Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Image Source: Cristiano Rinaldi
Intent: Upgrade to the 'Dark Reach' prosthetic arm for Darth Atrophia.
Development Thread: Techno Union Invasion of Rebel Geonosis
Manufacturer: Darth Atrophia
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Darth Atrophia
Modularity: Synthflesh or SynthSkin may be layered over prosthetic and/or removed as necessary.
Production: Unique
  • Alchemized Duranium-Lanthanide Alloy (Exterior, or "shell", has Sith Runes inscribed)
  • Alchemized Vanadium (Joints)
  • Alchemized Tungsten (Artificial "Bone" Structure)
  • SynthSkin
  • Datapad, Holoprojector, Commlink Components
  • Diatium Power Cell
  • Standard Wiring Components
  • Darth Atrophia's Blood
Classification: Prosthetic Arm
Size: Prosthetic
Length: Length of a human arm proportionate to a 1.72 meter tall human. (I believe it is roughly 73 cm)
Weight: 3 kg
Special Features:
  • Alchemized Duranium-Lanthanide "shell" which covers the interior of the prosthetic reflects blaster bolts, can withstand the force of sustained contact from a lightsaber, and has enhanced durability in comparison to the Dark Reach's original Duranium-Lanthanide shell.
  • The Alchemized Vanadium that is used in the construction can withstand blows from lightsabers, and if it were somehow struck by a blaster bolt it would reflect away. These are also comparably better than the original prosthetic, designed to retain the stress that a prosthetic limb would need in order to hold onto something, such as a sword, while said object is being hit with considerable force, such as direct hits from a shotgun or thrown melee weapon. These also act as a good shock absorber from physical stress as they did in the Dark Reach.
  • The Alchemized tungsten has greatly enhanced its physical durability, thus ensuring that physical strikes to the forearm and upper bicep area of the prosthetic will not suffer extreme stress damages or break away due to the nature of the artificial bone structure that acts as a buffer as normal bones would unless the force were great enough to damage the tungsten as well. Within these tungsten bone structures are the wiring necessary to run the prosthetic, offering two layers of protection from the outside.
  • The Sith runes inscribed along the exterior "shell" that covers the innerworkings of the prosthetic manifests the greatest fears of those who make contact with the arm, save for Atrophia herself - the addition of her blood in the process of alchemizing the materials in the arm, ensuring that her own spell would not be turned against her.
  • Because the arm features Sith alchemy of various metals, the arm acts as a lightning rod for force lightning, which acts like a Sith sword would and stores the electricity for expulsion on physical contact afterwards. This is primarily featured in the exterior portion of the arm, though if enough lightning is applied it might continue down to the wiring and render the arm useless, as well as potentially cause further harm to Atrophia.
  • The arm features an internal datapad and commlink with a holographic display that is manifested from the palm of the hand in the same method the wearer might move their hand, via thought. This is powered and wired separately from the vital portions of the prosthetic via a diatium power cell that is stored between the Duranium-Lanthanide exterior and Tungsten-based interior skeletal structure. A holographic display to utilize these inclusions are presently emitted from the palm of the hand or back of the forearm, depending on the preference of whomever is using it. If the arm were struck by force lightning or another electrical surge it would cease to work.
  • Enhanced Grip-Strength and small relative increase to physical strength in the arm over-all.
After the loss of her weapon, albeit temporarily, due to having it shot out of her hand by a Rebel soldier, Atrophia came to the conclusion that she her lackluster arm replacement, which was engineered almost entirely without such combat-centered needs in mind, needed an upgrade. To see to that, a new arm was constructed with the same general idea of the original but with the treating of Sith alchemy to facilitate a need for greater physical durability. Due to the inclusion of Sith alchemy it is subject to attracting force lightning, acting as a Sith Sword would to store the lightning harmlessly for future discharge on contact with a desired target, though sustained lightning could potentially breach this and damage Atrophia as well. The alchemy involved in the creation of the arm also featured her own blood to ensure that the Sith Runes placed along the exterior of the arm and palm of the hand would not effect her - in that touching the arm for those whom were not Atrophia would have their greatest fears mentally manifest on contact.

Also due to being constructed out of materials touched with Sith alchemy, it is wholly possible to resist lightsaber strikes and direct, sustained, contact in the same manner that other metals and materials that feature Sith alchemy would - again similar to a Sith Sword. The prosthetic limb itself is comparably more durable, powerful, and has a much greater grip strength than that of the original Dark Reach that was constructed prior. It is not on par with impressive forms of power armor, but does offer a significant edge rather than expecting to hold onto a sword being physically shot out of one's hand with shotgun shells without added grip strength and more durable materials. Much of the features of the previous Dark Reach are continued with the "Grasp of Atrophy", such as the holographic display and embedded datapad, commlink, and holoprojector.

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