Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings from another plane

Greetings, I am Crane Baxa. I have roleplayed for quite a while though where I currently roleplay, there is lots of issues of keeping scenarios and factions. Anyway, I am here to have fun and hopefully create ships and vehicles!

Stephanie Swail

[member="Crane Baxa"] Welcome to Chaos - enjoy your time here and if you have any questions, just shout.
Only question I like to shout out is trying to figure out who owns what territory. I also would like to know where to look for smaller factions currently as I have no intention of joining larger organizations. (I am still on my own retirement so to speak from politics)


Disney's Princess
[member="Crane Baxa"] To answer your question. Check the MAP tab in the Top Banner to see the territories of the Major Factions. All of which can be found in the FACTIONS tab too.

To note. Minor Factions do not control territory on the map. :)
Ahhh very well. I thank you for that though I highly doubt I want to be in a large least, for right now. I noticed some materials can only be done through certain missions so may have to sometime.


Disney's Princess
[member="Crane Baxa"] The Factory is indeed another beast entirely. So, yes. It can take some time to better understand it's rules and guidelines as well.

As a creator yourself? Might I suggestion looking into our Corporations system too. Enjoy. :D
Thanks Darth Caecus. Just submitted me first ship, hopefully it passes with flying colors...if not, more to learn. You may be interested in it...who knows.

EDIT: How are credits decided in game? I am wondering how that works.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
[member="Crane Baxa"] Credits are not an actually monitored thing... However, your character's prestige and experience works kind of like a credit rating (officially unofficially). A corporation selling a ship for 100 000 credits will find a homeless man on the streets of Coruscant to be a less-likely buyer than someone who has created and sold many of their own ships. Just spend some time on the board, and you'll have no problem whatsoever! Again, it's all unofficial, you can pretty much do whatever you want, credit-wise. Oh, and welcome to Chaos!!

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