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Private Green Horizons


New Cov Temple

Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery stood at the edge of the New Cov Temple's landing platform, her fiery gaze sweeping over the lush, untamed wilderness that stretched out before her. The Temple, nestled deep within the planet's dense jungles, was a place of both serenity and danger — a perfect setting for the adventure she had promised Roman. The early morning sun filtered through the thick canopy, casting patterns of light across the stone steps leading down into the forest below. The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and foliage, alive with the distant calls of exotic creatures.

She had arrived early, the anticipation of what lay ahead bubbling beneath her calm exterior. There was something about New Cov that always made her feel alive, and connected to the natural world in a way that few other places could. Today, though, that connection was heightened by the excitement of sharing this experience with Roman. She had seen the spark of determination in his eyes, the way he was ready to embrace whatever challenges awaited them.

Dressed in her preferred Jungle attire, with her lightsaber hilt clipped securely to her belt, Valery glanced toward the sky as she sensed the familiar hum of an approaching starship. A small, satisfied smile tugged at her lips as she felt Roman's presence drawing closer. This was the beginning of something new for him, a test of both his skills and his resolve. And she was ready to guide him through it.

As the ship touched down on the platform, Valery stepped forward, her hands resting casually on her hips. The ramp lowered, and she could see Roman's silhouette against the bright light of the ship's interior. Her smile widened, a mix of warmth and playful challenge in her expression.

"Welcome to New Cov," Valery called out as he descended the ramp. "I hope you're ready for this — it's going to be a journey you won't forget."


As the ramp of the starship descended, a rush of cool morning air greeted Roman, carrying the rich scents of earth and verdant life that permeated New Cov. He stepped off the ship, the platform solid beneath his boots, and immediately felt a shift in the atmosphere. The jungle loomed ahead, a green tapestry of vitality and mystery that beckoned him to explore its depths. The air was thick and humid, wrapping around him like a warm blanket. He instinctively wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, his breath catching as he realized just how unprepared he might be for the wild terrain ahead.

As he made his way down the ramp, Roman's attention was immediately drawn to Valery. She stood confidently at the edge of the platform, her fiery hair catching the morning sunlight like a beacon. Dressed in a snug, form-fitting jungle attire that highlighted her athletic build, she looked every bit the part of a seasoned explorer, fierce, yet graceful. The fabric clung to her as if it were woven from the very essence of the jungle itself, and he found himself momentarily captivated by her presence.

He approached her, feeling the anticipation of the journey ahead coursing through him. "Thanks, Master Noble!" he replied, trying to mask the awe he felt. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a pivotal moment, not just in his training, but in his life. With Valery by his side, he felt emboldened, ready to embrace whatever challenges the jungle would throw at them. "It feels… alive here."

As he stood before her, his gaze flickered back to the surrounding jungle, its beauty almost overwhelming. The thick canopy cloaked the area in dappled sunlight, and he could sense the weight of countless mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

He nodded, meeting her eyes. "I'm ready. Let's do this."


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery's smile softened as she watched Roman take in the surroundings, his awe evident in the way his eyes moved across the jungle. The energy of New Cov was indeed palpable, a living force that seemed to breathe with the rhythm of the wild. She could sense his determination, mingled with a hint of uncertainty, and it only made her more eager to guide him through this experience.

"Alive is exactly the right word for it," Valery replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "This place has a way of testing those who enter, but also rewarding those who are willing to learn from it." It was one of the most dangerous Jungles in the Galaxy, if not the most dangerous one. To survive meant to learn, and those lessons could be useful in other parts of life. In Valery's case, they had made her stronger and more resourceful, allowing her to survive in any environment.

They also made her respect nature a lot more and taught her never to underestimate it.

