Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Grayson Crow

Grayson Crow

NAME: Grayson Gibbs Crow
FACTION: Confederacy
RANK: Navy Branch
AGE: 39
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 m (5' 11")
WEIGHT: 68 kg (150 lbs)
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Gray
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Describe in moderate detail the strengths and weaknesses of your character.

+ Fitness Geek: Grayson's lifestyle and pursuit of physical fitness is considered by many to be extreme. His use of cutting edge technology, scientific breakthroughs, and consistent mental discipline put him far beyond his contemporaries. Some say he wants to live forever.

+ Success, Driven: Grayson's level of aggressive competition to be the best in what he does is considered by many to be extreme. Mixing study, charisma, experience, and a willpower second-to-none; this human can succeed where all others have failed. To him life is fleeting without experiencing it from the front of the pack.

- Cancer Survivor: Grayson suffered a radical form of cancer as a youth and survived only by invasive chemical treatment. As such, his body type and bone mass is surprisingly thin for a human his height. These inconsistencies also increase his healing and recovery time by almost 100% off the battlefield.

- Language Disability: Grayson has an almost magical disability to learn another language. While he speaks G basic with great ease, Crow has never managed to even stumble upon a desire to speak anything else. Even the common beeping and whistling commands of familiar droids escape him.

Thin white male in his late thirties. Chiseled body features with a tremendous ease to keep a thick skin tan. His powerful legs and calves are extremely dominate physical features compared to his upper torso. Very rarely does he smile but it is said that he had very kind eyes.

Crow was the child of a Brain Surgeon and a stay-at-home mom. The third son, joining two sisters, who was often comically said to have been the family accident. Growing up with a large age gap between himself and his siblings left Crow with a strong competitive desire to excell for attention. A desire strongly reinforced by his hyperactive father.

Crow attended University on Coruscant and graduated in Political Science. However it was his athletic achievements that lead him and his friends to sign up with the Republic Military. His advancement as an Officer was textbook and his early career a spotless piece of paperwork. During this time however, Crow lost his girlfriend of two years to health problems and redoubled his work ethic. Striving to bury his feelings with his job. His aggressive attitude and consistent physcial experimentations lead to a violent confrontation with another Navy Officer. Following this incident Crow resigned his commission and ventured away from the Core Worlds to seek a more mercenary lifestyle in the outer Rims.

Crow was 37 when he gained Confederate Citizenship and dedicated himself to starting anew.





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