Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Great Headtails Think Alike

Mi'la Undari


Location: Mephout
This planet was...interesting to say the least. It was also messed up as all hell. Mi'la had initially come here out of curiosity, but had stayed for the illegal ethic violations she had discovered on this world. Mephout was a planet that was known for being the headquarters of the Plintep Cybernetics Corporation. Plintep was a pretty low down corporation in the galactic sense, their most successful model was a translator droid, but they had another project they had worked on that few knew about; cybernetic soldiers.

There was a murky scheme going about on the world, one that Mi'la only recently learned about. The company was hiring youths off the street to participate in testing the cybernetics and being paid for their work, what the company failed to tell their workers however, was that they were going to be turned into near droid soldiers that were stripped of free will. It was a sickening thought, but then again who was going to know? These were street urchins after all, if nothing else the wealthy people of this planet would think it was for the best. To the jedi however, it was down right terrible. There was only one problem, Mi'la had no clue where she needed to go to stop this operation, hence her current predicament. She was currently atop one of the bar resorts of the planet, looking down below and trying to get an inkling where she could start her search. Her attire was mundane, looking more like a wayward smuggler rather than a jedi in training. She was distracted at the current, part of her inexperience as a jedi truth be told, her gaze more fixed on accomplishing her mission.

Aola Shala

Aola Shala

Aola was once again on Mephout, a wealthy place with wealthy people on. The thing about wealthy people was that they were easy to steal from and if the amount wasn't batkriff insane, they wouldn't notice it, before it was too late. The Twi'lek hadn't been on Mephout for quite some time and was walking along with Tauss. Tauss was her massive Gammorian friend, in fact, he stood a bit over 2 meters tall and carried a two-handed vibroblade axe as tall as Aola over his shoulder.

They had been walking for a bit, getting quite the attention from passers-by who quickly walks around. A couple of squeals and grunts came from Tauss as he looked around the place. "Yeah, you're right buddy, not much luck so far" agreed the smaller Twi'lek girl and entered the first bar resort they stumbled upon.

After a bit of reassuring that Tauss wouldn't trash the place, they were allowed to drink at the place. Sitting with a very light drink, enjoying her break, she finally looked around the place. Man, so many rich snobs around them and Aola was just about to pick out some old fancypants rich lady to steal from, when her eyes caught a certain lonely purple-skinned Twi'lek, standing by the railing alone.

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la knew she was about to get called out for not ordering anything. Truth be told she couldn't really afford anything here; being a padawan didn't really pay after all. She had really only come here to think, this place had a great view after all, and it was relatively quiet here on the balcony. She cast her gaze to the cityscape once again, sighing as she felt she had reached another mental roadblock. So many complications to what she was working towards, and yet she had no real answer to it.

She had her jedi training, the force, and a pretty sharp mine, and yet she couldn't do anything in this moment to help people. It was a bit disheartening truth be told. Sakadi would have had some sort of plan, some sort of idea how how to go about her plan. All Mi'la had was storming into the facility and liberating the people within; that obviously wasn't going to work. But...maybe there was something else she could do. If she could just release footage, or get word out to someone about it...maybe she could get the ball rolling against the company. Still stewing in her thoughts, the padawan began to pace back and forth, feeling like she was at least getting somewhere. In the midsts of her musing, she found another Twi'lek looking to her, their eyes met for a moment. Mi'la offered a small smile and wave, taking a pause in her musing before going back into it. It was always nice to see her own people, made the galaxy feel just a little bit smaller.

Aola Shala

Aola Shala

Aola waved back with a small sweet smile of her own, before returning to her drink beside her friend. The other Twi'lek looked lost and Aola was thinking of going over and introduce herself, but then again, there was also that rich old lady with lots of credits on her. However, the corner of her eyes caught a waiter heading for the other Twi'lek, probably asking her to leave or buy something.

Looking back at the old lady and then over at the purple-skinned Twi'lek. Sighing, she jumped off the barstool and followed the waiter. "Excuse me miss, but you can't stay here unless you buy someth~" explained the waiter but was stopped before he could finish the sentence. "There you are, big sis! I've been looking all over for you" expressed Aola with a wide grin. Placing a few credits on the waiter's board, "she'll take some water, you know how boring big sisters can be" joked Aola, really playing into the sister role.

