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Character Grandmaster Valery Noble | Sword of the Jedi


Valery Noble

MusicLink | Link (Commissioned)
Girlie - Blackout Blackout
Sugar Lips - Mercy Mercy
RankJedi Master
Sword of the Jedi (x)
SpecializationJedi Battlemaster
AffiliationsNew Jedi Order: Council
LanguagesGalactic Basic | Comprehend Speech
EducationJedi training
Lightsaber Instructor
Jedi Shadow training
Eye ColorOrange
Hair ColorBrunette
Notable FeaturesScar over the left eye

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    -Jedi Master of the Old Republic

    Not much is known about the world that Valery was born on, or the people who live there. They rarely venture outside their own system and when they do, it's not customary to leave their homes behind for long. However, on rare occasions, they do reach the vastness of the Galaxy in search of a different future or to fulfill a certain destiny they believe in.

    One such case was the birth of a special child in 3631 BBY, one able to affect the environment during emotional outbursts. Initially, nothing seemed different about her but as she grew older, those around her realized that Valery wasn't like any other Keshian child. Objects around the house began to tremble whenever she was sad or angry, and glasses had shattered under the child's unintentional use of the Force.

    Contact with the Jedi was made not long afterward and a Jedi Master who happened to be nearby was sent to bring the child with him to his Enclave on New Cov, where she would begin her training under him. Her Master quickly picked up on her growing strength in the Force and her affinity with the lightsaber, which led to her introduction into the Guardians and Lightsaber Instructors.

    This path continued for many years and led to her appointment as the Enclave's Battlemaster. During these years, the capable warrior was recruited into the secretive Jedi Shadows as well, which shifted her path to a pursuit of complete destruction of the Dark Side. This continued until the events of the Battle of Onderon, where she ended up in deep stasis. Now thousands of years later, she has woken up and begun the continuation of her path as a Jedi.

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    As a Keshian Jedi, Valery perhaps can be most easily recognized by the fiery orange color of her eyes, one of which is covered by a large scar that runs down the side of her face. As a Jedi, she has often received strange looks for the eyes that capture the woman's intensity well, but their color has never been altered by corruption — it's a trait of her people.

    At 5'9", the Jedi Master stands reasonably tall with a voluptuous and lean-muscular body, a result of her duties within the Guardians specialization of her former Enclave, her tasks as an Instructor, and later, the Battlemaster. To her, staying in a good physical condition is a necessity as it aids her directly in her duties, so her commitment to maintaining her physique has never once faltered.

    Valery's hair is long and wavy, of a dark brown color, and she generally can be found wearing it in a long ponytail with only the long bangs loose at the sides of her head - but having her hair loose is not uncommon either.

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    "Efficient. Terribly so. She speaks when it's needed and it hasn't failed me yet. Master Noble can seem...abrasive, but it's not without refinement and the backing of a good heart. When her eyes DON'T discern everything in the room, I sleep easy knowing her use of the Force will." -Former Padawan J'exon Shepherd

    Known for her aura of leadership and strength, Valery Noble is a Jedi Master and was one of the more prominent leaders of her former Enclave. Through both her former position on the Enclave's Jedi Council and her role as the Battlemaster, she displays a constantly calm and patient exterior, which at times is described as cold and distant. However, those who have gotten to know her a little would know that she can be a guiding hand for any Jedi who requires it, reinforced by a kind and caring personality.
    Valery is very pragmatic in her ways and rarely acts impulsively - she relies on her incisive nature and varied skillset to evaluate situations or other people and make decisions objectively. She's a Jedi who exudes confidence, both in speech and in her outward appearance but never to the extent that it could be mistaken for arrogance. Her analytical nature, confidence, and experience largely define her personality and have helped her take on positions of leadership.

