Cheshire Shi'ido
Jink smiled at Yuuthayn as they sat down in the movie theater. Sure, Alderaan was a little bit of an expensive spot for a date, but he was more than happy to spend a tiny fraction of the money he had to go out with his girlfriend. After all, their life together couldn't completely consist of having sex and making out in the Escher Castle...
They had to find somewhere else to make out, right? And where, outside of the castle, would be the best place? The darkness of a movie theater. That had been at least half of the logic they'd put into going on this date, and the other half was that Yuuthayn knew a kind of nice restaurant on Alderaan.
So, Jink and Yuuthayn were sitting in a theater with an inadvisably large amount of popcorn, holding hands and waiting for the half hour of previews to begin before the action flick they would probably be to busy cuddling to watch half of.
[member='Yuuthayn Di'cantos'] [member='Emilia Marean']