Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Grand Master Javar Havas of the Phoenix Order

NAME: Javar Havas
FACTION: The Grand Phoenix Order
RANK: Grand Master
SPECIES: Human (Enhanced)
AGE: 28
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5"11
WEIGHT: 86kg
EYES: Left eye red, Right eye blue
HAIR: Dark Brown Hair, shoulder length tied back with a braid tied into it. Sometimes wheres a half mask which covers one of his two eyes depending on what he is doing.
SKIN: Light (Tanned)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Extremely Powerful in the force drawing from both the light and the dark.
Highly Skilled with a Lightsaber including double bladed, duel sabers, saber staffs and Lightwhips. (Received training from a Jedi Master, Sith Lord, Slave Master)
Highly Skilled with a Blaster (Received training from a bounty hunter)
Skilled Pilot
Calm and collected
Great Military Strategist and leader

Weak to Force Lightning
Easily Anger over Betrayals

Wheres mostly black and dark reds. Wheres a dark red cloak. Is always carrying multiple Lightsabers with him. 5"11 tall with brown hair tied back with a braid. Has two half masks one for each side of his face. The left side covers the Red eye while the Right side covers the blue eye.

Taken to the Jedi temple and trained as a youngling, became a padawan learner and later promoted to knight. Later defected from the Jedi Order and Join the Sith Empire and trained under a Sith master. Later defected from the Sith Empire and traveled the galaxy visiting old jedi and sith temples. After finishing his travels he then proceeded to dathomir where his body was enhanced with magic. Started gathering fallen Jedi and Sith and later formed the Phoenix Order. The Phoenix Order grows more powerful every day with over 250 phoenix lords and over 1450 Phoenix Learners. He is currently working to create a new empire balanced in the force.






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