Gavin XIII
Sour Candy Sithspawn

NAME: Grissa
RANK: None
SPECIES: Mutated Falleen
AGE: 19 (She's been in a cryogenic tank since the Clone Wars)
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 6'0''
WEIGHT: 175 lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Green and red
SKIN: Green
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Very Strong - the experiment conducted on her left her with enhanced strength and combat training.
(+) Falleen Pheremones - she can force people to do things, or interrogate them way easier than a normal force user, or even a normal Falleen
(-) Prime Directive - the last order she was given before being put under cryogenic stasis is still in effect. She can't stop it.
(-) Disoriented - She has no connection or even recognition of any of the factions.
(+) Regeneration - The mods added to her body allow regeneration of broken bones and similar injuries. She may even be able to reattach limbs, if she keeps them in contact with her body long enough.
(+) Assassination programming - Her brain was imprinted with amazing combat abilities, piloting skills, and even a small amount of technical skill.
(+/-) Enhanced metabolism - she can't get drunk, but her body burns off toxins that would probably kill most other individuals.
She is basically a green bombshell. Even for a Falleen, she is quite beautiful. Her appearance has caused her to be a target for many crimes, but her assailants soon learn their own folly.
Assassination directive initiated. Cryogenic sequence terminated.
Grissa woke with no memory of her past. The only memories she has are clearly artificial, stating that her human progammer was her father, the Republic her family, and her life goal to be the elimination of all Sith and CIS leaders.
She was, however, aware of her strength, aware that she could kill on a whim. She was also aware that something extremely dangerous would happen if she felt any strong emotion.
She began to look around the silent stasis chambers.
Subject: CIS-451
This subject has been given a high midichlorian count. It's prime directive is to kill any Jedi or high-ranking Republi official it encounters. This subject is to be released during Phase I of project Oblivion. Program ends in self-termination.
Subject: MND-291
Subject has been given maximum enhancements possible by physical limits. Prime directive to attack Mandalorian citizens. Subject to be released during Phase II of Project Oblivion. Program ends in termination by targets.
Subject: G-150
Subject has been given full archive of Gree data. Prime directive to kill any Gree or Gree Protectors it encounters. Subject to be releases during Phase II of Project Oblivion. Program ends in termination by Ion-1
Subject: Ion-1
Subject has been implanted with ion and electric weapons. Prime directive to destroy any droid it encounters. Subject to be released during Phase II of Project Oblivion. Program ends in termination by G-150.
Subject: Rak-7
Subject implanted with Rakghoul mating signal. Prime directive to lead infestation off planet Taris and onto galactic scale. Subject to be released during Phase III of Project Oblivion. Program ends in termination by Rakghoul plague.
Subject: EMP-1
Subject imprinted with advanced command protcols and physically enhanced beyond reccomended limit. Prime directive to destroy all llifeforms. Secondary directice is to destroy all planets. Tertiary directive is to awaken Ageless One. Quarternary directive is to reintroduce Rakata to existence by offering body as host for incubation. Program ends in termination by Rakata younglngs.
Subject: Rep-2
Subject imprinted with higly advanced assassination protcols. Subject has also been injected with large quantities of blood from Darth Caedus. Primary directive to eliminate all Sith. Secondary directive to preserve Republic. Tertiary directive to be used as breeding stock for Rakata resurgence. Program does not end.
Grissa looked around at the other tubes. Many of the occupants were disproportionate to the point of being non-humanoid. She then saw one more entry:
Warning: Project Oblivion Aborted
All subjects and data related to Project Oblivion is to be destroyed. Test subjects must not awaken. Priority for termination is Rep-2.
Grissa felt angered by the imminent destruction her own creators would wreak upon her. As her anger grew, first sparks, and then bursts, and then torrents of lightning began to cascade off her hands, shorting out the tubes and killing whatever was inside them. She then searched each test subject and took a lightsaber, a heavy blaster, a suit of heavy combat armor, and a small knife made of a material she couldn't identify.
As she searched her mind for a way off the ship, a floor plan came up in her memory, showing a direct route to an escape pod in front of her.