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Grand Admiral Darke

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Grand Admiral Darke


NAME: Darke'uro'valin
FACTION: The New Order
RANK: Grand Admiral
AGE: 40
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: Average
WEIGHT: Average
HAIR: Short and black, well kept.
SKIN: Blue
VOICE: Hugo Weaving

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
A veteran Grand Admiral formerly of the now defunct Fel Imperium, Darke has had years of naval command experience, making him a brilliant strategist in naval engagements and operations. He is also a skilled marksman and swordsman, training regularly with both the blaster and the vibroblade as a way of honing his body and mind for command and battle. Despite his genius level intellect and skill, he does harbor a few flaws. He is a man who serves the people, and would deeply regret allowing his own innocent citizens to come to harm unnecessarily. He is also a family man, who has raised his daughter by himself since the death of her mother at the hands of a Mandalorian raid, and would rather die than let her come to harm. These past events have left him with a deep hatred for the Mandalorian Empire, now more than ever since the capture of Nirauan, the planet he was born.

A middle aged chiss male at the age of 40, Darke has a very well kept, yet slightly grizzled appearance due to his many years of command. He usually wears a white Imperial Grand Admiral uniform with elegant golden tasseling, with great pride. A splendid golden plated vibro-cutlass would be in a sheathe attached to his belt as both a symbol of office and a personal defense weapon, along with a standard Imperial blaster pistol in it's belt-attached holster.

Darke had a long prosperous career in the navy of the Fel Imperium, having risen through the ranks with great speed after fighting in countless naval engagements against it's enemies for many long years. After recent times and the dissolution of the once great Fel Imperium, the Grand Admiral has gathered the remnants of the Fel Imperium, some of the old Sith Empire and even a small armada gifted to him by the Chiss Ascendancy to aid The New Order in their galactic conquest...

When not stationed aboard one of the command ships in his fleet, Darke travels in his own personal replica Nssis-class Clawcraft, upgraded and modified with expensive shielding, weaponry and command equipment. The Grand Admiral has been known to fly out with his starfighter squadrons in naval engagements to fight alongside them and get a very close look at the enemy he's dealing with.






((Hoping for great things with this character! Looking forward to RPing with him. :) ))

Grand Admiral Darke

*Pats DFS* Sorry buddy, but she's in a relationship with a cute little TIE interceptor already.


Nobody has turned me on yet.
Grand Admiral Darke said:
*Pats DFS* Sorry buddy, but she's in a relationship with a cute little TIE interceptor already.
Alright. . .I should be glad for her then. . .at least she won't be alone.

Flying and doing stunts over oceans will ease the pain I guess. . .have a good day sir.

Grand Admiral Darke

Greetings! And yes, it did. Hopefully it shall not happen again. *Evil glare at DFS* :)

Grand Admiral Darke

The Ascendancy are outside the galaxy map we know, yes, but they're still a major faction, just working in the shadows, out of the eyes of our space.

Grand Admiral Darke

To avoid any further arguments, I've also just set up a Chiss Ascendancy faction. Your very welcome to join! :)
@Grand Admiral Darke


Morality Policeman :)
FYI, there was already a pass at the Chiss Ascendancy late last year. The faction didn't survive long on its own due to lack of activity from the few Chiss players we have here.

[member="Antera"] was one of those who led the Blue Man Group. Maybe get in touch?

I wish you success this go around.

[member="Sokrai Ronaro"] [member="Grand Admiral Darke"]

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