Slamming buttons on the navcomputer at every turn, Sebastian maneuvered the Coalition vessel through hyperspace while Gib sat in the pilot's chair. Stars soared past the viewport as the ship descended into the atmosphere of Eos, only to be meet with a heavy force pushing back on the hull. Muttering calculations beneath his breath, Bas determined the speed and velocity needed to slow down the ship and avoid being ripped apart by the energy field.
"Looks like we're heading into a powerful energy field, might want to slow down." Speaking to Gib as he turned around, Bas warned him of the electromagnetic field hovering thick above Eos' surface as the ship prepared to land.
The impact threw him backwards in his chair and he leaned forward to lower the rate at which the ship entered the atmosphere, gently pulling the hull backwards slightly to lessen the impact of the landing. His goggles fell off his forehead and hung around his neck while he regained his posture and keyed in the figures.
"I'm pulling back so we don't get ripped apart." With any luck, the hull would only loose a few plates and the entirety of the ship would survive. The sound of metal being torn away filled the bridge and Bas winced as he listened to the hull buckle, cringing at the damage he would have to repair once they returned from the mission.
The ship landed with a few bumps on the surface of Eos, where the abandoned droid factory awaited salvaging. Rogue droids, wrenched of their programming roamed the ruins, which Bas was eager to tinker with and repair. He had brought Gib along, who had agreed to help with the heavy lifting. Although Sebastian was tougher than he looked, he would never have the needed strength to lift large pieces of machinery.
"I guess we can repair the damage with the parts we find here." Bas said as he turned off the navcomputer and looked upwards, listening to the pieces of metal still falling off the hull. He rose from his seat and joined Gib in the bridge, where they walked to the landing ramp and strode downwards.
The oppressive heat of Eos' volcanic atmosphere immediately hit Sebastian, who threw off his bomber jacket and left it inside of the bridge. Underneath he was wearing his usual light T-shirt and trousers with suspenders. His welding goggles hung around his neck and a spanner was attached to one of his suspenders.
"Don't think I'll be needing this." Throwing the jacket aside, he chimed aloud as he followed Gib off the ramp and onto the ashen surface of the world. With his toolkit slung around his shoulder, he raised a hand to his forehead and looked out for the shape of the droid graveyard.