Looking at the amount of credits Aola gave him, the waiter nodded and left to get Mi'la her drink. Waiting for the waiter to get out of earshot, Aola turned her back to face the railing before leaning over it. Taking a sip, she almost regretted helping the other Twi'lek out as the old lady left the bar, damnit thought the blue-skinned Twi'lek.

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la Undari

Seeing the waiter coming towards her, Mi'la sighed, a small part wishing she still had a bit of her families to call upon here and now, but fate had another hand to play. Being pulled away by a blue Twi'lek who called her 'big sis', it took Mi'la a moment to catch onto what the woman was doing. "Oh, why didn't you tell me you were here!" She lied, glancing to the waiter to ensure that he was buying it; though he truly didn't seem to care.

The comment about being boring struck a nerve however, because Mi'la was anything other than boring. She didn't respond verbally though, only giving the Twi'lek a glare that could have deflected a blaster shot. Who was this blue skinned woman and why had she latched onto the jedi? Being turned to look at the city-scape once more, Mi'la had noticed the girl forking over credits to keep up the illusion. Great, now Mi'la owed her something. "Thanks for the save. I'm Mi'la by the way. Who might you be?" She inquired, leaning on the rail and examining the frustration that seemed to be playing out across the woman's face. The woman appeared to be a spacer, just like Mi'la, but her demeanor suggested something else. Was she a fellow explorer? Certainly not a jedi by the aura she was giving off. Not to mention she seemed a fair bit younger than Mi'la was. "I really shouldn't be coming up to this place. I can't afford anything here, but I like the view. It helps me think." Yea, like thinking was going to get anything done here and now. "You don't look like the type for this place either. Tell me 'sister', what brings you here?" She inquired in Ryl, hoping the girl knew enough of the home language so they could talk in private.

Aola Shala

Aola Shala

Whether the blue-skinned Twi'lek saw or just ignored Mi'la's deadly stare, was an uncertainty. However, she did turn her attention back to Mi'la when she introduced herself. "The names Aola, and that one over there" introduced Aola and pointed her index finger over at Tauss, who was through his 3 beer, "is Tauss" added Aola to her introduction. "I can see that. You don't exactly strike me as a rich Jedi" pointed Aola out, leaning up against the railing.

"you know what helps me think?" Asked the blue Twi'lek, raising her right eyebrow, giving Mi'la a short glance, before looking back at the other costumers. "Credits. Credits give you a lot of things to think about" said Aola with a light tone in her voice.

"No, but my and I visits this place every so often for refreshments" replied the younger Twi'lek of the two with a shrug. A sudden voice back inside of the bar. Actually it was multiple stern voices, and the voices came from security. Six men had surrounded Tauss, which the Gammorian did not like at all. "Bantha poodoo" cursed Aola, giving the situation a worried look, "well, see you around, but it seemed I'm about to teach these Nerf herders a lesson" concluded Aola and left Mi'la on her own. While Aola left the railing to go help her friend, the waiter passed the younger Twi'lek and stood in front of Mi'la with her water.

"Oi, leave my friend alone! We've paid fair and square to his bar!" complained Aola, which got the attention of the security. "You know this one?" Asked one of the security guards, nodded to Tauss. "Yes I do, why are you surrounding my friend?!" Asked Aola annoyed. Tauss said a couple of annoyed grunts and squeals as well and jumped down from the stool. The security guards took a step back, seeing the massive size of the Gammorian, who placed his large vibroaxe over his shoulder.

"Miss, we've received complaints that your Gammorian friend has made other patrons uneasy" explained one of the security guards.

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la Undari

Aola and Tauss huh? Strange pair, but Mi'la had certainly seen worse. Her smile dropped when Aola pointed out that she was a jedi, to which Mi'la looked to the holsters for her sabers and sighed. Was it really that obvious? She had thought they looked like stun batons.... "Oh, you noticed, huh?" She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head as she wasn't sure what else to say. She didn't find the blue skinned woman's advice very helpful, and speaking from experience, Mi'la didn't feel that way at all about wealth. "Been there, done that sister. Credits just make it easy to get what you want." She responded, leaning back on the railing, hearing the nonchalance that the woman spoke with she was certain a disagreement would ensue. There was something about young Twi'lek women that just made them feisty, and it was something Mi'la herself couldn't ignore. Maybe it was just in their blood, she really couldn't be certain.

