Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Grain Across the Stars

Jasmine waited patiently in her entrance hall of her little humble home. Sitting down while eating the occasional berry, held in a bowl by one of her dozen servant droids. She lived quite comfortably on her home station, over 5,500 square meters of lavish living, filled with expensive decor, furniture, and luxurious amenities. She had bought it during her tenure as a District Manager within the Jamouran government, she had helped the company that had launched these space station mansions, and in return, she was given a handsome fee and a generous discount, all under the table of course. Jasmine's entire financial portfolio had been created from bribery, illegal solicitation, and tax evasion, with some large donations form her wealthy parents of course. With a generous salary as District Manager, and now Viceroy of Jamoura, as well as some kind've illegal dealings, she had created a large sum of wealth, and thats where Arcon Multinode Agricorp came in. She had bought the company to explain for the increase in wealth, which she would slowly display in the coming months. But she needed to forge deals, expand operations, and create profits if it was going to cover her shady affairs, as well as earn some money on the side. So she had invited @Ra'a'mah to her floating palace to create a trade deal with the Metal Lords.

Jasmine constantly checked around to see if everything was in order, the droids well placed, the house cleaned, the food prepared. Finally she stood up on her own to check her outfit, she had chosen something loose with the futile hopes of hiding her very large, and very short, figure. Jasmine frowned, her weight was always a pest, but she never did anything about it. Her affinity for self indulgence, and her coping mechanism of binge eating, made it near impossible to live a healthy lifestyle. So she rarely bothered. Jasmine brushed off her clothes for imaginary dust, trying to find something to do. Finally, her primary servant approached Jasmine, "The dignitary has arrived in orbit, she will dock within a minute, mistress." Jasmine took a deep breath, "Finally, I thought I'd be waiting all damn day. Make sure everything is prepared for their arrival, entertaining our guest is your first priority." The servant droid bowed, and returned to his duties. Leaving Jasmine to greet the guest.
Some of those within the Metal Lords approved of relations with people within the Confederacy while others did not. Not being a droid and one of the few organics within the faction, Ra'a'mah Numare had no strong feeling either way on the matter. To her business had to be done, even if one did not necessarily agree with the personal views of the other person. So when she needed to arrange for new routes for them that went through CIS space, she was contacted by a woman named Jasmine Zittoun.

She was the Viceroy of Jamoura within the Confederacy so in a position of a high enough rank to make decisions for the faction. Before they met, Ra looked up her history. Better to know about the person before meeting them. Less chance for mistakes or being taken advantage of. From what Ra could learn from general sources, Jasmine was treated almost like royalty from her childhood on. Wanting for nothing, but focused heavily on her studies. Digging deeper into her story, Ra felt there was more to it and her intuition was correct.

Once Jasmine had entered the government, she had started to fall prey to the desires of somebody that wanted power. Stockpiling credits away and making lavish purchases, she had done well in keeping how she got the money a secret, it was an open book to Ra. Something to keep in mind when striking a deal with this woman. Ra wouldn't attempt to blackmail her so early on, but may bring it to light later if it was needed.

Having been head of intelligence for the Dominion, Ra had done well to keep her own story secret. Bare basic facts could be found, but nothing on a personal level. The fact she was a Sith Lord was kept off the books entirely. Her own properties on Helska IV and Vjun were known, it was also known she was single and the head of the Merchant Fleet within the Metal Lords. Jasmine would have to dig far deeper if she was going to learn the truth of who Ra was.

Arriving in her flagship of the Merchant Fleet, Ra would have to take a shuttle down to the planet. It was clear it was a merchant ship though and not a warship. While it had a few defenses, there wasn't much and not any threat to the planet below. Dressed in what she considered her business clothes, Ra climbed aboard her shuttle and went down to the planet of Jamoura.

Double checking everything, she had her saber hilts up her sleeves, knives in her boots, blaster on one hip and her double bladed lightsaber on her other. Her hair was braided and had a spiked ball at the end holding it together. On her cloak which was dark purple, her pin was attached and waiting to be used. It provided her a stronger affinity to empathy and ability to know if a person was trying to lie to her. She wore black pants and a matching purple shirt, the same color as her cloak.

Her shuttle landed and Ra walked off to be greeted by a woman shorter and heavyset. This was Jasmine herself. Giving the woman a professional nod, she held her hand out to shake.

"I am Ra'a'mah Numare. Pleasure to meet you."