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    Strengths and Weaknesses
    • Battlemaster | Combat
    • Leadership | Guidance
    • Former Jedi Shadow
    • Loved Ones
    • Powerful Force Bonds.
    • Her Past | Loss
    • Hyper-focused on Combat
    • Loved Ones

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    A Bright New Future
    Awakened from a deep stasis, the Master from the Old Republic finds herself far in the future, and within a vastly different Galaxy. Without any knowledge about the state of things, she sets out to learn about what happened to the Jedi, the Sith and everything else she was once familiar with. A path full of struggling follows, and while new friends help guide her into a better future, she finally finds herself in need of a long meditative retreat, away from everything and everybody so she can finally center herself again.


    Back Into Action
    Following the meditative retreat, Valery returns to the Galactic scene stronger than ever before, only to find out someone special to her has been captured, and that Coruscant has been attacked by a new force of evil that has revealed itself. The desire to help fight in this conflict, and to be an anchor for Jedi and others around her grows strong, and thus she officially joins the New Jedi Order. With new friends and a loving partner, her path to making a difference in the war has finally begun.

    Jedi Shadow

    Having witnessed the destructive intent of the Brotherhood of the Maw, and knowing remnants of the Sith Empire are still out there, Valery commits to an old specialization that once shaped her more extreme views against the Dark Side. As a Jedi Shadow, she actively brings the fight to the enemies of the Galactic Alliance. She forms new friendships, a dyad with her partner is revealed, and she returns to training Padawans, but she makes many enemies in the process as well.


    Jedi Leader | SGHW
    After a difficult pregnancy and many months apart from her fiancé, Valery decides to step down as a Jedi Shadow, in pursuit of a more visible path as a Leader and defender of the peace. Rather than striking from the Shadows, she stands strong on the front lines, and guides Jedi during battle and behind the scenes. She is asked to join the NJO's Circle not long afterward, and through this new position, she actively focuses on bringing proper Jedi leadership into the war.

    Sword of the Jedi

    Following her appointment to the New Jedi Order's Council, Valery began actively leading the Jedi in the war against the Brotherhood of the maw. Through these efforts, the Council unanimously decided to appoint her as the Order's new Sword of the Jedi. Within this role, her task was to lead the Jedi in the war and defeat the Brotherhood of the Maw.

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    Corr NobleFather I never knew.
    Yvaine NobleMother I never knew.
    Jade NobleSister I never knew.
    Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Love of my life.
    Colette Colette Stubborn and loving
    Vera Noble Vera Noble My little star.
    Aris Noble Aris Noble My little dagger.
    Aeryn Jade NobleLike Mother, like Daughter.
    Aurra NobleMy little angel.
    Adam NobleMama's boy.
    Eryx Noble
    Cailen Corso Cailen Corso Adorable, kind, promising.
    Colette Colette Frustratingly me.
    Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal
    Knighted Padawans
    Iris Arani Iris Arani Like a daughter to me.
    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Like Master, like Padawan.
    Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Promising, strong, professional.
    Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania Unbreakable and kind.
    BB-610 BB-610 "Bee", My little buddy.
    Ala Quin Ala Quin Thank you for everything.
    Amani Serys Amani Serys My best and closest friend.
    Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar A dear friend.
    Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Amazing friend with a lion's heart.
    Aayla Shan Aayla Shan True friend, savior.
    Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze Close friend, hilarious.
    Yula PerlAlways there for me.
    Aeris Lashiec Aeris Lashiec Smart, kind, and helpful.
    Romi Jade Romi Jade One of the best.
    Allyson Locke Allyson Locke A Shadow I'll always respect.
    Lyrrin Lyrrin Protective, funny, a bestie.
    Kalie Alverez Kalie Alverez BFF, I miss you.
    Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen Reliable, caring, funny.
    Noah Corek Noah Corek Couldn't have gotten far without you.
    Alicio Organa Alicio Organa Great dancer, kind-hearted.
    Kain Aldore Kain Aldore Find me again, friend.
    Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Battle buddy with a heart of gold.
    Shai Maji Shai Maji My real sister.
    Rik Perris Rik Perris Oh my
    Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren I hope you find peace.
    Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis The Shadow Hand.
    Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex The Great Enemy

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    "Even after I became a Jedi I accepted that people could die, and I wouldn't be able to do anything. But.. No. With you, with Vera, I feel I'd rip apart the Force itself to save either of you. It's a little unsettling."

