Her temper did not phase the deranged scientist, though her remarks of calling him a cultist was amusing. Did she think he cared? Mortal titles were flimsy attachments, they did nothing, they meant nothing, they were idiotic words slapped onto names to establish some sort of order against the chaos of the universe.
"Words are not strength. If I disappoint, perhaps you do not see what I see, know what I know. Few do. The keyhole is small, and egos to large to witness the truth are everywhere. Forlorn Tempest has glimpsed the truth, but not grasped it. Nor has this vessel." Forlorn Tempest clung to these titles, it was an illusion of power, a way to shelter her fragile candle wick against the storms of chaos. She had the form of purity, but she lacked the will to form herself into something beyond imagining. Lamentable, but...there was something be gained here. If he could ascertain the pure form of Forlorn Tempest, he could perhaps reach the goal he had longed for. He took up a vibro saw from the table, looking to Forlorn Tempest for a moment, before nodding.
"A demonstration perhaps, for you, Forlorn Tempest. One you can understand." Taking the saw in hand, Akulak turned it on, and drew it down his chest, slicing open the skin between his rib cage, and spilling blood from the wound as he did so. He dropped the saw to the floor, as the shock and damage inflicted began to compromise his bodies functions; but it was under control. The pain was astonishing, exquisite even, though the Sephi merely accepted it, drew it in, and went to work mending the damage he had done. The muscles and skin pulsated, growing over the wicked gash, as the Sephi dropped to his knees, his body rearranging itself to withstand the damage.
He rose to his feet, his chest still pulsating and quivering as the flesh mended itself. The Sephi seemed to have shaken off the weakness that had crippled his body moments before. Forlorn Tempest saw his as an underling, as one of the other lesser beings from which cowered under her heel. He was not one of these, and if she sought his hands in her ploy, she would need to acknowledge such; though her form was far superior to his own.
"Do not judge me for one of the lesser beings, Forlorn Tempest, for I care not for their squabbling. If they can acknowledge the purity of your form, then they only admit their own weakness and failings. You howl with rage, you scream with fury, your voice is a thunder bolt to the eyes and ears of the blind and dumb. Yet you burn wildly, no focus, no fervor. Queen you may be of the lesser beings, but of this vessel you are not Queen." Akulak tipped his head, removing the golden mask as he would reveal his true face to Forlorn Tempest.
"This vessel still wishes to see what Forlorn Tempest can bring forth, to see the purity of form, the changes she brings. If Forlorn Tempest will have this vessel, then this vessel acknowledges the superiority of Forlorn Tempest." Akulak waited for the answer, curious what the Sephi opposite him would do. There was a method to his madness, though others could quite see it.
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