Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Griff Hopsley

Name: Griff Hopsley
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Specie; Human (Nabboo)
Height- 6'1 Inches.
Weight- Light (Find exact number soon)
Eyes: Colored Brown.
Hair: Short and Combed.
Skin: Pale.
Force Sensitive: Yes



Griff is a man of great intellect who is quite proficient at the art of conversation on many different levels, his silver tongue and honeyed words can be outmatched by no other.

Charisma is a very apparent trait of Griff as the man is a social genius.

Battle Strategy:

Due to many years of Study and Observation this man has slowly become a Mastermind when it comes to winning a fight, calculations and positioning come naturally to him.

Lightsaber Fighting:

Where Griff May be lacking in strength he makes up for in his grace with a light saber fighting, while not being so experienced in the force he managed to teach himself to use the weapon very well by using it in combat while learning a mixture of techniques used with other melee weapons to sort of cobble together his own style.

While not learning the traditional way he can still hold his own in a battle.


Physical Strength is Lacking:

Being a mental powerhouse is great and all but this came at the sacrifice of his physique, he's rather thin and slender which does provide dexterity and speed when in a gunfight though when it's man to man with strength being the only factor he'd break easily.


In terms of emotions the guy can't help but distance himself from others in that respect, he'll make decisions that hurt people in order to keep his mission on track, this keeps him out of most social circles.


Griff is a tall but thin man with little to no muscle on his body besides what has to be there then what is needed to function with a healthy but pale skintone.

His hair is slicked back and he is usually only dresses in a long trench coat/robe type thing.

He won't deny that the clothing

Griff as a boy was very much interested in spaceships, finding his way onto them quite alot through his early life and teenage years working for a Dug he knew called Mako who wasn't the kindest of indeviduals but let the guy work on his ship up until his late teens and early twenties before he decided it was time to move on, discover his own way through life instead of working on just one ship, so he left Mako to his own devices in search of purpose..This journey had almost killed him though you he hated to admit due to embarrassment but his own pride and drive lead to him running out of fuel and crashing into a random moon ou in the outer rim, a rather chilling one with temperatures that those on hoth couldn't even stand.

He lay dying in his broken cockpit until something dragged him out, an old man who lived all alone in a home he made for himself in a cave nearby, cozy but not high class like he's use to.

Despite his extremely old age the man kept going, when asked why he said it was the force, A jedi perhaps? "No, just an old man" He would reply to that question.

A year Griff spent there with his new friend learning about his past and catering for him right till the end of his life in which he was gifted a the old one.

The blade glowed a bright green color like a blaster bolt had been stuck inside it for so long and only now has been released. Later on he used said saber to act as a flare ish thing when waving to a ship passing overhead, they spotted him,

Once landed they confronted the man and explained that they were smugglers moving through the planet to avoid scout ships in orbit of the planet and could offer the guy a ride if he could help themk fix up the engines for a faster hyperspace jump, he did so with ease and they ended shooting off into the distance.

To this day Griff has been residing on the planet of Nabboo practicing with that lightsaber to some very impressive results and upon discovering his sensitivity to the force has been rather interested in exploring that aspect of himself.

Jacket and Pants he wears usually.

Lightsaber that has a shiny silver hilt and glows green.

A helmet he has with a face covering, used mostly from his days of engine working, became a habit for combat or making himself unidentifiable


A large but still modest ship with a quite compact interior, it's shape consists of a large cockpit and thin midsection with three big thrusters on the back, weapons are on the front, two blaster cannons to be exact.

Leos Palle

[member="Griff Hopsley"]
Not particularly, lol. But they do say we all have a look alike on Earth. Probably several look alikes in a galaxy.

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