NAME: Gregor Strum
FACTION: Galactic Alliance, Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Correllian
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 89 kg
EYES: brown
HAIR: dark brown
SKIN: light skinned
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Gregor stands at right about six feet, and weighs the world with curious eyes. He takes a bit of pride in his beard and despite the streaks of grey here and there he refuses to dye it enjoying what he calls his early signs of wisdom. He can often be found stroking it as his mind grinds over an issue breaking things down into pieces and parts.
The life of Gregor is a simple one, and one he was quite pleased with truth be known. He'd gotten good grades, gone to a good school and got a good job all the things he was told in life were right to do. He became married to his work out of college as he got to play in a thousand little interesting things that he found truly enjoyable. As exciting as all of that was he didn't understand all that life was missing until he met the love of his life. She was a fireball, and lived with her heads in the cloud, a place he hadn't visited much until he met her. They were quickly on adventures, and one of them ended up with them waking up hitched. Both were pleased at the surprise and without much ado they began their together.
A few years later came a little girl came into their lives, and they thought their lives were complete. It was then that Gregor was first approached by the Jedi due to his force sensitivity. There was a brief household discussion of the matter, but to Gregor family came first. The Jedi took it well and Gregor left the meeting with a quiet respect for the group. Just a couple years later though tragedy struck as their family was ripped asunder. Not by war, or even the hand of chaos but a simple accident, and Gregor was left a grieving single father. There were many memories though, and a legacy of love so in time they sewed themselves back together.
Just a few short years later though fate struck again, Nova their young daughter had come up sensitive as well. She had the wanderlust of her mother, and though he was loath to do it Gregor allowed it. There was however a condition. Gregor would join with them, too old to exactly be a padawan he wouldn't be able to stay with her, but at least he could stay in her world. He knew deep inside otherwise it would be years before he saw her, and worse they'd be strangers then who's life experiences had pulled them apart. Instead Gregor sold their home, and left his job to join the Jedi Order.
FACTION: Galactic Alliance, Jedi Order
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Correllian
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters
WEIGHT: 89 kg
EYES: brown
HAIR: dark brown
SKIN: light skinned
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Accomplished engineer with years of experience under his belt
- A lifetime of experience from contacts made in life, to a much more self assured mature standing, and all the skills that come with it
- Completely without combat training of any type
- A lifetime of engineering has taught him the galaxy is controlled by rules, and those rules are absolutes. A difficult thing for a man who's about to learn a near limitless thing
Gregor stands at right about six feet, and weighs the world with curious eyes. He takes a bit of pride in his beard and despite the streaks of grey here and there he refuses to dye it enjoying what he calls his early signs of wisdom. He can often be found stroking it as his mind grinds over an issue breaking things down into pieces and parts.
The life of Gregor is a simple one, and one he was quite pleased with truth be known. He'd gotten good grades, gone to a good school and got a good job all the things he was told in life were right to do. He became married to his work out of college as he got to play in a thousand little interesting things that he found truly enjoyable. As exciting as all of that was he didn't understand all that life was missing until he met the love of his life. She was a fireball, and lived with her heads in the cloud, a place he hadn't visited much until he met her. They were quickly on adventures, and one of them ended up with them waking up hitched. Both were pleased at the surprise and without much ado they began their together.
A few years later came a little girl came into their lives, and they thought their lives were complete. It was then that Gregor was first approached by the Jedi due to his force sensitivity. There was a brief household discussion of the matter, but to Gregor family came first. The Jedi took it well and Gregor left the meeting with a quiet respect for the group. Just a couple years later though tragedy struck as their family was ripped asunder. Not by war, or even the hand of chaos but a simple accident, and Gregor was left a grieving single father. There were many memories though, and a legacy of love so in time they sewed themselves back together.
Just a few short years later though fate struck again, Nova their young daughter had come up sensitive as well. She had the wanderlust of her mother, and though he was loath to do it Gregor allowed it. There was however a condition. Gregor would join with them, too old to exactly be a padawan he wouldn't be able to stay with her, but at least he could stay in her world. He knew deep inside otherwise it would be years before he saw her, and worse they'd be strangers then who's life experiences had pulled them apart. Instead Gregor sold their home, and left his job to join the Jedi Order.