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Approved Tech Griffon class Templar Armor

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Provide the Templar Order with a set of armor specific to them to become as synonymous with the Order as the Stormtrooper Armor was to the Galactic Empire.

Development Thread: If Necessary

  • Templar Order Armorers

  • Griffon class Templar Armor

  • Templar Order


  • No

  • Minor
    ​Templar Order


  • Multipurpose

  • 12.3kg

  • Medium Armor
    ​Class 6

Special Features:
  • Internal Comlink
  • Vocalizer
  • Internal HUD
  • Magnetized Boot Plates
  • Locked Gauntlet Capabilities
  • Pressure sealed Body-glove
  • Internal temperature regulation system


The standard issue armor worn by Templars of the Order, the Griffon Armor is designed to ensure the maximum capability of an individual in terms of movement and maneuverability; though this comes at a loss of protection as seen in more enclosed forms of armor. Thus the armor is crafted by hand for each individual to ensure a snug fit and to ensure that individual is capable of fully utilizing their skills and talents while also remaining protected. Due in part to the various branches and ranks however, the Griffon Armor is the standard armor worn only by Templars, with various other customized, heavier or lighter armors worn by higher ranking individuals or those within the specialized branches.

Many of its capabilities come from the individuals whom wear them, and are capable of taking advantage of its design to permit their full range of movement. This also extends to the fact that it is rather comfortable to wear, in terms of sitting, movements and basic tasks, when compared to other armors of similar nature. Much of its weaknesses, as stated, come from its design to permit its individual wearers a higher mobility, as it cuts away from providing additional protection. Thus all Templars are trained not to over estimate their own capabilities or put too much faith in the capabilities of their armor.

Additional features included with the armor add to its usefulness in combat, or during non-combat patrols, or security operations. The helmet contains an internal heads up display, to provide information to each individual as needed. Likewise it also contains an internal comlink to ensure clear communication between individuals in a unit, with the addition of a vocalizer to ensure clear communication between an individual and those whom they are speaking with, by making their voice louder and clearer to hear.

The armor also provides for some more functional capabilities, as well as comfort to the individual wearing the armor. A pressure sealed body-glove provides for some comfort in varying temperatures, as well as providing a limited hour of oxygen in hazardous atmospheres or the vacuum of space. An internal temperature regulator ensures additional comfort by aiding in regulating the temperature of the individual, keeping them cool in hotter environments and vice versa. Magnetized boot plates aid in operations that require individuals to scale metallic objects, or those operating in the vacuum of space. Locked guantlet capabilities provide additional support by securing an individuals weapon in their hand, preventing the loss or disarmament of an individual at the cost of being unable to utilize that hand for other tasks.
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