    Return to New Cov - After awakening from stasis, Valery returns to New Cov, the location of her old Enclave to learn about what she left behind. In the Ilic archives, she meets Kahlil, a Jedi looking to learn more about what it means to be a Jedi. Together they find the ruins of her old Enclave, where he proves to be the pillar of support she had been in need of. They remain there for several days and in their time spent on the planet, the two grow much closer together.

    Meditative retreat
    Back to Action
    - While Valery had slowly begun to adjust to this new time with Kahlil's help, the past continued to haunt her. For many months, she separated herself from everything and everybody to center herself again, which included Kahlil. But it would only be a matter of time before they'd find each other again.

    Dyad awakens
    This Wasn't The Plan - After Valery made her return to the Galaxy, her path first took her to Kashyyk to visit the Silver Jedi. But during her stay, Kahlil's droid was able to find her after he had gotten captured by Sith. Together with R6, Valery set out to rescue him and after months of not having seen each other, the two finally reunite and grow closer together than ever before.

    Spooktober - For the first time, Kahlil and Valery attend a party as boyfriend and girlfriend. Dressed as a Werewolf and Vampire respectively, Valery is introduced to Ingrid, one of Kahlil's trusted friends.

    Nightmares on Thule - Their relationship is much more than dates and time safe together. The pair travel to Thule to deal with remnant Sithspawn but discover something unique about their bond currently still beyond their control. The dyad is beginning to manifest.

    Flash of the Past - Valery comes home after sustaining a bad injury from a Shikkar and is helped by Kahlil, who knows how to treat her injury carefully. They talk and decide it's best she spends more time resting.

    One Year Ago At Life Day - Kahlil and Valery spend their first Life Day together with hot chocolate and gifts. She gives him a photo display with a shard of her old crystal as a reminder, while his gift is a beautiful necklace that helps keep her safe.

    Dark Times
    Date Before Darkness - In an attempt to stop his father, Kahlil tells Valery about his plan to fall to the Dark Side, allowing him to infiltrate and stand up against the Dark Lord. But before he sets off to do so, they travel to Spira for a final date together. During their time on the vacation planet, they truly express how deep their love runs for each other. And without realizing it yet at the time, Valery is left pregnant before his goodbye.

    Invasion of Jedha - During the Maw's invasion of Jedha, Valery is caught in a massive explosion that nearly kills her. But through their awakened dyad, fallen Kahlil appears to relocate her body, allowing her to survive.

    Mortis - Kahlil has lost his father's mark by getting Force severed! He now sets out on a journey to regain his connection and follows in his father's footsteps by traveling to Mortis. Together with a manifestation of the dyad, he undergoes his Trial of Spirit.

    Together again
    Back Together
    - After receiving a vision about Kahlil being on New Cov, pregnant Valery travels there to find him. But on arrival, she is shot down by the Crimson Dawn and hunted through the jungles. Whilst severed from the Force, Kahlil finds her and draws on the strength of their Dyad to save her. After nearly 8 months of being separated, they are finally back together and with a daughter only weeks from being born.

    No Place Like Home - Kahlil and Valery travel to the Prosperity above Coruscant to meet old friends again around Life Day. After catching up, showing that Valery is pregnant, and spending time together, Kahlil proposes to Valery. They are going to get married!

    Vera Noble is born - After many difficult months, Vera is finally born around Life Day itself. Their conversation about starting a family during their date on Spira has finally become reality.

