Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings once again

Tyl Ro

The Anti(Hipster)-Cynic
Hello Chaos. It's been awhile... Didn't really say much when I left. Never really been interested in grand, dramatic exits.

I haven't done as much writing as I'd like. The motivation for writing alone simply hasn't been there. Despite that, I have managed to write more pages of notes without ever actually writing a scene than I thought possible. I made a map, filled it out in great detail, created a native species of a carbon-based planet... you get the idea.

Well the actual writing part of writing hasn't really been there. Lots of thinking, not a lot of practice.

So I thought I'd come back and see if I can kickstart some of my motivation with keeping up with you lot, a persistent challenge to me in the past.

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"] has kept me relatively well informed of some of the happenings, but I'm sure I'll learn more as we go.

Just leaving this here in case there's anyone who cares to thread with me or any of my characters. I always have a few ideas...

Glad to see you back :)


Tyl Ro

The Anti(Hipster)-Cynic
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Ooo, that sounds like a challenge. You're on pinky...

Except I have no idea where your character is or what they're doing these days, though them tags aren't lookin' too friendly. Gimme some time to catch up. Never got to thread with you on my last stint, but I'd certainly like to fix that. You're always welcome to get at me on Skype if you have any ideas :)

And if cookies are on the line, that's really all the incentive I need :p

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