The jedi got no law enforcing power, nor any official posts in the republic.
If the jedi order does not want to support the GR it is their choice. I see no readon why the GR should push them away. They are mere advisors to the reps on occasion. Might have missed something though?
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"] - [member="Mantic Dorn"]

Maybe I missed that too?

IC and OOC nothing has changed. TJO serves the GR. They uphold the Republic laws. They are not above the law and have to comply with the same restrictions as any citizen.


Honor the Law
One of the most important roles of the Jedi was to protect the peace and justice of the Republic, and so no Jedi was above the law. Jedi were expected to follow the law the same as they expected others to. Jedi were permitted to break laws, but only when it was required, and only if they were willing to suffer the consequences…

Duty To The Republic
Although the Jedi and the Republic were dissimilar, and the Jedi Order had no authority over the Republic, the Jedi served the Republic, and were expected to uphold its laws and ideals, and to protect its citizens. However, members of the Order held no rank in Republic hierarchy, and only served when asked; at all other times they stepped aside. This strange agreement between the two parties had stood for so long that no one knew how or why it had come about.

I don't think it can be any clearer :)

As I once explained it, all that has happened is that instead of living in the GR's spare bedroom, we now live in our own shed next door.
We need a Minister to Represent the businesses that are associated with the Republic, someone who hears their concerns, and voices them. Some one who can pick up the holo and reassure them that everything is alright.
Corvus Raaf said:
all that has happened is that instead of living in the GR's spare bedroom, we now live in our own shed next door.
The Galactic Alliance. Right.

And if their duty is to the Republic, then they would be... stationed in the Republic... where they could be called upon at a moment's notice... instead of a place literally tens of thousands of lightyears away.

Corvus Raaf said:
They uphold the Republic laws.

Corvus Raaf said:
One of the most important roles of the Jedi was to protect the peace and justice of the Republic
So they are not dissimilar to police... which have to be provided for within laws.

Neither factions are mine, and I no longer hold a position of authority within the Republic. But none of this makes sense, none of it sounds like the Jedi Order in any of its incarnations, and I will leave it at that.
Moving things ahead a bit here,

It seems most of the input has been around ministers and their roles. I think we will leave that to a seperate discussion in the near future.
As for jedi, Above description gives them no autorhity other then on request. However, senate votes might change that of course.

The suggestion above will be left for a while longer to allow further input but if nothing crucial happens we will soon open a IC voting for the next Head of state.
To make it fair and avoid party crashers, established Senators listed in the senate roster are allowed to vote.

If you have been Role Playing a senator for a while but missed the roster I would recomend that you headed over to the roster and applied for a position to avoid unecessary misunderstandings. :)
Senate Roster link

The process will first start with a nomination and once the nominated has accepted a new thread for the actual vote will follow.

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