    Finding a Connection
    The Strength of our Bond - In an attempt to slowly help Kahlil recover his Force sensitivity, the two go through a sparring match where Valery attempts a variety of tricks to push him. He comes out on top, but something seems off about Valery?

    Return to Dawn Temple - Valery takes Kahlil to the Dawn Temple and into the Caves of Dark and Light, where they meditate and connect deeply through their bond. Slowly but surely, they are making progress but there is a long way to go.

    A Dark reflection - Kahlil has traveled to Moraband to undergo his next trial, and ends up fighting a Dark Side clone of himself made by his father. While he manages to defeat it, the clone traps Kahlil and travels to Ossus where he catches Valery by surprise. Stabbed through the stomach, Valery is almost killed but through the Dyad, Kahlil teleports across the stars to save his fiancé.

    Trying Times
    A Call of Chaos - After a diplomatic event that went horribly wrong, Valery returns to Kahlil wanting to learn how to use a Blaster. But deep down, the time together with him is what mattered most.

    Frustration - Valery is overwhelmed. Between difficult Padawans, a baby daughter, a bad injury, and conspiracies about her fiancé, there has been too much stress on the woman. But after coming home, she is reminded once again how much and how well he's able to support her.

    Crisis on Cato Neimoidia - To get away from all the stress, Kahlil and Valery go on a vacation together, only to be called back into action. On the planet, they face off against the Wrath of the Maw, a figure keen on turning all his hatred against Valery. Slowly, the woman feels herself slipping more and more.

    Family Trip - It's Kahlil's birthday! Together with baby Vera, the three decide to go on a trip to Drall for some fishing and relaxation. It's time for them both to get some much-needed rest.

    When No One's Looking - Kahlil and Valery go on a date to Yula's nightclub together.

    Wellspring of Life - To recover his Force-sensitivity and test his nature as a Jedi, Kahlil travels to the Wellspring of Life, where the Force priestesses put him through a series of trials. He recovers his sensitivity by the end of their trial, and returns home to finish his journey into becoming a Jedi Master.

    A trial full of surprises - After trials on Mortis and the Wellspring of Life, Valery puts Kahlil through a final test — a spar against herself, after which she promotes him to Jedi Master. All of this occurs at the recently rebuilt New Cov Temple. A gift from Kahlil to his wife.

    It has been a while - With the family reunited and stronger than ever before, Valery and Kahlil visit Yula, who had offered Valery her home during the difficult pregnancy.

    Confronting the Past - After Valery is captured by Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex , she finally makes it home again, wounded and scarred, but now without the dangerous parasite within her. To close this chapter of her life, she asks Kahlil to join her into returning to Onderon. They find the facility where she was held in stasis and run into an unexpected face of the past.

    War - Chapter I
    The Day of Revenge - The Brotherhood of the Maw attacks Empress Teta, where the Nobles have been safely living for a while. They confront Shai and are forced to retreat after a bombing run nearly kills all three of them. In the process, they lose their home, and for the first time, Vera is exposed to the severity of the war.

    The future - Valery and Kahlil talk about the future of their family in the aftermath of the battle on Empress Teta.

    Shatterpoint - Tython - From Empress Teta, the Brotherhood of the Maw makes its move against Tython with the intent to destroy the world. Valery and Kahlil stand together and confront Kyrel Ren, who is defeated but not killed and instead turned into an even greater monster. Through their efforts and many more, Tython is saved, albeit heavily scarred.

    What Lays Ahead - It's Valery's birthday, which is celebrated within the family. They talk about moving and other important life decisions as well.

    Search for a new Home - Using Vera's visions about their new home as guidance, Valery and Kahlil travel between planets to find a planet they can settle on.

    The Batorine incursion - Kahlil and Valery lead an incursion into Maw territory to neutralize an armory within the Maw Corridor. With this facility destroyed, the Alliance will be ready to strike back and retake Empress Teta.

