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Approved NPC Grauger Heart Eater

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  • Age: 34
  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User
  • Species: Human
  • Appearance:A tall overbearing man with a great long messy beard and unkempt long hair. He has a blue cold eyes and his face is tattered with countless horrific battle scars. He wears scraped armour of different bits and pieces, a shambling mess of metal and tattered cloth. He has a large muscular build and his health is in surprising well condition for the where he lives, at least it seems so.
  • Name: Grauger Heart Eater "Warlord of The Pit" "Hearteater"
  • Loyalties: Graugers Fury
  • Wealth: Compared to the rest of the galaxy he is considered quite poor, but within the hellish confines of The Pit, he has by the far the largest war host, along with slaves and weaponry.
  • Notable Possessions: Graugers Fury
  • Skills: Being born in the urban hell that is The Pit, Grauger has natural survival instincts and his a fearsome and powerful warrior that has bested all the warriors that have come before him. While having no training of any sort, sheer experience is what he relives on and so far it has done him well. He is a skilled swordsmen although he is capable marksman he prefers the personal and more bloody affairs of swordsmanship. While he often struggles to maintain control within his own war host, he does manage to get them to fight
  • for him most of the time, which in The Pit is considered brilliant leadership.
  • Personality: Grauger outside of combat is cold and calculating, unlike many before him he does not entirely depend on sheer brutality and numbers, rather he is known to use tactics, whether or not they are obeyed is generally up to the mood of his troops. He is not prone to showing much emotion at all, although he often harbors quite a bit of sadistic enjoyment behind the facade of those cold features. Often times he is quelling mutinies within his own army or is fighting off other warlords. Unfazed by most horrors and rarely ever gives up him cold composure and when he his facade does break it is usually in the mists of chaotic battle, where his blood frenzy shines.
  • Weapon of Choice: A particularly well maintained Dire Vibroblade
  • Combat Function: Grauger is a skilled swordsmen while having no force abilities to support this, he is still a threatening foe for most. Although he usually sends in his war host and rarely leads the charge, he does personally fight when the need rises. He is skilled in CQC, and a master of urban warfare, yet if ever taken out of his comfort zone it is unlikely he'd perform very well at all. It goes without saying he is vulnerable to firearms if he is not able to close the distance, as his armour is near enough useless and has no shields of any sort.
There are those that will never seen the sun. There are those born within the bowls of Coruscant, where they are forgotten and doomed to die. There are many, hundreds of thousands born in the lowest levels of Coruscant, never to breath fresh air, never to see light that isn't synthetic (some never see light at all) and never to know a life outside of this ruin.

Grauger is just another lost soul, damned to the world and forgotten. His entire life he has not known anything outside of The Pit, he has a vague idea of something existing beyond this, but he does not know what it is, like many of his kind. Born into the The Pit, his family died when he was young, forced to fight like everyone else for the smallest of things. He was a violent cruel child, nothing usual, however he had an ability to draw others to him.

It started off with a group of friends, then it grew as it matured and soon he had an entire "warhost " under his control. Along with the other dozen all warring for The Pit. His story is not important, for it will be repeated many times, but for now after a long series of bloody battles he is the current ruler of The Pit.
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