Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Green Hell

Location: Atmosphere - Setron
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

Seela had expected this to be a relatively easy, if boring mission. And thus far, it had been. After all, Setron was a world far outside the scope of the major powers, its resources (if there were any to begin with) having yet to be exploited due to the hostile slither vines which infested its surface. Due to their presence, Seela’s starfighter had been loaded with trihexalon missiles, which had already proven their worth in killing off large clusters of slither vines which would have otherwise overwhelmed the small expedition.

Unfortunately, unlike a typical conventional plasma or concussion missile, they were of no use in a dogfight.

That was why the sudden appearance of a repeating blip on her sensor readout caused the muscles in Seela’s jaw to tense up with concern, indicating the presence of an unidentified contact. As the sensor signature became closer, her gaze narrowed with disgust as the unknown contact gained clarity, thus revealing itself to be an all too familiar craft.

An X-Wing.

“This is Fragile Dancer to unidentified contact.” Seela growled over an open channel, her voice carrying a tone of admonition and authority. “You are flying in a restricted airspace. Turn back now and identify yourself immediately.” She continued.

“Fail to comply with either of these orders and you will be fired upon.”

As if to punctuate Seela’s words, the unknown pilot of the unidentified craft might register the sudden wailing of a missile lock warning blaring into his helmet. A clear threat.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
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Ship: Link

So demanding.

Zane heard the woman's voice across an open comm channel and grinned to himself. Finally, this mission was getting exciting, and unexpectedly so. As a newer member of the famed Revenant Squadron, he was assigned a lot of routine patrols and simple escort missions to get himself flight hours and to prove himself disciplined enough to be a part of the squadron. It was tedious and frustrating at times, but at last, his patience had paid off.

A patrol of Setron had revealed an enemy contact.

<Fragile Dancer, this is Flight Officer Zane Cameron, of the Galactic Alliance,> he began over comms, his voice as cocky as the grin that spread across his lips.

<Power down shields and weapons now.> He spoke with his own sense of authority, but to drive his point across, he flipped a toggle and locked his S-foils in attack positions. Shields were up, weapons were at full power and he was more than ready to give this Fragile Dancer her first salsa of the day.

Location: Atmosphere - Setron
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The Alliance had arrived, or at least, a single representative of the Coreward galactic hyperpower. It was not a surprising revelation, since the distress signal accidentally triggered by the expedition team was from an Alliance facility, albeit one that was seemingly abandoned. Nevertheless, while Seela had hoped that there wouldn’t be any patrols in such remote space, it was now her responsibility to deal with this one, whether she had the right missiles or not.

“Wrong choice, Flight Officer. For your superiors' sake, I hope this isn’t your first sortie. It would be a shame for the Alliance to lose such a promising young ace over this infested green rock.” Seela growled. And on cue, a single missile screamed out from one of her starfighter’s launchers before swiftly racing towards the bandit as he came into visible range. Unfortunately, due its trihexalon warhead (which was meant for destroying organic matter), the missile might only inflict minor or even negligible damage on the X-Wing in the event that it struck, as the chemical would be immediately vaporized by the shields or turned away by the hull. As such, the pilot ensconced inside the craft would remain unharmed.

However, Seela hoped that the fear of the missile itself (and the possibility that the pilot might not have any means of determining what the warhead was) would force him on the immediate defensive. In that regard, the Twi’lek maneuvered her starfighter in anticipation of that potential outcome. Pulling back on the yoke, she drove her machine into a steep ascent in the hopes of gaining an advantage in altitude and potential energy over her opponent, before quickly leveling off and vectoring towards the bandit in a pure pursuit.

Flight officer or ace, without missiles that were capable of destroying starships, Seela knew that she would need every advantage at her disposal in order to defeat the Alliance pilot.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
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Ship: Link

This definitely wasn't his first rodeo.

While Zane lacked the experience other members of Revenant Squadron had, he had proven his skill and he felt confident taking on his enemies. A confidence that extended to this patrol, even though he had rather been with a wingman. Dogfights like this were wild and unpredictable, and he knew he was taking risk.

But he loved the thrill and he couldn't back down.

An instant later, alarms pulled his gaze down to his sensors. A missile was coming in fast, so he pulled his ship to the side and felt the explosion to his port side. To his surprise, however, his shields only sustained minimal damage. He had avoided a direct hit, sure, but standard missiles were still potent enough to do more than that.

Was she toying with him? Or was something else the matter?

Without a clear answer, Zane steadied his X-wing and watched her level into a pure pursuit. He turned about to face her, pulling his nose in her direction before opening up with cannons.