    Into the Hornet's Nest - Visions from their daughter guide the two Jedi Masters into their next assignment, but it quickly takes a darker turn when Valery is mind-controlled and turns against Kahlil.

    A step into the Future, a leap into the Past - After a long search, Valery and Kahlil finally settle down on Cularin with their daughter Vera, and hope for a better future together.

    A broken bond
    40:1 - Rakaan and Valery are shot down during a mission in Imperial Space, and in an attempt to save his wife, Kahlil offers to sacrifice himself if the Priestesses of the Wellspring of Life bring him there. In reality, he was never killed and turned into a Guardian for the Wellspring, where he remains separated from his family for several years.

    What is dead may never die - Vera wakes up her mother after seeing a vision that reveals that her father is still alive. Valery immediately travels to the Wellspring of Life and learns of the truth. But in order to bring him back, she was forced to make the deal that she'd also become a Guardian of the Wellspring once her time among the living was over.

    Beast of Burden - After his rescue from the Wellspring, Kahlil wakes up on the couch in Valery's apartment and runs into her. They quickly discover that the spark between them is as strong as ever, and with a loving kiss, they continue their relationship.

    War - Chapter II
    The Road to Victory - While the two Nobles enjoy being together once more, the war with the Brotherhood of the Maw continues. To prepare for the end of the war, they lead an attack against Maw Listening posts in the corridor and beyond, hoping it can help cripple Maw intelligence before the larger battles begin.

    Winter Solstice - Even in wartime, the couple finds the time to attend the Winter Solstice on Eshan together. The last time Valery visited, she was alone during her pregnancy and made a wish for him to come back to her. This time, she wouldn't be there alone.

    Leviathan-sized Problems - Kahlil and Valery hunt down a Leviathan together. With his runes and Valery's abilities, they defeat the massive creature and fight back the Drengir that attempted to control it.

    Noble Adventures - The Noble family travels to the Epicanthix refugee camp in an attempt to connect with Kahlil's people, and help them find a way forward. They meet Adonis, their new leader, and decide on plans that will help his people find a new home.

    Here we are again - Valery and Kahlil return to Spira, where they once celebrated some vacation time before his fall. This time, they are there as a married couple and enjoy their time together. But as they return to their apartment on Coruscant, they find out through Vera that Valery is going to be pregnant again. With triplets.

    Annual Eshan Bazaar - Valery travels to Eshan to enjoy some time off and attend the bazaar, only to run into Kahlil and Vera there, who wanted to surprise Valery.

    Flash of the Past - We'll meet again - Kahlil and Valery look into the pas and rediscover what happened after their first meeting. It ends with Valery's decision to leave for a long, meditative retreat.

    Final Eclipse - Exegol - The Galactic Alliance makes its final attack to end the war, targeting Exegol. Valery and Kahlil stand together on Lightpoint station, where they defeat and kill Kyrel Ren before initiating a Wall of Light to cleanse the world of the Dark Side.

    Sword and Shield of the Jedi
    Sacrifice's End - Kahlil becomes the new Shield of the Jedi and celebrates this moment with Valery and Vera at the Coruscant Temple, where many other Jedi gather to celebrate the end of the war, and remember the fallen.

    Sword and Shield - Valery and Kahlil meet Thurion Heavenshield, who offers Midvintir's help to the Alliance in times of need.

    Securing Peace - In the Aftermath of Exegol, Kahlil, Valery and Cale travel to Odessen to kill a Sith Wyrm left behind by the Maw, before targeting the source of its creation.

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    Jedi Battlemaster — Master of the 7 Forms
    Wall of Light
    Force Cloak

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    As a Jedi, Valery does not celebrate the fact that people have lost their lives at the end of her blade. But below are the most noteworthy clashes with former rivals or otherwise dangerous enemies.

