Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings from Nowhere

Hello people of the internet. I guess I should start off with who I am. You can call me TBE. Or Mitchell, whatever flies your starship. I'm not exactly new to the entire RP concept, having done so many, including a doom themed RP a while back. Anyway, I hope this site is as amazing as my friend says.

Bring on the Chaos.
Like Sweet-Tarts Without The Sweet Part
Bring on the Chaos? I like you already.

Welcome!! <3 Never played Doom, but I saw the movie. :p I'm fairly new here, too, and I can tell you the people here have been fantastic. Helpful, creative, hilarious and brilliant. I think you'll have no problem finding a home here. Any ideas for your first characters?

PS: Love the name and the avatar. >_>
Greetings, and welcome to Chaos!

Be thankful you got in when you did. April Fool's Day is a menace here. :p

[member="The Bound Enigma"]
[member="Eryn"] | [member="Vishune"]

Thanks for the warm welcome. I can imagine. I had to leave the previous forums because of it.

As for [member="Eryn"]

I was thinking of a Grey Jedi at first, then a Republic Soldier.

Connor Harrison

[member="The Bound Enigma"]

Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time with us and just shout if you need help anytime.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Welcome [member="The Bound Enigma"]

I found this place a bit overwhelming at first as it's huge to me!'s very addictive. Hope you have lots of great adventures!

Any questions on Jedi, Dark Jedi and the Republic, just send them my way and I can get you in touch with the right people :)

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