Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graasszt Vok

Graasszt Vok



NAME: Graasszt Vok


RANK: None.

SPECIES: Trandoshan.

AGE: 37

SEX: Male.



HEIGHT: 1.9m/6'2"

WEIGHT: 79kg/174lbs

EYES: Orange.

SKIN: White, yellow, black.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: Graasszt is a typical tall, slender Trandoshan male, with dominantly white scales covered in yellow and black striations. His chest, neck, hands, and arms are covered in Trandoshan prison tattoos that mimic various scenes in prison in traditional Trandoshan iconography. He is typically seen wearing casual Trandoshan cultural attire.





Ship, a small Trandoshan cargo hauling ship turned into a smuggler.




+ Criminal Mastermind
Graasszt knows the ins and outs of the criminal world, and now that's he's finally working for himself he can put his skills to use in an unrestricted manner. From small time robberies to multimillion credit grand theft starship jobs, Graasszt has a plan.

+ Brave
Graasszt may be a scummy low life, but he can stick to the fight when the going gets tough.


- Untrustworthy
Graasszt doesn't come off as the type of person you can expect to keep a promise.

- Allegiance to Creds
Graasszt will betray anyone over a slightly higher pay raise unless given further incentive to not do so otherwise.

- Spice Junkie.
This low life has a penchant for the hard narcotic known as Spice.

- Ends Justify the Means.
Graasszt will accomplish the mission regardless of how it affects others.



Graasszt's origins are not noteworthy nor interesting. He's a Trandoshan that simply found a different type of quarry to hunt: other people's wallets. He's been in an out of prison working for the Hutts, and now that he's paid his debt to society, he's ready to rack up some more.

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