Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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~Greetings and Salutations~


New to this to this sector of the galaxy but not the galaxy itself, if that makes any sort of sense. Been RPing off and on for roughly a decade (strangely enough started on a SW board) and would like to get back into it. Felt like it was time to shave off some of the rust.

Place seems friendly enough, having already joined the discord and spoken with a few of you fine folks. If you'll have me, I'd like to make a small place for myself here.
K-J4K K-J4K Welcome welcome to Chaos! :D Do you know what sort of character you'd like to get start with?

Yes, I'm currently working on a Mandalorian Droid who is a Big-Game Hunter type character at the moment. After which I'd like a crack at the Draelvasier, thanks to another wonderful member pointing them out to me.

Also thank you everyone for the welcomes, they warm the cockles of my heart sincerely.
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