Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Graveyard of Circuits

Sebastian Thel


Slamming buttons on the navcomputer at every turn, Sebastian maneuvered the Coalition vessel through hyperspace while Gib sat in the pilot's chair. Stars soared past the viewport as the ship descended into the atmosphere of Eos, only to be meet with a heavy force pushing back on the hull. Muttering calculations beneath his breath, Bas determined the speed and velocity needed to slow down the ship and avoid being ripped apart by the energy field.

"Looks like we're heading into a powerful energy field, might want to slow down." Speaking to Gib as he turned around, Bas warned him of the electromagnetic field hovering thick above Eos' surface as the ship prepared to land.

The impact threw him backwards in his chair and he leaned forward to lower the rate at which the ship entered the atmosphere, gently pulling the hull backwards slightly to lessen the impact of the landing. His goggles fell off his forehead and hung around his neck while he regained his posture and keyed in the figures.

"I'm pulling back so we don't get ripped apart." With any luck, the hull would only loose a few plates and the entirety of the ship would survive. The sound of metal being torn away filled the bridge and Bas winced as he listened to the hull buckle, cringing at the damage he would have to repair once they returned from the mission.

The ship landed with a few bumps on the surface of Eos, where the abandoned droid factory awaited salvaging. Rogue droids, wrenched of their programming roamed the ruins, which Bas was eager to tinker with and repair. He had brought Gib along, who had agreed to help with the heavy lifting. Although Sebastian was tougher than he looked, he would never have the needed strength to lift large pieces of machinery.

"I guess we can repair the damage with the parts we find here." Bas said as he turned off the navcomputer and looked upwards, listening to the pieces of metal still falling off the hull. He rose from his seat and joined Gib in the bridge, where they walked to the landing ramp and strode downwards.

The oppressive heat of Eos' volcanic atmosphere immediately hit Sebastian, who threw off his bomber jacket and left it inside of the bridge. Underneath he was wearing his usual light T-shirt and trousers with suspenders. His welding goggles hung around his neck and a spanner was attached to one of his suspenders.

"Don't think I'll be needing this." Throwing the jacket aside, he chimed aloud as he followed Gib off the ramp and onto the ashen surface of the world. With his toolkit slung around his shoulder, he raised a hand to his forehead and looked out for the shape of the droid graveyard.


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
He was only slightly confident that they weren't going to die immediately. Probably more hope than confidence and that confidence slowly eroded as the sounds of tearing metal hit his better than average ears.

"Yeah, um..." was all he could find the words to say as he silently pictured various scenarios that all ended with him being sucked into space.

When the ship finally landed he had to pat himself down to make sure he wasn't missing anything vital. He wasn't and it never felt so good. He didn't pretend to have the know how that Sebastian did, or even close but he knew how to lift heavy things and hey, that was something.

He followed Bas off the ship and looked at him curiously as he tossed his jacket to the side. Gib looked between Bas and the jacket for a second and decided it must be the thing to do and took off his jacket as well. He tucked his gloves into a cargo pocket and adjusted his tool belt as he stood a step behind the young genius.

"Well," he began as he dug around his head for something smart sounding to say, "This looks like a good place to start."

He didn't know if that made sense but it seemed close enough. He took a few steps out as the heat bore down on them likea heavy shroud and wiped beads of sweat from his thick brow.

"Sure is hot here." He mused as he squinted at the abandoned factory, "Hasn't seen travel for a bit either."

[member="Sebastian Thel"]

Sebastian Thel

"Kark!" Bas cursed as he walked around the side of the ship. Leaning around to inspect the damage, the engineer gripped his hair in frustration. The plating had buckled and fell away at several angles, which both Gib and himself would have to repair with any spare parts they found on the trip. He was never onto complain about getting to fix things, he just hoped he could get the ship to fly again.

"Come on Gib, we can fix the ship when we get back." Bas sighed as he turned around. Around his shoulder was his toolkit, which hung from a strap and rolled up into a neat little satchel. He walked ahead of Gib and turned down a winding road, his boots leaving soft prints in the volcanic ash.

A volcano rumbled in the distance, although it sounded very far away. The path on which Sebastian walked lead Gib and himself to a rocky outcrop. Nestled just beyond the edge were the spires of Eos' abandoned droid factory. Placing a hand above his forehead to look at the horizon, Bas wiped a layer of sweat from his brow. A wall of rocks had fallen from the hill of the volcano and blocked the way to the factory. Bas tried to jump up and realized that he was not large, or strong enough to haul himself over.

Saying nothing, he turned around to face Gib, somewhat embarrassed by his predicament. He gestured with his hands for the Or'zet to lift him up, so he could climb over to the other side. Once Gib had helped him onto the top of the wall, Bas climbed over and jumped onto the ashen ground.

"Thanks, Gib." He said as he brushed himself down and made sure all his tools were still in place.

Waiting for Gib to do the same, he motioned towards the path which lead to the factory entrance. They continued across the path, then stopped in front of the entrance to the abandoned factory. Huge, bolted doors sealed the place shut, which must have been locked for centuries, Sebastian thought. The engineer observed every crevice and bolt, until his eyes fell upon an old security console which had been blasted to bits.

"Looks like somebody already tried to bust in." He muse aloud as he peered downward at the buttons, some of which had been blown right off. He set down his toolkit and placed a finger on his lip in thought. "I'm gonna try and see if I can repair it." Unraveling his toolkit, he ran a finger across the air as he picked the right instruments for the task.


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