Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Growing Sideways


Another day, another sequence, another set of bruises to take home and into the next day. It was repetitive and frustrating, but that was how you grew. There was no growth in complacency or taking the easy way out. Knowing that, Aveline pressed on.

There was also that sinking thought that if she slacked off in her training the people she was meant to defend in the future might die. So, no pressure.

Still, it wasn’t so negative, even if being pushed to her limits had a way of bringing out that line of thinking in her. Aveline had grown a lot, she could feel it. Even these past few weeks of Kashyyk, she had seen significant growth. She was far from mastering Shii-Cho, she knew that, but she was getting the hang of it. The same mistakes she’d done so frequently before were almost eliminated from her game.

Still… Shii-Cho was just the first form, the most basic. There was still so much she didn’t know… So many exciting forms.

She twirled the training saber in her hands, mimicking the strange and foreign stances she had seen the masters do.

Aveline was by herself, more or less, in one of the many training guardens of the Silver Rest temple. Today had started with group practice, guided by one instructor. Following that, a few sparring sessions with fellow Padawans. Many had left after that, or gone to other sessions. She had stayed behind, revising the lessons of the today, going over her mistakes, trying to polish her form.



Location: Kayshykk​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
The sweet taste of beer swirled through Jax's tongue while he waltzed through the Silver Temple. From the weeks he trained Aveline, she was a stubborn girl always looking to do things her way instead of Jax's way. The Jedi way was often a little stagnant and predictable and Aveline needed to learn how to be adaptable and get intuned with the Living Force. Yet given how many temper tantrums Aveline threw, Jax felt like he was some babysitter trying to calm down a brat. He might as well give Aveline a pacifier to calm her down.​
The Jedi Knight approached the Silver Rest seeing Aveline at one of the training gardens trying to master Shii-cho. Jax chuckled at the attempt, she was still sloppy with her bladework and her footing was atrocious. Some Youngling could stick their foot out and Aveline will be already slipping and sliding and falling on her ass. It would be quite amusing to see, but Aveline's failure would be a reflection of Jax and he didn't want the NJO to be on his ass.... again.​
"Wrong," Jax said seeing Aveline trying to execute a move. "You're too damn tight! You need to be more loose! What did I keep telling you Aveline? Trust in the Force, let it flow through you."​

Aveline's head turned at the sound of Jax's voice. She held his gaze for a moment, eyes open, before she turned to look forwards again, trainingsaber in hand.

"Too tight" she repeated. "Right" with a deep breath she shifted her feet out to the side slightly, and put a gentle bend into her knees, trying to become less rigid. "Like this?" she asked without looking.

Aveline closed her eyes and reached out to touch the Force like they had taught her. Another deep breath... She stopped thinking too much for a moment, stopped wondering. Without being exactly sure why she did exactly as she did, she adjusted her stance some more.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Kashykk, Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Placing his hands behind his back, Jax observed Aveline trying to adjust her form. It wasn't much better than a few seconds ago but at least she was looser. "Still wrong," Jax said. "Open your eyes Aveline, remember what I taught you move with a purpose and allow the Force to flow through you."​
He could sense that she was wondering why she was doing these moves. "There is no why," Jax said. "Hesitation leads to a mountain of mistakes, you must be sure with every strike. Open your eyes, adjust your form and then breathe."​
Aveline expressed a desire to learn the other forms something that Jax repeatedly denied her much to her frustration. Shii-Cho was the foundation for every form of Lightsaber combat conventional and esoteric. If Aveline can't master Shii-Cho what hope will she have with something like Ataru? "Come on Aveline," Jax said. "You've been practicing this for weeks now. You know this, allow the Force to flow through you and allow it to guide your movements."​
Aveline had tunnel vision like all Padawans had, but Jax hoped to have Aveline get rid of those bad habits as early as possible. Though judging by how she's rushing things. It's gonna take a while.​

Aveline opened her eyes. She felt it easier to attune with the Force when she closed down her other senses, letting there only be the Force she saw. But suppose she needed to get used to it at all times. She couldn't just shut off some part of herself to amplify the others, she needed to let them all work in conjunction.

Now she was just shifting her stance. She needed to move with a purpose. Instead she practiced a few moves, making a few basic strikes along with the Shii-Cho tenets. She moved slowly, giving up speed and power to instead focus on technique. It helped with her stance too, and she fell into a steady rhythm, guided by and open to the Force. She'd come quite far way already, but she felt the room for improvement, and how the slight adjustments she made now somehow had it all make just that little bit more sense. Now she just needed to practice it and be able to put it into practice and make a habit of it.

Landing a strike on an invisible foe, she paused. The focus, the Force, it heightened her focus and sense of presence on many levels… Including, apparently, sense of smell. Was that… Beer? «Have you been drinking?» It wasn't even mid-day yet. The surprise in her tone was apparent, as was her judgement. She thought to herself, Jax was only a Knight, she knew, but wasn't he supposed to be more like a master?

They made 'em different his side of the galaxy, apparently.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Yes, I have been drinking Aveline," Jax said sensing Aveline's shock at Jax taking a drink in the morning\. "Your mental defenses are atrocious by the way. I wasn't actively trying to peer into your mind."​
Seriously, younglings had better mental fortitude than what Aveline got that'll be the next thing Jax will have to teach her. "I always drink before the day begins," Jax chuckled. "I like the buzz it gives me."​
In reality, Jax was drinking to forget his master's death. It had been almost a decade since his death and Jax was once again plagued with nightmares about his failure to save him. "Yes! Focus on technique." Jax said observing Aveline starting to calm down and take things slow. "Don't focus on the fact that I have alcohol in my breath. Focus on just you Aveline, everything else is a distraction from allowing the Force to flow inside of you."​
The Jedi Knight placed his hands behind his back. "Relax, and just breathe." He said. "Reach out with your feelings and rely on your instinct. Remember the Living Force, the energy field that is everywhere. From the grass to the trees, even the rocks. Concentrate and focus on getting the technique right."​
Jax's Lightsaber activated as a green blade illuminated in front of Aveline. "Now try to hit me," Jax said. "If you can."​

«But I… Said it out loud?» She looked on him with confusion. She knew he had been drinking, but she didn't know how much. Did he… Have a problem? She'd heard of adults having that.