She noticed his gaze flicker, just briefly, and her smile widened ever so slightly, the glint of mischief in her eyes unmistakable. "You might find that New Cov has a few surprises in store for you," she added her tone light but with an edge of teasing. "But don't worry, you'll have me to keep you on track." As she spoke, Valery casually adjusted her top, smoothing the fabric over her chest, before tugging on the straps of her backpack to secure it over her shoulders. The motion was unhurried, almost natural, but there was a certain playfulness in her eyes as she did it.

Valery then turned to a path leading into the jungle, away from the safety of the Temple, "Our first day will be about exploring, but we're also going to find shelter and set up our little camp. Along the way, I can answer questions you have and explain a few things about surviving the Jungle."


He felt a warmth spread in his chest as he watched her. Valery was resolute, confident, and there was an ease in her movements that made the whole environment seem less daunting. Her smile had a way of thawing the nerves that knotted in his stomach. When she spoke, her voice seemed to melt into the ambient sounds of the jungle, as if she was a part of it.

"Alive is exactly the right word for it." A soft laugh escaped his lips, but it was directed inwardly, how could he relate to the vibrancy of this raw, living landscape? Back home, his life had been structured, predictable. He hardly had the time to ventur into the depths of a wild place like New Cov, let alone dreamed of navigating its dangers. His family's roots were planted in politics and civilization, not untamed jungles. As a child on Serenno, the wilderness was tamed, predictable; this was so foreign to the Padawan.

Valery continued, her tone teasing yet earnest, and Roman found himself hanging on her every word. "Testing" and "rewarding," she said. He felt the challenge rising to meet him, and though it was met with uncertainty, deep down, there was a flicker of eagerness to prove himself.

He watched her adjust her top, her confidence radiating effortlessly. Roman felt heat rush to his cheeks, his gaze involuntarily drifting as he tried to collect himself. "Focus, Roman." he chastised himself mentally, remembering the disciplined upbringing that had instilled in him a sense of decorum and restraint. Yet, it was hard not to notice her subtle teasing. Was she doing this on purpose? Did she want to see him squirm a bit?

When she mentioned the surprises New Cov had in store, he met her playful glint with widened eyes. He wasn't sure whether to be excited or terrified at the prospect of unpredictability. "Surprises." he repeated softly, the word weighing heavily in his mind. He could almost picture countless scenarios playing out: treacherous paths, hidden dangers, bizarre creatures. The thought sent a shiver of both thrill and fear slithering down his spine.

"Master Noble." he stuttered, his curiosity overcoming his hesitation, "what do I need to know about… well, everything?" The words tumbled out before he could second-guess himself. He wanted to dive into the lessons she had to offer, but the thought of actually engaging the jungle's wildness also terrified him. "I warn you, I'm no survivalist. But I will do my best to keep up. To learn as we go."


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery smiled warmly at Roman's honest admission, finding his nervousness both endearing and admirable. She had seen countless Padawans who were overconfident and underestimated the jungles. It was refreshing to see someone be open about their lack of experience and knowledge.

His questions and his apprehension would help him stay safe and learn.

"Don't worry, Roman," she began, her tone gentle yet reassuring. "The jungle may be unpredictable, but that's what makes it the perfect place to learn. You don't need to be a survivalist — you just need to be willing to adapt and trust in the Force. I'll be right here with you every step of the way."

She paused, letting her words sink in, her fiery gaze holding his with an encouraging steadiness. "The first thing you need to know is that the jungle is alive in more ways than one. The plants, the creatures, even the air you breathe — it's all connected through the Force. If you can tap into that connection, you'll find that the jungle isn't as daunting as it seems." Being aware of everything was the first step to surviving, and she was going to explain why.

"New Cov is dangerous because both the fauna and flora are extremely deadly. So much so, that the inhabitants of the planet built giant domes around their cities to keep themselves separated from the jungle. The only way to survive is to understand where these dangerous forms of life are."

"That starts with your senses. Feel life around you, but also try to understand its intentions."

She paused and looked him over with a smirk, trying to gauge if he was listening or if he was still distracted by the low cut of her shirt, "Does this make sense?"


