Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Grassy Glides and Groves | Zeffo


Grassy Glides and Groves
Tags: Open


Phobos wasn't quite sure where it was she had found herself.

She had fallen asleep on a transport vessel, stowed away in the cargo hold. When it came to an abrupt hault on a planet, grounded due to hostile activity from what she could overhear, the Ashspawn found herself drawn away from the ship and into the depths of the planet. Voices called out to her, drawing her in from an age long passed, she imagined. A part of her wanted to air on the side of caution and stay on the transport, but the itch in the back of her mind...

The young woman could not stay away.

So she went into the deep, following the noises in the force. She found herself in a lush ruin, with hanging vines and confusing flora she had never seen before. Old stone covered in moss was present, the illusions to an ancient civilization that had long since fallen to dust. But the more Phobos treaded the halls of these ruins, the more and more she began to look back over her shoulder, unsure of where it was she had entered in. What was it that she was hearing? The voices only grew louder and louder, until...

Silence. Complete silence. Phobos tilted her head every which way, but no whispers would meet her senses.

"Hello?! Anyone?!"

No response, not even from the Bendu. Panic began to set in. The flame on her head began to swirl uneasily as the young woman glanced about the winding halls, unsure of where to go, or even what route she took to be in this place now. The more she tried to find her way, the more lost she felt, her anxiety compounding until finally spilling over. The Ashspawn simply sat herself down on the floor, hugging her legs and resting her chin on her knees. What was she to do? It wasn't like she could create an exit for herself, let alone create a map out of nothing. Was she going to be stuck in here forever? It was hard to say. She wanted to do something. Scream? It seemed entirely pointles. Kick rocks? That would just make her feel stupid... Cry?

Phobos couldn't cry. No matter how hard she tried, no tears came from her eyes. Whatever she was made her feel alien in her own body. She knew what it was that she wanted to do, why couldn't she?

So the young woman just sat there, holding her legs tight. Maybe she just needed to wait a little bit. Someone had to come along eventually...


Grassy Glides and Groves

Phobos Phobos

Ryanas pet/headache: Pip

Ryana was also on the transport that landed on zeffro she was to busy trying to wrangle the small racyon pip there was much love between her and pip "get back here you mischievous turd" she yelled as pip ran off the ship with ryana closely behind. Pip was quick little creature for his size and he kept the lethan twilek on her toes as she followed trying to catch up as if pip was leading her somewhere as they got to the ruins pip stopped and sniffed the air.

Ryana looked down at her little companion as she looked at the ruins covered in vines and vegetation. Ryana could sense a figure inside the ruins walking in the lethan twi'lek was a bit worried she looked back and saw pip staying near the ruins entrance. Was pip actually scared she wondered usually the little racyon kit was fearless and mischievous as they came as she motioned for pip to come pip walked up to her and crawled up her leg staying on ryanas shoulder. As they both walked through the ruins ryana sensed Phobos Phobos a little further in as she turned a corner and saw the ashspawn pip crawled down ryana and ran to phobos. The little creature pawed at phobos's hand as ryana walked up "my name is ryana are you lost can we help in some way" she offered kneeling down beside phobos.

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