    Bendak Crail Bendak Crail A Knight of Ren and the start of her rivalry with Kyrel Ren.(x)
    Maro TaneShe killed a Sith who had killed a Jedi and captured his Padawan.(x)
    Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Her greatest rival in the Second Great Hyperspace War. Together with her husband, she took him down(x)
    Romund SroRomund was her first encounter with a Dark Jedi after her time in stasis. She hunted him down after Exegol and killed him.(x)
    Shai Maji Shai Maji I will miss you.(x)

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    LightsabersThe two Lightsabers Valery created after her time in stasis.
    Double-Bladed LightsaberHer preferred weapon in the days of the Old Republic, now crafted for new times.
    Blaster PistolsTwo Blaster pistols that Noah Corek Noah Corek gifted her.
    BurcyanA lightsaber of Beskar Shai Maji Shai Maji made her after her time training with the Mandalorians
    Wedding RingThe most important bit of jewelry she owns.
    Valery's NecklaceA necklace Kahlil gifted shortly before his fall.
    Main OutfitThe outfit Valery can be seen wearing most often when she's working as a Jedi.
    Battle ArmorHeavy Armor she once used for long tours of war, but these days she rarely wears it.
    Operative SuitA suit tailored to her measurements for undercover work.
    Valery's Meadow dressA dress made by Thelma Goth Thelma Goth for her trip to Keshi.
    Valery's evening gownAnother dress made by Thelma Goth Thelma Goth for more formal events.
    Valery's Epicanthix DressAn Epicanthix styled outfit designed and made by Thelma Goth Thelma Goth
    Ships | Vehicles
    Stealth-XHer first ship, and the one she used very often as Jedi Shadow
    LaziOne of a pair of X-wings developed so Valery and Kahlil can coordinate even better in space combat.
    SabercrestA custom speeder designed and produced by Kaleleon Kaleleon on request.

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    "Even after I became a Jedi I accepted that people could die, and I wouldn't be able to do anything. But.. No. With you, with Vera, I feel I'd rip apart the Force itself to save either of you. It's a little unsettling."
    - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

    "You have killer thighs." - Maeve Linahan

    "Don't worry about us, you do your part and we'll do ours. When it's done I'll pass you a smoke or something. Don't tell your wife though, somethin' about her scares me." - Cale Gunderson to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

    "Dun' think I ever let a sentient be that deep inside of me before, Sword." - Mercy Mercy

    As a boy, he'd always been alone. The Zambrano name was his in name alone. Isolated from his siblings, his parents, he only knew the Dark. The only friend he made tried to kill him, and in turn he'd killed them. The reason why was something he learned much later on, as his path as a Jedi. Kahlil, son of Carnifex, died early on in life. His sister killed him. An accident that cemented her path.

    Who he was was little more than a clone turned vessel. A back up plan amongst back up plans for his father's survival. He'd avoided the Jedi Orders when he realized the truth. His only reason for leaving the Sith was to be his own person and not get erased as who he was, but if who he was was just a clone, an echo of a dead boy, what was it all for?

    Then he met Valery. - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

    "You can go in the shame shack and get dressed now if you want, master." - Colette Colette

    <Your Padawan is frustratingly you.> - Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

    "Excuse me,"
    Came her biting tone as she lashed out for Valery's hand, lifting it up and pointing aggressively to her wedding ring. "Do you not see that she is happily married? Or are you the type of shameless delinquent who doesn't care about such commitments?" - Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania


All art on this bio is commissined artwork. The rights belong to myself and the artists, so do not use the art for your own needs.
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Weapons | Armor


Valery originally created this pair of lightsabers in the days of the Old Republic, shortly after her first Lightsaber was lost on New Cov. While the pair began as fairly standard lightsabers, she has since then made numerous modifications to the weapons so they can best serve her in her duties.

Most notably, she has added various pieces of technology that allow them to better perform in the dangerous environments a Jedi Shadow might find themselves in. This began with upgrades to its ability to cut through more lightsaber-resistant materials but later expanded to the addition of a bifurcating cyclical-ignition pulse for underwater operations.