@Jasmine Zittoun
A smile from cheek to cheek broke out across Jasmine's face. She had been anticipating this meeting for so long, she was happy it was finally underway. With both hands, she grasped Ra'a'Mah's outstretched hand and shook it vigorously, before nearly pulling her in alongside a very unnecessary, "Come in." Jasmine released one of her hands from Ra's, gesturing towards the entrance hall, "Welcome to my residence, I hope you thoroughly enjoy your experience here." She pointed to one of her droids, "Should you need anything, and I mean anything, a drink, some food, a cigara perhaps, just ask, and one of my servants will attend to that very need." Jasmine turned back towards Ra, looking up at her guest, who stood a good twenty centimeters above her, "Would you like a tour of the house, or shall we carry on to our business?"

While she waited for Ra's response, Jasmine studied her new house guest, whose appearance surprised her. Jasmine had thought this would have been a droid, and if not that, some cranky, old, alien who hadn't seen the light of day since the Hyperspace War. This young, red headed woman was far from the image she had created in her mind, something Jasmine noted not to repeat. But appearance wasn't the most important thing on her mind, it was the deal. Jasmine knew this deal would bring in large amounts of trade between the two factions, no doubt increasing the wealth of both her and her constituents, however she was more interested in a more direct way of earning money. She hoped to strike a more, secluded deal with this dignitary and the faction she represented which would benefit Jasmine far more than she would have originally. However she wasn't able to determine whether this one would go along, or outright refuse out of some arbitrary reason like justice or fair play. Only time would tell.
The overly friendly greeting caught Ra off guard, but she adjusted well enough. Jasmine maintained a hold on one of her hands as she led Ra into the house.

"If you wish to provide a tour, that would be fine. Up to you really, I am your guest after all."

Not one to request anything special, the only thing Ra could think of would maybe to be given the opportunity to freshen up.

Oddly, Ra picked up a sense of surprise from Jasmine. What it was about, she didn't know and was not about to ask. One thing she knew about this woman was she would have to carefully read everything put in front of her. Her past was well hidden, however, what Ra had found was very incriminating. Both parties wanted what was best for each of them, but she was sure Jasmine would want to include something for herself in the process.

Her own interest here was for the Metal Lords Merchant Fleet. Ra wasn't here to make herself more powerful, but may make an ally out of Jasmine or an enemy. While not wanting the second, time would tell.

@Jasmine Zittoun
Almost immediately after Ra's reply, the smile and all sense of warmness disappeared from Jasmine's face, almost as if it had never been there at all. Within a few minutes, she had realized the type of person Ra was, and ceased to wear the mask of flattery and kindness that didn't represent Jasmine. She responded without much emotion to Ra, "No point in wasting time indulging myself to my own possessions as some poor attempt as a courtesy towards you." Jasmine turned towards one of her butler droids, and ordered, "I want a platter of frosted sponge cakes, and a pitcher of Yyeger sugar pop." The droid nodded and headed off to the kitchen without a word. Jasmine turned her gaze to Ra and gestured down the hallway, "Please, follow me, and we can conduct our business." Once they started walking, Jasmine flicked twice in the air and held her hand to her head for two seconds. Soon, two armed OOM-series droids, in storage form, protruded from hidden compartments within the walls. They activated with expediency, and began following the two humans.

Without looking at her, Jasmine answered a question she expected from Ra, "You must forgive me for the unannounced arrival of my security personnel, but for me to entertain a guest so," Now she looked at Ra's hips, brandishing weapons clear as day, "...flagrant with displaying their toys, I must take precautions." After a few minutes of walking, the duo, followed by the guards, reached a rather small room decorated by aging books, small tapestries, and wooden walls. It was furnished by a large wooden desk, a wide chair, and a low setting couch in facing the desk. Jasmine gestured towards the couch, and scooted in between the wall and her desk, her stomach catching on the desk in a rather embarrassing scene. Her face flushed momentarily, but quickly blocked the memory in her mind, trying to prepare herself psychologically for the discussion ahead. As Jasmine sat down, she took a moment to enjoy the feeling of superiority her chair height gave her, a feeling rarely felt when looking up at her counterparts was commonplace in Jasmine's life. Then she began, "So I have invited you here, a diplomat of the Metal Lords Merchant Fleet, to establish a trade deal with my home of Jamoura. Amongst more minor technicalities, my main terms are as so, a policy of open borders for merchant vessels bearing transponders from our respective syndicates, lowered tariffs for the aforementioned, and less restrictive inspections for any vessel hailing from the Metal Lords Coalition or Jamoura." The butler droid arrived with the items Jasmine requested and placed them on the desk, pouring a glass of the sugar pop. Jasmine took a bite of cake and washed it down with the sugar pop, a favorite snacking habit of hers. She offered the pitcher towards Ra, "Care for a glass?"

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