He trusted his shields to outlast hers if she dared to play chicken.

Location: Atmosphere - Setron
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

As anticipated, her missile did very little in the way of appreciable damage. It was simply the wrong warhead for the wrong fight, allowing the bandit to escape from the toxic chemical blast relatively unscathed and with only minor strain on his shields. Nevertheless, the missile had bought just enough time for Seela to gain the edge in altitude over her opponent. It was a relatively small advantage, especially given the power of most space-rated engines. Nevertheless, it was an asset that the Twi’lek did not want to disregard.

And so, as Zane whipped his X-Wing around to face Seela head-on, he would be approaching her from below, while she came from above. Then, milliseconds later, her opponent opened fire. Fortunately, Seela was already twirling her fighter around in a quick trio of 360° rolls—all executed while driving her machine in a relatively straight flight path. All the while, her implants kicked into overdrive as she leveraged each roll to shift the target profile of her fighter in response to the trajectory of the incoming cannon fire, making it so that the bolts either passed just under (or over) her wings or grazed off of her shields.

Moments later, Seela hit the merge with the bandit in a very close, head-on pass before banking into hard break turn to starboard, putting maximum Gs on her starfighter’s airframe even as alert and warning indicators vibrated against her ear cones. Then, after a quick glance at her sensor readout, the Twi’lek angled her turn so that she was maneuvering towards the direction of the bandit, in the hopes of lining up a shot on their X-Wing.

Should she achieve that, Seela had every intention of bringing the fight to a swift and merciless end.

Craft: IS-12 "Pyrolisk" Starfighter
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Ship: Link

Zane gritted his teeth, frustrated with his lack of progress as cannons opened up. His opponent rolled in their fighter, dodging his bolts with precision, rather than dumb luck. Either he was dealing with a very experienced pilot, or a Force user who could predict just about anything. His only advantage was that the pilot seemed to fight without proper equipment. The missile had done little damage and he wondered if their other weapons would struggle similarly.

As they passed by each other, he knew he was about to find out.

Just like his opponent, Zane pulled himself into a sharp turn, forcing himself into his seat as G-forces threatened to knock him out. He clenched his legs, forcing blood into his brain, and trusted his breathing and suit to help him stay conscious. Still, as he made his turn, he realized that he'd enter her arc of fire before she'd come into his.

So, rather than fire his cannons, he let loose a missile of his own at the last possible moment, hoping it'd be hard for his enemy to evade it.

At the same time, the Sith's cannon fire rippled through his shields, puncturing armor and knocking out several of his systems with violent sparks.

"Chit..." he muttered, "Can't... control... my ship..."

Location: Atmosphere - Setron
Time: Early Morning
Dialogue Legend: <<Ghoul-Speak>> │ “Galactic Basic”
Tag: Zane Cameron Zane Cameron

The Gs tugged and pulled at her body as Seela brought her starfighter past the apex of the turn before sweeping in on the X-Wing’s six. Her gaze narrowed then, taking on a cold, icy aspect as she honed in on the enemy craft, before lining up her cannons with its rear fuselage. Then, without wasting a millisecond, Seela laid on the guns, unleashing a salvo of blue-white hued plasma towards the bandit’s aft.

In the moments that followed, the enemy’s shields flared and ruptured when the superheated plasma bolts met the energized barriers, followed by a series of small explosions that burned and tore through much of the X-Wing’s hull as the latter part of Seela’s salvo struck home. For an instant, Seela’s eyes flickered with elation at the success of her attack. However, it was only a split-second later a harsh pang of realization seized her awareness as the missile lock tone howled against her ear cones, causing her features to suddenly turn pale.

Then, before Seela could do anything else, her senses exploded in a haze searing light.


Ship: Link

Zane's eyes opened, suddenly exposed to light that hadn't been there before. The dark vacuum of space and its countless stars were replaced by a blue sky and a hot sun that burned against his skin. He smelled the scent of nature and looked around to see himself surrounded by trees, vines, and other jungle plants. He swallowed hard, as he smelled burning fuel, and oils and heard the sound of electrical wires snapping and popping.

Was he alive?

The pain in his ribcage suggested as much, and so did the feeling of blood dripping down his arms. Most of his jacket and the shirt underneath were torn, leaving him somewhat exposed to the elements. Blood ran down his forehead as well from a sharper cut, likely caused by shattering glass inside the cockpit.

But he was still breathing.

"Chit..." he muttered against the pain.

What now?


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