Following her time in stasis and the awakening far into the future, she has only made modifications to the crystals by imbuing them with the Force. Now, the two weapons are specifically designed for the various tasks she takes on.

Factory link: Link!

Double-bladed Lightsaber
During the days of the Old Republic, Valery made a name for herself as a capable warrior, and she was especially known for her use of a double-bladed lightsaber, a more aggressive weapon that wasn't so common among the Jedi. It fit the more aggressive styles that Valery preferred, and as the Battlemaster of her Enclave, she instructed others in its use as well.

But in the aftermath of the battle on Onderon that led up to her time in stasis, Valery lost her signature weapon and hasn't used a new one since her awakening. That was, at least, until one of her lightsabers was destroyed during some time in captivity. Following a lengthy recovery from that, Valery began a search for a new crystal and after discovering Flame, she decided it was time to build herself a new double-bladed lightsaber.

Due to the chaotic nature of the crystal, however, she decided to contact Kyyrk Kyyrk , a much more skilled Artisan who would be able to help her build the weapon and ensure that it was safe to use. Now, with the weapon finally constructed and Valery recovered and at full strength, she is ready to be a leading figure on the battlefields once again.

Factory link: Link!

Main Outfit
During the battle of Jedha, Valery was caught in a massive explosion that ruined most of the personal gear she used at that time. This led to her developing an entirely new outfit piece-by-piece to replace the old one. For each individual piece, properties were chosen that would specifically aid her with her duties as a Jedi Shadow.

The design as a whole was made to fit her personal preference for tighter, form-fitting clothing, while the materials and integrated technologies that were chosen would help her accomplish various tasks out in the field.

The top and pants were made to be fairly resistant whilst remaining lightweight, as to not hinder her movements in combat. The belt and armbands were simple, with the exception of how the armbands were Force-imbued. The gloves and boots were made with extra armor elements, as well as different types of technology to help her with slicing, information gathering, and the processing of intelligence.

All-in-all, the outfit boosts Valery's abilities when fighting anything tainted by the Dark Side, and it augments her capabilities as a Shadow when intelligence gathering is the main objective.

Factory link: Link!

Battle Armor
Ever since Valery became a Jedi Padawan, she had a great combative focus. First during her time serving as a Jedi guardian on the frontlines, and later as a Jedi Shadow as well. While she typically preferred clothing that would not restrict her movements, she recognized that long battlefield campaigns were too dangerous without armor. It was often only a matter of time before a stray blaster bolt or some flying debris would strike, and having protection against that is crucial.

For this reason, she worked with Artisans to develop armor that she could wear on the Battlefield. It meant she could no longer easily make use of her agility and speed and would be forced into other forms of lightsaber combat instead.

The armor was designed using a Turadium-Phrik alloy to make it extremely resistant against especially lightsabers and blasters, the two types of weapons she fought against most. By imbuing it with her Force energy to augment her capabilities with the Force to even greater heights, it truly transformed into proper Jedi Battle Armor for the Jedi Battlemaster.

Factory link: Link!

Note: The art pieces used in this post are all commissioned pieces I have ownership of. Please refrain from using them, but feel free to contact me if you'd like to know who the artist is!

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A bright new Future
Chapter I: The streets of Iziz

With the assistance of Ala Quin Ala Quin , Valery had awoken within the strange facility on Onderon, likely only days before the scientists would have started their experiments on the woman stuck in suspended animation. The recovery from the hibernation sickness that followed luckily only took about half a day, but there were other things to worry about.

After Knight Quin's departure, she decided to remain on Onderon while she began her search for answers and hope for the future. With just her double-bladed lightsaber and basic equipment, she wandered through the streets of Iziz, the city she arrived in thousands of years ago. It was a strange feeling, moving through a city she felt like she had visited only yesterday, but it was so different.

