Not gonna lie, the sheer amount of lore that's here doesn't actually matter too much. There's no real main storyline, just some big ones currently happening.
The Brotherhood of the Maw, group of Sith, Raiders, Cultists, and whatever other bad guy in the galaxy hell bent on destroying the Galaxy is currently ripping their way through Chiss space. The Galactic Alliance and the
New Imperial Order stand against them in the front lines, but tension between those two factions have also started to rise to the point war between them might happen again. Elsewhere the
Hutt Space Consortium have risen again, and crime slowly spreads through old Hutt space. Perfect for the spice dealer or bounty hunter.
Further down, in that path, the Mandalorians reside on Chaos custom Kestri. The 'new Mandalore' so to speak where they recover from a chaos specific purge of Mandalore under
The Enclave. They're helping to stop the Maw though cause that's the biggest storyline going on (There's also Mawdelorians and such).
So yeah that's all I'm involved with on the Major Faction side. Those tend to be the biggest stories, so I linked those factions. If any tickle your fancy I say join them and approach their groups of writers! Every one, even the Majors I didn't mention as I'm not involved in their stories enough to tell ya a brief summary, are hella welcoming and will help ya figure out whatever story it is you might wanna tell.
But yeah like, there's way too much stuff to go over for like, past lore unless you have a specific idea on what you're looking to get involved with.
Otherwise! Welcome to Chaos. Good to have more new faces.