Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greyd Oakenbough


Greyd Oakenbough


RANK: Ranger


AGE: 27

SEX: Male.

HEIGHT: 6ft 2

WEIGHT: 183lbs.

EYES: Hazel brown.

HAIR: Dirty brown, scraggly and shoulder length with stubble across his face.

SKIN: Caucasian, with rugged and tough skin tanned by the twin suns.



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Gunslinger- Expert in single handed blasters be it slug throwers or laser.
Lawbringer- Jurisdiction over peacekeeping in areas of Tatooine
Speedy- Experienced speeder pilot.

Crippling blows- Will try to avoid killing a target at all costs, often refusing to use more effective but more lethal measures
His one love- Puts his work as a ranger above any other social possibility

Greyd has a typically rugged look for someone who spends their days outside on the planet of the twin suns, donning heat resistant clothing such as leather dusters and wide brimmed hats, however along with his work also wears a fair amount of protective armour, which although not very useful against lasers, is highly effective against the slug throwers used by the sand people. His stature is normally fairly upright, with good posture and a lightness to the way he stands, like he is always ready to start chasing.

Ranger database entry log 36BZT- Ranger Oakenbough: Ranger is a native to the planet Tatooine, born under the heat of the two suns to a family who worked repairing vapor condenser fields across the sands. Ranger's first recorded moment of character definition on record would have been the deaths of two siblings in an incident related firstly to general sand people attacks on settlements. Incident seemed to cause a somewhat seated hatred for sand people for a few years. Ranger started to work with family upon reaching human maturity age [18 years of age] in which ranger learned the use of single handed firearms to defend the mechanics while condensers were under repair in wastes.

After several more years passed, ranger had taken notice of various 'backwater' settlements that lacked security forces, often to be ran by mercenary parties or semi coherent local councils. Ranger eventually decided to take up the position as sheriff in one of these locations. [name missing from official records due to archival errors] While working, ranger encountered a cover up involving the use of sand people to 'execute' targets to try and leave a 'backwater settlement' to rot into the dust so a tycoon would be able to buy the land the town once stood on cheaply. At this stage ranger joined up with several local sheriffs across multiple towns to create the Tatooine Rangers, a union of law enforcers with a much broader jurisdiction than if they operated alone so that the tycoon's operations could be more efficiently shut down. Once rangers succeeded in bringing the tycoon and affiliated parties to justice, rangers stayed on and work under the joined jurisdiction still.


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