While she walked, people around her began to take note of her torn tunic, which she hadn't been able to get fixed yet. So with the spare credits she had, Valery bought robes to wrap around herself, hoping to cover up the last remnants of the fight that led to her time in stasis.

"I have to get off this world." she thought to herself as she pulled the hood of the robes over her head. While Onderon was beautiful, she wanted answers about what happened to her former Enclave, where the Jedi were, and what state the Galaxy was in. But before she could do any of that, she'd have to either get a ship or some form of transportation.

For now, this became her primary goal while she'd wander down the streets of Iziz, looking for signs of the Republic or the Jedi she once served. It was a small step on a much larger journey.

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A bright new Future
Chapter II: The Journey begins

After many hours of exploring Iziz, Valery had not found what she was looking for, but the hibernation sickness really began to slow her down. She needed to eat and drink but she had very little credits to spend. So while there were plenty of restaurants or food stands around, she was forced into a small cantina in the city's outskirts. The entire atmosphere of this place sent shivers down her spine and even here, all she could afford was the daily special, meant to keep the poor alive.

She then found herself a quiet spot and began to eat and drink whatever it was that stood in front of her. But after some time, a voice suddenly drew her attention
“May I?” the figure asked. Her initial thought was to decline but when she took a closer look, she realized something - the man in front of her was a Jedi.

Had help finally arrived? It sure looked like it.

A conversation followed and a far better meal was set in front of her. Thanks to Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , it seemed there was finally light at the end of the tunnel. With his help, she was finally going to make her way off Onderon, and begin a new journey in this new time.

Many steps remained, such as acquiring a ship of her own and figuring out where to travel. But she had a feeling that the pieces of the puzzle were coming together.

The Force was with her.

(Full thread: link)

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A bright new Future
Chapter III: Meditative retreat

(Music: link)

Alone, she sits on a mountain top
A warm sun brushing against her face,
the wind blowing through her hair

It's the beginning of a new journey
Familiar faces left behind,
replaced by the unknown

The Force has spoken to her once again
Calling for help,
guiding her path forward
A bright new future lies ahead,
waiting to be grasped

After acquiring a ship of her own, Valery set course for a quiet world. One where she could meditate in peace, and connect with the Force to listen to its guidance. On top of the mountain, after hours of quiet meditation, she made her decision. What she once knew is gone, but there is so much left to protect out there, in the unknown. The Force has guided and protected her, and now she would begin a path of guiding and protecting others.


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// Target Reports \\

Jedi Shadow Files

updated 12.21.21

Password: ut{*wp%QX&^dL6n9

Authenticating credentials... Confirmed

Target_Reports connection... Established

Accessing file '/sia/operations/' ... Done

Reading Package list... Done



#001: Bendak Crail
CASE: #001
TARGET: Bendak Crail Bendak Crail
Affiliation: Maw | Knight of Ren
Relevant files:

BRIEF: In pursuit of a Dark Side artifact on Mustafar, Valery Noble encountered the Maw's Knights of Ren within the ruins of the ancient fortress of Darth Vader. Due to their numerical superiority, the decision was made to allow them to retrieve the artifact while, without their knowledge, the Shadow remained on their tail.

They were eventually shot down over planet Aruza, where the Knights of Ren were separated. The leader of the group, Bendak Crail Bendak Crail , was in possession of the Artifact — a weapon belonging to the Maw's Wrath — and was eliminated after being singled out. His weapon was purged and his helmet was retrieved.

NOTES: See Case #002 for information regarding the purged artifact.

#002: Kyrel's Harbinger
CASE: #002
TARGET: Kyrel's Harbinger
Affiliation: Maw | Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Relevant files:

BRIEF: Following the death of Bendak Crail Bendak Crail , the weapon belonging to the leader of the Knights of Ren was retrieved, and its connection to the Dark Side of the Force was purged using Force Light. With the weapon and the man sent to retrieve it neutralized, the mission was an overall success.

Thanks to IVI IVI for inspiration​
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