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Approved Tech Gravitic Stabilizer

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Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average

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  • Probability Computer For analyzing gravity field shape and strength and predicting the best counter-field likely to counter an extant tractor beam or repulsorlift interference device.
  • Gravity Sensor for measuring extant repulsorlift jammer or tractor fields.
  • Artificial Gravity Generator for creating countermeasure gravity fields to counter extant repulsorlift jamming or tractor fields.
  • Culminates in projecting a calibrated antigravity field to cancel the effects of projected repulsor jammers and tractor beams in a limited radius.
  • Allows repulsorlift travel in areas subject to repulsorlift jamming
  • Allows ship to slip free from tractor beams.
  • Will not work while Ray, Particle, or Ion shields are active on a vessel, or any shield generator that offers similar protection
The gravitic stabilizer is a computer-controlled repulsorlift jammer and tractor countermeasure. It uses a predictive computer to anticipate patterns of interference and calculate the optimal artificial gravity field configuration to cancel the effect of a repulsor jammer or tractor beam. The device's field can be disrupted by shield systems, which must be deactivated for the stabilizer to work.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a repulsorlift jammer and tractor beam countermeasure
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Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Model: Gravitic Stabilizer
Modular: No
Material: Electronics, Duranium, Probability Computer, Gravity Sensor, Artificial Gravity Generator
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti

Very cool, but this part is literally the HIMS what is restricted material.
Allows hyperspace travel through projected gravity fields and areas of synthetic gravity projection.
If you keep the sub against only tractor beam, that can be mass-production, but against gravity fields it will be a restricted material and it can be only Unique or Semi-unique item.
Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti

Very cool, but this part is literally the HIMS what is restricted material.

If you keep the sub against only tractor beam, that can be mass-production, but against gravity fields it will be a restricted material and it can be only Unique or Semi-unique item.

Thank you for this review.

I have removed interdictor fields from the repertoire and replaced it with repulsorlift jamming countermeasures, making this a tractor/repulsor jammer entry instead of a hyperspace one. Details have been adjusted for this lesser capability.

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