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Approved Tech Gramgaldur - Janick's personal beskad

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To boldly alchemize what no one alchemized before

Gramgaldur with its scabbard


  • Manufacturer: Beskar Ring Forge (workshop)
  • Model: N/A
  • Affiliation: Janick Beauchamp
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Alchemized beskar
  • Classification: Beskad
  • Size: Two-handed
  • Length: 1.44m
  • Weight: 3.2kg

  • Lightsaber resistant.
  • Deflects blasterfire.
  • Can ground lightning.
  • Very sharp.
A masterpiece of Sith Alchemy this sword was crafted with standard Sith rituals as many Sith Swords before it, therefore it possess many of the traits a Sith Sword should have. The main twist, however, is that the base blade is made of forged beskar. During the craftsmanship process of the main blade, the dark side energy has been infused into the blade after the blade was quenched but before differential tempering was applied to it, giving it the ability to maintain a sharp edge without maintenance. It is resistant against lightsabers, can ground lightning and deflect directed-energy weapons, such as blaster shots. But its presence in the Force will warn any Jedi of its wielder's arrival and ruin any attempts of stealth missions among light-siders.

  • Well-rounded: It possess the quality of many other Sith Swords: it can ground Force-lightning, possesses a sharp edge that never goes dull.
  • Lightsaber resistance: Due to the presence of beskar, it can resist lightsabers and even cut through durasteel
  • Lightside: Bursts of lightside energy can harm or even render the sword an ordinary beskad.
  • Heavy: For a sword its size it is very heavy and bulky; beskar only makes it worse.
  • Presence: Darkside presence means that unless you somehow hide it, Jedi can detect you.
  • Force-nullifiers: Voidstones and ysalamiri will suppress the Force-abilities beyond lightsaber resistance and sharp edge
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