"Does this make sense?" she asked, her smirk teasing yet reassuring. Roman nodded, trying to shake off the distraction that her confident demeanor provoked. But he made an effort to focus on her words instead of the way they made him feel.

"The jungle is alive." he echoed softly, picturing the vibrant greens and deep shadows. "And everything is connected through the Force."

With a deep breath, he followed her instruction, closing his eyes shut against the vivid sights of the jungle. He tried to quiet the rush of thoughts swirling in his mind, the anxiety swelling in his chest. He felt vulnerable, exposed in the rawness of the jungle – but he also felt the warmth of the sun on his skin and the coolness of the breeze.

Concentrating, Roman attempted to push aside his racing thoughts, focusing instead on the hum of the world beyond his closed eyelids. At first, he perceived only the dull thump of his own heartbeat. He felt small, a puny figure in a vast, dangerous world. Then, slowly, he began to notice the subtle vibrations around him.

He felt the rustle of leaves as a small creature scuttled beneath them. He could sense the way the air shifted, as if responding to the various forms of life that thrived just out of view. He felt the intricate web of nature that intertwine all things, it was beautiful and complicated.

He could sense something larger nearby, a pulse of energy that felt both intimidating and curious. Was it a predator or just a herbivore? Despite the fear creeping back in, he was captivated by the notion that he could perceive these energies.

Drawing in his breath, he tried to push deeper. "I can feel… something nearby." His heart raced as he focused. "But I can't tell what it is."

Roman opened his eyes, his visual world bursting back with vibrant color. He looked at her, his brow furrowed in thought. "It feels aggressive… what should I do?" Roman took a moment to observe her expression. The lightness in her eyes flooded him with determination.


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched Roman closely as he closed his eyes and began to focus on the sensations around him. She could see the subtle shifts in his expression, the way his brow furrowed in concentration, and the slight tension in his posture as he reached out with the Force. It was a critical moment, and she admired his willingness to embrace the challenge, despite his nerves. When he finally spoke, describing the sensation of something nearby, something aggressive, Valery nodded approvingly. He was beginning to connect with the jungle, to sense its hidden dangers and the life that thrived within its depths.

"Good, Roman," Valery said softly, her voice carrying a note of encouragement. "You're starting to feel the life around you, and that's the first step. The fact that you can sense its intentions means you're already a few steps ahead, but always be careful with it. Some creatures only become aggressive once you approach them, enter their territory, or if you get close to their children." A fact he likely knew, but it'd help him understand what he should do.

"In situations like this, you have two main options. You can either confront the presence head-on, if you feel confident in your ability to handle it, or you can find a way to move around it, avoiding unnecessary conflict. The Force will help you decide which path to take but when you're in doubt, avoid unnecessary encounters. We're dealing with animals and plants, not enemies. We don't need to put ourselves in a position where we have to defend ourselves."

She offered him a warm smile, hoping to ease any lingering anxiety. "Right now, I want you to trust your instincts. Take a deep breath, focus on the energy around you, and ask yourself — is this something we can approach, or can we navigate around it?"

Valery stepped back slightly, giving Roman the space to make his decision. To teach him, she was going to make him their guide and only step in if they'd otherwise get in trouble.


Roman's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the serenity of the jungle. He understood Valery's words, the options laid out before him like a path splitting into two. Confrontation, or avoidance. The choice felt heavy, the weight of responsibility settling upon his shoulders. He closed his eyes again, the vibrant greens of the jungle fading to a canvas of sensation. He felt the pulse of the 'aggressive' presence, its energy a tangible thing, a low hum vibrating through the air.

He pictured it, a large creature, perhaps a feline predator, its territory disturbed by their presence. It was a simple matter of respect, of recognizing the boundaries that separated their world from the jungle's. They were the foreign intruders, the ones who had encroached upon its home.

