Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Soulfire Ticon"]

Hi there! I'm Admiral Cross, the Drunken Red Nova Master....

Welcome to the Nova Outbound Fleet, baby!

We're not pirates, so much as a fleet-for-hire. We're here to drink, fight, love, and get exorbitantly rich.

What kind of ships do you have?
You are probably wanting more of a Dark side power focus right? Sadly when I was exiled by the Mandalorians I drank something that pretty much cuts me off from the Dark Side of the force. I can train him as a bladesmen and TK guy.

Oka Osaa

Well-Known Member
My brain percentage since we're talking now.
20% Women
20% Astromech/Droid
15% Ships
10% Health
35% The Force and training

Don't worry rogue jedi can love :p (Rogue Jedi cause I believe in some of their code)

Grand Moff Helranth

Grand Moff of the Sith Empire
Drinking sounds like a good time, got any spice?

I am an Agent hired by Cross, I will kill people and make it look like they slipped in the shower.... And more. Also, Cross I can take care of this woman if you like and free you from her...
[member="Cloud Utada"]

Uhm, no... I wanna keep her, thanks...

But seriously, welcome!

We've got a gig to help with one of the Shadow Empire's dominions, which means a nice little cut for whomever shows up.

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