Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hello to you all, and what a lively and active community this appears to be indeed!

I just joined this forum yesterday and was just able to log in, so coming here seemed only natural.

I guess, I should start with a little bit about me. I live in Denver, I'm 27 years old, and a massive nerd, haha! In addition to Star Wars, I'm also a huge fan of Star Trek, Firefly, and Warhammer 40,000 (as far as more well-known sci-fi franchises go) and have participated in Star Trek roleplay on simming communities before.

I am also currently a staff member for a different roleplaying community and have been roleplaying online for approximately 11 years or so, so needless to say I am relatively well-versed. Though with that said, my actual ability to write has recently dulled and rusted somewhat, so roleplaying in an environment here that is a lot of novel-like in approach might do my skills some good.

I'm gonna spend the next few days getting accommodated with the current setting, the server's rules and methods, and the general way of doing things here. I've had a number of different character concepts in mind, including a Hutt, a Sith, and a rather general space-faring handyman.

We'll see what strikes my fancy first!

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