Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gregor Tal'verda

Name: Gregor "The Indifferent" Tal'verda

Faction: The Dominion

Rank: Clan Mandalorian Knight

Species: Mandalorian; Human

Age: 18

Sex: Come and find out for yourself

Height: 6 feet 3 inches

Weight: I'm Not Fat!!!! Just Big Boned!!!

Force Sensitive: Very Much So

Adopted Family:
The Tal'verda Clan



Dislikes Conflict

Not a Pilot.... of Anything

From the wartorn ravaged planet of Stygeon Prime Gregor was a war orphan caused by the fall of the Mandalorian Empire. Reduced to nothing but parlor tricks and theft by using his connection to the force. He serviced for longer then most would expect. Later however he was found my members of the Tal'verda Clan who he attempted to steal from. Impressed with the young boys nimble ability to escape and evade the Mandalorian Clansman, a lower member of the Clan adopted the boy and brought him into his home. Gregor was nearly ecstatic to have a home and family to call his own. His adopted father had no wife and no children, so Gregor was the heir to all the man could offer. It wasn't much, but small land in Concord Dawn, and loose ties to the Clan Tal'verda.

Soon after his adoption, it was revealed the Gregor was Force Sensitive. His slender body was nothing to scoff at, living on the streets allowed the boy to be made of mostly muscle and bones. Added his loose training in Mandalorian customs and training, the boy is a living weapon like most Mandalorians. However growing up, he didn't much care for fighting and prefers the farm life of his home with his adopted father. He gets along with his cousins and family, but finds that they only invite him to raids more because he is an asset then enjoying his company.

Lately he has grown close to his cousin Zaz, son of the head of the clan. He convinced Gregor that joining the banner of the Dominion would benefit him and that Gregor would find peace in this new nation. As such, Gregor left to join his cousin and star up a new life for the Mandalorian People. However his true intentions are still unclear.

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