The woman said they came here often, which explained how she could afford the pricing in the mind of the jedi. Though through the explanation, Mi'la could spot a commotion occurring within the bar as several security officers closed in on the Gammorian. Pretty typical behavior for an up tight establishment like this, but as Aola excused herself to deal with the problem, Mi'la felt that something bad was bound to occur. Moving to try and intervene before this situation got out of hand, Mi'la caught one of the guards behind the pair reaching for his blaster. Feeling his intentions would be less than noble, Mi'la had to descalate the situation. Eyes widening, Mi'la reached out and ejected the energy cell from the man's blaster as he drew it. The sound of a clattering power cell would distract from the conversation, as the Twi'lek moved to collect it off the floor. "Excuse me gentlemen, can you please not pull weapons on my sister and her friend? I think the patrons would like to avoid a fight." She spoke, reaching the pair as she nimbly moved through the guards that were surrounding the pair. Holding the energy cell, she inspected it and set it on the counter, shaking her head in disgust. "It's a young Twi'lek and a Gammorean, does it really require several armed men to deal with?" She asked, looking to the men as she felt she was about to step into a world of trouble here and now.
Aola Shala
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Aola Shala

The intervention of Mi'la certainly made her the center of attention from the guards. "Yeah! We're paying customers as everyone else you bantha poodoos" said Aola, poking her tongue out at the security guards. Ignoring the childlike behaviour and turned their attention to Mi'la, "You're the kid's sister? Then I would remind you to teach your little sister not to yell" said the head security guard, not liking that Mi'la thought she could just enter security business.

Some of the men looked at each other in disbelief at Mi'la's last question as they looked at the massive Gammorean, who also held his massive vibroaxe in his hand. "It doesn't matter, the owner doesn't want you here anymore, leave or be forced" stated the lead security guard and drew his stun baton, but held it in a non-threatening position.

"This is bullshab!" cursed Aola now really annoyed and stubbornly didn't move with her massive Gammorean towering everybody else. Seeing the two rowdy pair not leaving the establishment, more of the guards drew stun batons and activated them. "Miss, please leave the establishment," asked the lead security guard again, now putting more pressure on the word 'leave'.

More patrons started to leave the restaurant, feeling a storm were about to explode and they were not wrong when a guard stabbed his stun baton into his shoulder. Aola screamed in pain and fell to the ground, Tauss squealed in a furious rage and grabbed the guard who shocked his Twi'lek friend and threw him across the room.

Everything turned into chaos. Tauss went full-on ballistic mode, at started to throw guard after guard while also getting hit and shocked from the batons.

Aola, however, quickly regained herself and saw her friend getting overwhelmed by 5 security guards who desperately tried to apprehend the big guy. To make matters worse, more security guards rushed into the fight, all with stun batons. Getting up, Aola just charged the chaos and jumped up on one of the guard's back and started to punch and hit the poor man. "Leave my friend alone!" Yelled Aola, causing the guard to desperately try and get Aola off of him which looked rather comical.

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la Undari

Mi'la wasn't liking where this was going. When Aola wasn't trying to provoke the officers, they were clearly not in the mood to listen. "Hey, sis, let me handle this okay? You just go take a seat and take Tauss, I'll work th-" Mi'la found herself being cut off, as one of the guards turned and got in her face. "The Gamoeran stays. You both need to leave. Now." Oh yea, this was going swimmingly. "Now wait just a minute-" She had started to say, before seeing Aola be struck by a stun baton, and all hell broke loose shortly after. Thankfully the guests had taken off, because when Aola went down and the Gammorean went into a frenzy, Mi'la knew this wasn't going to end well.

The guard in front of Mi'la swung at her, as the padawan managed to leap out of the way. She grabbed his wrists and threw a knee into her groin, before wrenching the baton out of his hands. As the man collapsed to the floor, Mi'la found herself staring at a drastically devolving situation. Taking in a breath, she knew what she was about to do was going to be a strain on her abilities. Reaching out, she took hold of the five guards, gripping them and taking hold. She could feel the strain as she began to pull, the resistance was far greater than anything she had felt before. But she would do it none the less. Straining as she began to separate the group, she loudly stated her desire as the five guards were wrenched off the Gammorean, and thrown across the bar. "EVERYONE, STOP!" She could feel the fatigue wash over her after having done that, as she knew it was time to leave. Staggering forward, she would take hold of Aola, and looking to Tauss, she would strongly support leaving this place as soon as possible. "Come on, they're going to stop using those batons now, and I don't have enough juice in me for the whole security department." Mi'la would begin her exit of the bar as the security guards began to come to, as she had no desire to end up under arrest once again.

