Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello there, site - new member here. Not entirely sure how to introduce myself, hehe...I've never been in a Star Wars Roleplay before, so it's a fairly exciting prospect, all things considered. I'm definitely looking forward to diving straight into things as soon as I've gotten a character done, but you'll all have to bear with a little bit of ignorance on my part; still learning the ropes, as it were!

That all being said, I can't wait to get to know all of you. I'm sure we'll have some fun~

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Welcome aboard :) You'll find plenty of fellow Alien fans here, me included. Nothing like a random acid-bleeding face-eating xenowhatsit to spice up the Star Wars.
Implying that there are people that aren't fans? What kind of blasphemous-

Kidding, kidding. Thanks! Glad to see a kindred spirit here, should help with setlling in...! It's nice to meet you, [member="Lanter Kells"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Likewise. Any questions, let me know. I'd recommend starting by making a character and joining one of the factions on the map. They're all reasonably active and any one of them will give you an instant community. If you dig bad guys, the Sith Empire and the First Order are probably the board's two real superpowers at the moment. If you like neutrals, I hear great things about the Commenor Systems Alliance and the Free Worlds Coalition, and I help run the Outer Rim Coalition. If you're after devoted good guys, the Silver Jedi Order has its benefits, and the Galactic Alliance is pretty good also.
[member="Lanter Kells"]

I've actually already started working on a character - albeit one that's incredibly experimental and might not work at all in this kind of board, who knows? As far as Factions go, this first character is almost certainly going to remain strictly unalligned, but I'll keep all of those in mind should I ever make a second. Thanks for the information~!


c: Fake it 'til you make eet c:
[member="Reina"] Hello and welcome! I'm relatively new myself, but I already like it here and am sure you'll have fun. c:
[member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Mariya Fleischer"]


And, well, a Sarlacc is pretty Zerg-looking, I'd say. Maybe you should go over to Felucia and meet my character sometime! It isn't like it can come to you....

Stephanie Swail

[member="Reina"] Welcome to the Chaos - enjoy your time here, and shout if you need help at any time. :)

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