The Force, like a gentle current, guided his thoughts and emotions. There was no need for conflict, no reason to provoke a creature whose only intent seemed to be the protection of its space. They could move around it, respect its presence, and continue on their path. With a slow exhale, Roman opened his eyes, a newfound sense of calm washing over him.

"We can move around it." he said, his voice soft but firm. "It feels like we're in its territory, and I don't think it's looking for a fight, just wants us to go."

He glanced at Valery, seeking confirmation in her expression. He was still new to this, to understanding the whispers of the Force, but he felt a growing confidence in his ability to perceive and interpret its messages.

Roman shifted his gaze back to the jungle, his senses alert. He felt the pulse of the creature, a constant reminder of their proximity, yet it didn't feel threatening anymore. It was a silent understanding, a recognition of shared space. He took a step back, gauging the direction of the unseen threat, ensuring they wouldn't unintentionally provoke it.

He could sense the way the jungle seemed to hold its breath around them, the air thick with awareness. The trees, vines, and smaller creatures were all connected, a complex and vibrant ecosystem that they were now a part of, if only for a brief moment. He felt a surge of respect for the jungle and its inhabitants, a deep understanding that they were guests in this space, and they should act accordingly.

Roman continued to lead the way, carefully curating a path. To where? He really didn't have a clue, but he moved towards what felt right, trusting Master Noble would step in if needed.


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched Roman closely as he closed his eyes and reached out through the Force, feeling the pulse of the jungle around them. She could sense the tension in him, the weight of the decision he was about to make, and she admired the way he handled it. This was exactly the kind of challenge she had hoped to present him with — one that would require not just skill, but also wisdom and understanding of the living Force.

When Roman finally opened his eyes and spoke, Valery's lips curved into a proud, approving smile. "Good," she said softly, her voice full of encouragement. "You've made the right choice." She nodded as she glanced toward the direction of the unseen predator, respecting its territory as Roman had suggested.

"The jungle is full of life, and every creature has its place. Sometimes, the best way to navigate it is to listen and adapt, rather than force your way through," Valery continued, her tone gentle but instructive. "Trust in the Force, and trust in yourself. You've shown a lot of wisdom in how you approached this situation."

As Roman began to carefully lead the way around the creature's territory, Valery followed close behind, her senses alert but her presence calm. She allowed him to take the lead, confident in his growing ability to feel and respond to the living Force around them.

"What do you think so far?" Valery asked after a moment, "Of the Jungle?"


Roman felt a rush of warmth wash over him as Master Valery smiled at him, her approval igniting a spark of confidence within him. He took a deep breath, letting her words wash over him like the cool mist that lingered in the jungle air. He knew this moment was not just a test of his skills but also of his understanding of the Force, an opportunity to showcase the wisdom he was beginning to cultivate.

As he moved cautiously through the underbrush, he couldn't help but cast an occasional glance back at her, hoping to convey the determination etched on his face. "It's... incredible." he replied, his voice steady despite the thrill coursing through him. "The way the jungle life interacts, moves in rhythm, there's a certain harmony to it all that feels alive. Like a living web woven through the trees and the vines."

He turned his attention back to the path ahead, observing the delicate balance of life that surrounded them, the fluttering wings of colorful insects, the rustle of leaves hinting at unseen creatures, and the distant call of birds echoing through the canopy. "I can sense how important it is to be aware of everything around us, not just the danger." he continued, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "I think I understand. We can be part of this web, rather than just outsiders trying to push through."

Roman paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. He wanted to impress Valery, but more importantly, he wanted to reflect what he had learned. "It's a lot like the connection we have as Jedi, isn't it? Each of us is like a thread, and together, we form a bigger picture. I think…" he hesitated slightly, gauging her reaction, "I think that's why it's so vital to listen to the Force. It guides us in understanding our place in all of this."

He glanced back at her trying to maintain a bit of eye contact, searching for any flicker of approval, hoping his understanding would resonate with her as much as her teachings resonated within him. "I think could spend hours just observing." he added, trying to ensure she recognized his eagerness to learn and grow. "But I'm ready to move forward, wherever the Force leads us next."

