Gregory Navikov
Paragon of Perfection
Name: Gregory Navikov
Homeworld: Tholon
Faction: Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations
Age: 35
Force Sensitivity: No
Gregory Navikov was born on the world of Tholon during a time of uncertainty for the world. A rebellious youth, Gregory would often flee the mining settlement he called his home to explore the untamed lands of Tholon, spending long segments of time on his own. He had few friends, and fewer connections, and did not fit in with the locals of his home. He had no interest in the work of the mining guilds, and despised the thought of being trapped on a barren rock of a world forever. The moment he was old enough, Gregory joined the Commonwealth Armed Forces to get off Tholon.
Much of Gregory's career was considered unexceptional. He was an average soldier, never standing out compared to his peers, and he failed to bond well with those around him. It was not until a officer training course was offered to him that his true military expertise began to emerge. Excelling in every part of the class, when the final exam was taken, Gregory emerged as the lead cadet of the program. There were still doubts, but Gregory was advanced into an officer career path, and from there his rise was meteoric. Within ten years, Gregory was one of the highest ranking officers within the Commonwealth Armed Forces, but hit another stall. There were not many positions to go around, and the general status of peace did not call for an expansion of the military command structure.
The growing Sith menace changed that, and when the Secretariat of the Armed Forces read the proposed military strategy penned by Gregory to combat the threat, he was brought in as a Field Marshal. Now, Gregory seeks to ready the forces of the Commonwealth as the Sith threat draws closer to the home territory of the Commonwealth.