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Approved Tech Gravity Box Communicator

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Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Type: Communication
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Image Source:, prompted by me.

  • The Gravity Box Communicator allows communication between vehicles at the speed of light with a Gravitic Pusle Coder, avoiding standard hypwerwave techniques by creating pulsed graviton emissions decipherable by any vessel with a similar device and the encryption codes.
  • Transmissions are not jammable by standard techniques or devices, as they do not use radio or hyperwave.
  • Requires too much power to be man-portable. Must be powered by a generator, or via power ports in a vehicle or starship.
  • If an interdictor field is rapidly activated and deactivated in pulse-like fashion, it will disrupt Gravity Box transmissions.
  • Messages are low-bandwidth, and so are text-only.
  • A gravity sensor will reveal a message is being transmitted (though this will not reveal its contents.)
  • Transmission speed is limited to the speed of light, so is only useful within a system, and can only perform 'live' communication across the expanse of a planet or space battlefield. Past orbital distances, the transmission accumulates delays according to the speed of light.
The House Mecetti Ministry of Inquiry often found itself in need of making clandestine transmissions that could not be jammed or intercepted via traditional techniques. Upon researching the Yammosk, they learned of the method of communicating with this species via coded gravitic transmissions. This was such an exotic and unusual method of communication, they thought to adapt it for use by the Ministry. After a disastrous encounter where House Mecetti Guard vessels were lost in part due to enemy jamming, the Ministry authorized construction of these devices for the navy.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create an exotic communications technique for House Mecetti forces.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti
Modular: No
Material: Electronics, Duranium, Gravitic Pulse Coder
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