Aola Shala
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Aola Shala

Everything just ended in chaos and before Aola knew, the guard she was slapping the hell out of, was suddenly ripped out of her grip, causing her to land on her bum. Not only that, but she was suddenly pulled off by Mi'la, causing the younger Twi'lek to release a small "iip" sound, followed by giving the guards the middle finger.

"The place was getting dull anyway!" Grinned Aola, seeing Tauss catching up with them, one hand with his massive axe and resting a giant barrel on his other shoulder. "Really Tauss?" Asked Aola, but at this point, it should be expected of her friend to steal a full barrel of alcohol from a busy bar. Their escape seemed to be working and ran through some crowded street, Aola could always cheer for the chaotic escape.

However, that was exactly how it would plan as a police speeder firing a stunning net, capturing Tauss with the net. Out of panic, Aola stopped, which caused her to feel Mi'la's pull, making the girl trip. More police arrived, showing how damn effective privatising policing worked. Soon, Aola was captured in a net and unless Mi'la found a way out of their shocking situation, she would also be captured in a large net, sending minor shocks into her. The shocks itself wasn't enough to really hurt or even kill, but it was enough to keep subjects from breaking out.

Mi'la Undari
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Mi'la Undari

Mi'la had made a key error today. Using the force against the guards was bad, exceptionally bad. In fact she probably was going to get lectured by Sakadi once she got back home. Moving out of the bar, the Twi'lek surpressed the desire to groan as her Twi'lek companion continued to talk. "Can you two just focus on getting out of here? Seriously we are in a world of trouble." She lectured, as the pair headed down a narrow side steet, hearing the sirens of sector police closing in. Reaching the end of the street, Mi'la had thought the trio would slip out without much issue, but alas the galaxy had other plans. A speeder narrowly struck the Twi'lek, driving Mi'la back into the alley. It was a strange speeder, one that she had seen for hunters on Kashyyyk. Instead of a blaster cannon, it was swapped out with a stun net, the sort that could bring down a bantha if the gunner knew how to use it. It was a rather disturbing idea, but that elaboration of such a concept would have to wait, as rhe man operating the net gun leveled towards the jedi.

Mi'la drew her sabers, preparing to defend her companions, only to find they were both being apprehended by officers sweeping in from behind. Seeing her predicament, Mi'la faced down the speeder, her mind trying to work out a plan, some escape route that she wasn't seeing. Unfortunately she didn't get that far. As she turned to face down the gunner, the electro-net was already fired off, slamming into Mi'la and knocking her to the ground, as electricity zapped her into unconsciousness. The last images that Mi'la caught before passing out was a pair of officers moving towards her, speaking into their comlinks. "Roger HQ, have a jedi and a pair of vagrants here to go on the auction. Over."

Well, this was certainly not how she imagined her day going.

Aola Shala

Aola Shala

When Mi'la woke up, she would find herself inside of holding cell, inside of a busy precinct. With energy walls around then and a single door made out of energy as well, there was little she could do, getting out with physical force and strength. Aola was already awake, though her friend Tauss was nowhere to be found.

With her back up against the wall, Aola just hummed a small tuned, until she would hear Mi'la wake up, "you look like you've seen better days" commented the blue Twi'lek, before focusing back to the busy precinct. Apart from Mi'la and Aola, was another person inside, though he looked very wasted and was also sleeping on the spot of the bench he occupied.

"I don't suppose you know what time it is?" Asked Aola, glancing over to Mi'la, but looked back as an officer stepped up to the holding cell. "You, Twi'lek" called the officer, having a very sternly look to him. "You're free to go, your fine has been paid in full" explained the officer and unlocked the holding cell to let the Jedi out. "You'll find your stuff down the hallway over there, which then will lead you out" explained the officer.

"See you around "sister"" commented, not moving from her spot. Hey, Aola knew better than try and break out of a freaking precinct, that sort of thing happened in prisons. No matter how hard Mi'la tried to convince the officer to let Aola go, he sternly told the Jedi that he couldn't do that. He even mentions that the girl had done a lot of illegal smuggling and other crimes, enough to send the girl and the Gamorrean friend in prison.

//Exit thread

Mi'la Undari

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