Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Armor Green Knight Armor

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Manufacturer: Gun-Works of Epica
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Heavy
  • Intent: To Sub a Mass Production Suit

  • Classification: Multi-purpose
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Ion/EMP: High
    • Acid: High
    • Sonic: None
    • Radiation: Very High
    • Vacuum/Pressure: Average
    • Cryo: None
    • Flame: High
    • Disease/Poison: Average
    • Vibro: Very Low
  • Chest Mounted Continuous Beam Radiation Cannon
  • Integrated Wrist Mounted Charrics
  • HUD with integrated Targeting
  • Heavy Duty Fusion Generator as Power Source
  • Heavily enhances strength and durability, allowing one to enter sites immediately after a post nuclear detonation and survive there for extended periods, possibly weeks, with internal technology based off that found in terraformers allowing the armor to purge itself of or absorb ambient radiation to power it's systems
  • Fully integrated life support systems
  • Fully Integrated tractor and pressor systems, allowing users to mimic telekinesis on a basic level
  • Basic weapons can be swapped out for others of similar purpose. Has mounts on shoulders and arms for additional weapons
  • Crawl Out to the Fallout: This Suit, designed with terraforming technology in the sense it has an ability to rapidly purge radiation from a small area of thirty meters, or even go to ground zero of a post nuclear detonation after most of the fires have died and operate there for extended periods of time. Sure, there's no reason why you would necessarily want to do this, but the option is there. At the very least, you'll be able to take your sweet time leaving such a place.
  • X-Ray Chest: The Chest Section has a high output Radiation Cannon that can destroy Organic Cells and possibly affect Droid Electronics severely
  • Full Internal Comforts: Full Life Support Systems to keep occupants happy and alive under severe fire and rads
  • Paragon: Designed to look scary in a 90's Anti-Hero sorta way
  • Across the board: Provides wide ranging protection from a variety of threats and it's weapons can be swapped out for those of similar functions, even the chest cannon
  • Pretend Mage: Tractor/Pressor systems in the gauntlets allow for an uncanny skill at mimicking telekinesis
  • Slow: movement speed is reduced by 25 percent
  • Very Heavy: It's an immensely heavy item to move in if disabled. Only the strongest could hope to
  • Cryo: Cryo weapons make it's armor brittle
  • Vibro: Vibroweapons tear through it
  • Sonic: Sonic weapons crumple the armor
  • URAAAAAANIUM FE-VER: The Suit can take a tremendous level of punishment, but if the power plant is damaged
  • Mage Range: It's Tractor and Pressor be Systems don't have a range beyond 20 meters

Secretly commissioned by Arianna Belasko, Science inclined members of the House Io faction known as the Doves designed this armor to spark fear in Brain Demon Cultists, as it's fearsome appearance and green color scheme was inspired by Percival Io 's escapades as his Green Knight Persona. Gun-Works of Epica did the actual construction, and while most Doves are not inclined to use this item, Gun-Works has not hesitated to distribute it to other governments as well as their own employees...

In creating this armor, Arianna has committed what is tantamount to High Treason against House Io, as it was originally designed for those Doves who absolutely wish to take the fight to the vicious Cult of the Brain Demon...

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a Mass Production Armor
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Gun-Works of Epica
Model: N/A
Modular: Yes
Material: Armor weave , Duraplast, Plasteel, Duranium, Armor Electronics
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: None
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

Cryo (None), Vibro (Very Low), Vacuum/Pressure (Average), Disease/Poison (Average)

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