RC 212
Yes that was Teth!
Colap stood inside the Davy Jones Locker, a local cantina that served all sorts of villainous scum. This planet was another scumhole of criminals free lancers and hutts. In fact the Hutt's had carved a nice space for themselves among the moon dust and the junkyards. This place had been a haven for Imperials and
Rebels during the old wars long past.
Nowadays it just held another group of Criminal masterminds, working the people to death. The primary economy was shipbuilding and repair, coupled with a transit station for smugglers. Just Colaps type of place.
As he sat in his booth and scanned the crowd his mind wandered. In space there was an orbital shipyard, small scale but teeming with pirate and smuggler vessels. The Ravens had infiltrated the planet one by one over the past months. Colap had been in charge of seeding a vast network of spies and informants. A lot of credits had been paied to a lot of shady people, spies, swoop gangs, saboteurs.
In space the Ravens had set up a network of disgruntles shipbuilders, ready to steal every vessel that this motley planet possesed. In addition the Raven fleet was just on station. When the time was right the planet would rise up and become a storm of chaos and violence.
Blood would paint the streets and the Stars would run wild with stolen vessels slugging it out with local Hutt gang forces. This plan would rely heavily on the folks in space acquiring those ships though, if any of them escaped they could call backup forces from allied hutts, and they held no compunction against glassing their own planet to keep their grip, and the Ravens with it.
But for now Colap leaned back and watched the scene, waiting for everyone to check in one station, before inciting mass pandamoneum.
Space objectives!
Objective 1: There is a shipyard in orbit with a network of spies, disgruntled workers and saboteurs. Steal all available vessels and defend against the Local crimelords forces.
Objective 2: Seize the shipyards control center, and kill the hutt enforcers.
Objective 3: Stop all traffic to and from the planet
Ground objectives
Objective 4: Slicers hack the planets power grid and lock out all communication between hutt forces
Objective 5: Slicers kncok out all power to the main city Peroon where the rebellion will take place, this is the signal to activate the informants and spies
Objective 6: Lead rebelling citizens in the battle to lock down the perimeter of their town
Objective 7: Storm the hutt palace, kill the Hutts!
Putt a location and objective tag in every post so the DM's can keep track of the who, what where and why. I will find you if you do not!