As they approached a glimmer of light filtering through the foliage, Roman's heart raced with hope. He pushed aside some branches to reveal a small clearing next to a shallow cave, the entrance dark but inviting. He gestured toward the cave, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "This could work as shelter? It's close to a water source, and the trees provide cover from any rain."

He glanced at Valery, feeling the weight of her gaze on him. "What do you think, Master Noble? I hope I made a good choice." He awaited her response, hoping to see approval in her expression, and eager for her to witness his growth as a Padawan. The sound of distant wildlife and the rustling leaves added to the anticipation, making the moment feel even more significant.


Outfit: Jungle outfit
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery listened to Roman's reflections with quiet pride, her fiery gaze watching him as he navigated the jungle, not just with his senses, but with an understanding that was growing deeper by the minute. His words about the jungle being like a web of life resonated with her — it was exactly what she had hoped he would grasp. He wasn't just surviving here; he was connecting with the life around him, feeling the Force flow through the jungle and himself.

When he compared the jungle's balance to the connection between Jedi, Valery's smile widened, a glint of approval shining in her eyes. He was thinking beyond the surface, drawing connections between the natural world and the path of the Jedi — it showed a maturity that made her proud of his progress.

"You're absolutely right, Roman," Valery said, her voice warm with approval. "The jungle is a reflection of the Force in its purest form — everything connected, everything playing its part in harmony."

She stepped closer, resting a hand briefly on his shoulder as they both gazed at the cave he had found. "An excellent choice," Valery added, her tone filled with admiration. "This clearing is perfect for shelter — it's protected, close to resources, and will allow us to stay attuned to the life around us."

Her hand dropped away, and she gestured toward the cave. "Let's settle in and take a moment to rest. We've been moving for a while, and I want you to feel fully prepared for whatever the jungle may present next. Gives us time to collect firewood, place down our bed rolls, and arrange supplies before it's dark, too."

Valery's smile softened as she met his gaze again, "You've done well already and I'm glad you're taking it all in the way that you are. This place is quite special to me, so I've always loved sharing it with others who care."


Roman felt a surge of warmth flood through him at Master Valery's praise. The subtle power of her presence encouraged him to dig deeper within himself, pushing aside any lingering doubts and embracing the growth he had achieved. Her approval was a beacon of hope, illuminating the path he still had ahead as he tried to navigate the complexities of the Force and his responsibilities as a Jedi.

With a slight smile pivoting on his lips, Roman turned his gaze from the cave and back to Valery, the jungle around them pulsing with life. "Thank you, Master Noble." he said, a hint of excitement edging his tone. "I'm just beginning to grasp about being part of this living web. Each sound, each movement feels like a part of a greater design, and I want to learn how to read it even better."

He took a moment to let her words sink in, feeling them meld with his own past experiences. "I've always thought of the Force as something distant, but here… it feels like I'm barely scratching the surface." he confessed, his voice carrying a hint of awe. "I think I understand now--it's about connection and respect for all forms of life. This jungle speaks to me in a way I never expected. Thank you for sharing it with me."

With newfound determination, Roman stepped toward the cave, hoping to embody the harmony he sensed within the jungle. "I'll help gather firewood." he said, gesturing toward the dense underbrush beyond their temporary abode.

As he moved away, Roman couldn't help but cast another glance back at Master Valery, an eager reflection in his eyes. He could feel the warmth of her acceptance lingering in the air, fueling his burgeoning confidence. Roman resolved to embrace every lesson and connection. He was ready to learn and grow.

With arms full of sturdy wood, Roman returned to the clearing with a sense of accomplishment. He carefully laid the branches in a neat pile, ensuring he had enough for a warm fire. Looking over at Valery, he admired her focused efforts and hoped that each action he took reflected his eagerness to learn.


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