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Approved NPC Grenz the Bodyguard

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Grenz the Bodyguard
  • Age: 23
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive [But he doesn't know this].
  • Species: Mandalorian / Human
  • Appearance: Grenz is a tall and skinny Mandalorian with far more speed and agility. Grenz does not have as much muscle, but with his speed, perception, quick-thinking, and use of technology, this becomes unnecessary for him. He has an incredibly tough build, having little life outside of his job and his visits to the gym for a workout. Grenz wears a red jumpsuit and Mandalorian light breastplate armor from his home planet of Ordo. Grenz sometimes wearing a decorative red "traditional" variant of his armor for special occasions and political parlays. Underneath his armor, Grenz is a handsome man who has black hair and blue eyes. He has lightly tanned skin because he once lived on Ordo.
  • Name: Grenz Fitzgerald - Head of Security, United Trade Authority
  • Loyalties: United Trade Authority
  • Wealth: Grenz is the wealthy friend and business ally of Ova Ziss, and likely makes three figures per year (though he doesn't spend much).
  • Notable Possessions: Grenz is accompanied by two battle droids. He is otherwise equipped with regular weapons and a vibroblade.
  • Skills: Grenz was a former member of the Mandalorian military and possesses all of the skills and abilities that a typical Mandalorian foot soldier would have. Additionally, Ova Ziss sent Grenz through a two-year academy program as a computer technician.
  • Languages: Mandalorian; Basic; Huttese; Twi'Lek
  • Personality: Quiet; Cunning; Violent; Resourceful; Ambitious; Perceptual

  • Weapons of Choice:
    Mandalorian Blaster Rifle
    Mandalorian Heavy Blaster Pistol
    Wrist Lasers+ Power Packs
    Computer Splicing Supplies (vs Droids and Computers)

  • Combat Function: Grenz is a powerful bodyguard with military experience. His job is to protect Ova Ziss and to coordinate the TAB Droids on Dantooine. He will sometimes come on special missions with Ova if it is not too far from home. Beyond that, Grenz stays in the shadows and runs the space station. He is "Head of Security" of the United Trade Authority, after all, and his job is to be threatening and to deter violence. He has limited fleeting and ship combat experience, but is open to learning. In combat situations, Grenz is always accompanied by two battle droids.

  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only): Although there are dormant whispers of the force inside of Grenz, he remains untrained in the use of any of his force abilities. This isn't because of some trauma or deviousness, but simply because Grenz isn't aware he's a force sensitive.
  • Mandalorian Military Training: Grenz passed basic Mandolorian bootcamp and participated in a handful of missions before becoming a mercenary. He has the basic discipline and skills that a soldier does, although it was some time ago, so the discipline aspect has faded.
  • Mastery of Droids: Grenz shows a particular understanding of droids and droid manufacturing.
  • Trained in Hand-to-Hand Combat: Grenz is a capable hand-to-hand combatant from his days as a Mandalorian recruit.
  • Trained in Counter-Espionage: Because of Grenz's training and expertise, his "awareness" skill is strong. Grenz is highly capable at detecting intruders and other types of attempts to get information from him or his employers. He is immune to criminal honeypots and you cannot conceal any weapons around him. Grenz almost always notices attempts at covert action because he was trained as a Mandalorian recruit and bodyguard to look for those types of hostile actions. His eyes dart across the room in a thousand-mile stare.
  • Violent Temperament, Easily Provoked: Attempts to provoke or intimidate Grenz will typically result in him flying into a rage.
  • Hasn't Harnessed Force Powers: Grenz isn't very introspective and so he is not aware that he's force-sensitive.
  • Small Size: Grenz is much smaller than the average Mandalorian, and is easy to provoke over this topic ("something-something-Endor Complex usually gets his motor going). Grenz also does not fare well in combat against physically larger foes.
  • No Fleeting Experience: Grenz has no experience in fleeting ships, and his academy experiences told him hat he is not a capable admiral.
  • Terrified of Deep Space: Once, Grenz had a job in Unknown Space with a spacer. Grenz refuses to talk about the terrifying things that he saw. Grenz is so terrified of deep space that he has resolved to never return to the Unknown Regions ever again.
  • Terrified of Fire: "What??! You didn't hear that! That's just a rumor! You'd better shut up about that!"" He cracks his knuckles.
Grenz is an employee of Ova Ziss and the United Trade Authority. He is, on paper, "Head of Security Operations" for the United Trade Authority. However, in practicality, he is Ova Ziss's son-in-law. Due to Grenz being utterly unemployable in an executive capacity, and his biological father rotting in an Imperial mine shaft somewhere, he is the personal bodyguard and mercenary, and one of the only "family" members that Ova Ziss knows.

This enigmatic bodyguard does not have a surname and goes solely by "Grenz" to avoid any association with his disgraced biological parents, the cause of the disgrace usually being waved away by, "Don't worry about it".

Grenz's life began on Ordo in Mandalorian space. After passing through bootcamp and doing his mandatory service in the Mandalorian military, Grenz realized - like so many Mandalorians - that he did not want to be a Mando soldier, or a privateer for the Jedi, and that he preferred to make money as a private mercenary. The moment that Grenz got a chance for a permanent release, he took it and left for Dantooine.

Grenz started his post-recruit career as a casino bouncer before acquiring a security guard license, and then a personal bodyguard license. He also had a brief stint as a spacer's muscle, but Grenz saw such terrible things in Unknown Space that he swears he won't return.

Grenz met Ova Ziss when he was a senior-level bodyguard at Raddell Mining Corporation. Ziss's second ex-wife is Grenz's mother. After a massive divorce, Ova took the much-younger Grenz under his wing, even paying for Grenz's two-year academy education to become a computer tech. The source of the divorce was that Grenz's mother, too, ended up rotting in an Imperial prison mine.

When Ova Ziss parted ways with Raddell, he decided to continue to employ Grenz as "Head of Security" for Ziss's holding company, "United Trade Authority". Although Grenz has a minor role in the company, he has proven his value when it comes to keeping the company secure and in inventing new droid and computer products. Grenz has spent most of his existence on Dantooine and he considers it his home. Grenz would defend Dantooine with his life.
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Prophet of Bogan
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

Overall a pretty solid submission! Well done!

The only issues I see involve two little links. The Image Credit link doesn't seem to lead to the image that you're using for this submission so that will need to be fixed, and I'd like to see the UTA linked in Affiliations as well. Other than those two quick fixes you're good!
Ova Ziss Ova Ziss

Overall a pretty solid submission! Well done!

The only issues I see involve two little links. The Image Credit link doesn't seem to lead to the image that you're using for this submission so that will need to be fixed, and I'd like to see the UTA linked in Affiliations as well. Other than those two quick fixes you're good!

Thank you! - Done and done! Fixed the image credit and added a link to the UTA thread.
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