«Didn't know I needed to keep my defenses up here at the temple. Though maybe around you…» she remarked…

The lesson continued with Jax's guidance, until it changed in nature. Aveline's lips turned into a playful smirk. Alright! Finally some action. She nodded her understanding to Jax, and turned to face him, fixing herself into a defensive Shii-Cho pose.

After a moment of them simply staring each other, it seemed he wanted her to make the first move. Aveline obliged. Being mindful of her footwork, she lunged forwards with a diagonal swing from shoulder to hip before withdrawing her hand and going for a direct stab towards his torso.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Sure you have Aveline," Jax said waving his Lightsaber. "Now come on."​
Aveline made a clumsy attempt to strike at Jax only for him to sidestep easily evading her attack. "Watch your footing Padawan," Jax warned feeling urge to strike Aveline in the back but the goal was to help her not humiliate her.​
"She's doing a fine job of that already." He thought.

"A Jedi always should look to be on defense," Jax said. "But sometimes the best defense is a good offense!"

As soon as he said that he began to spin and attempt to hit Aveline on her left kneecap.

Aveline spun to face Jax again. She felt his strike coming before she saw it. Instinctively, aided lightly by the Force, she leapt up in the air, jumping over Jax. She evaded the attack, but she had enough to do concentrating about her jump to think of counter-attacking mid-air. She came down opposite side to him.

The landing was less than smooth, and she lost her footing, stumbling backwards.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Aveline dodged Jax's attack leaping overhead. Good counter. However, her landing was less than perfect, and she lost her balance wobbling like a jelly. "And you said that you wanted to specialize in Ataru," Jax chuckled pointing his Lightsaber towards her chest. "With that coordination you'll be lucky to master Shii-cho."​
Always on the move, that was Aveline in many ways she was pretty much like Jax but the Jedi Knight had the skill to back it up. Aveline was still rough around the edges. "You can't force a square peg in a round hole Aveline," Jax said. "You need to remain calm and really dig deep into what you did wrong so you can adjust."​
The Jedi Knight deactivated his Lightsaber the green light shrinking. "That leap is the most basic somersault you can do," Jax said. "You need to work on balance and allow the Force to guide your landing. You need to open yourself up to a new way of understanding. With the Force, it's all about relearning the things that you were taught."​

"Oh come off it" she grunted in anger, straightening up and getting back up in position. Jax sure had a way of kicking her when she was down.

At least she'd been able to make the jump. In her mind she thought at least it proved her instincts were good, and she might have a natural affinity for it. But maybe Jax was right, maybe she should just give it up.

"You can't force a square peg in a round hole Aveline," Jax said. "You need to remain calm and really dig deep into what you did wrong so you can adjust."
'I would be happy to do that if you didn't constantly pick on me', Aveline thought to herself.

"Yes yes" She said, agreeing quickly, hoping to be done soon so she could get a chance to cool off and reflect on her moves when she calmed down. She was going to do exactly as he said; digging deep into what she did wrong, relearning what poor habits she had developed. She just found it incredibly hard to do when Jax was around.

"We done here?"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Temper Aveline....." Jax said in a mock tone. "You don't want to give into your anger once you do, it's tough to recover from. It's not impossible like some Jedi would like you to believe. In fact, sometimes feeling anger and frustration is a good thing like what you are experiencing now. However, anger will cause to lose focus and could lead you down a dark path."​
Jax didn't want to say that it'll lead Aveline to the Dark Side because not all pathways lead to it but It will throw Aveline off from her goal. "We're from done my Padawan," Jax smirked reactivating his Lightsaber. "Attack again this time I want you to focus on leaping and spinning."​

"This would be a lot easier if you didn't try to provoke me all the time" she muttered under her breath. He never gave her credit, and she was better than he thought, she was sure of that. If only he could see past himself.

Something about what he said at the end though had her ears perk up. Did that mean... Was he going to teach her Ataru? She didn't say anything at first, but her frown turned upside down. "Alright" she agreed.

Again she attacked, throwing a flurry of three quick strikes; shoulder, leg, opposite shoulder. Then she twisted, as if away from a counter attack, then leapt up into the air, aided by the Force, keeping her weapon low and attempting a strike at Jax's torso mid-jump. Her landing went much better this time, and she quickly threw up a guard.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax effortlessly deflected all of Aveline's strikes they were crisper and on point this time around. "Good!" Jax said seeing Aveline leap around him meeting her blade with his. "You're moving with a purpose not just crying about how everything is unfair."​
Aveline landed with grace holding up her guard while Jax shook his head. "Oh Aveline," Jax said starting to attack her weak guard sliding attacks to her shoulder and legs. "Why are you stopping your momentum?! You have me on the defensive! Strike damn it!"​
Jax hammered Aveline's defenses with a flurry of strong blows made for exhausting her and forcing her to retreat. "You need to be an offensive dervish," Jax said. "You're supposed to be a warrior who must constantly run, jump, and spin in phenomenal ways. Every thought must be geared towards attack at the expense of defense."​
The Jedi Knight smirked. "That is the way of Ataru," he said.​

Aveline completed the move. Jax threw in a verbal dig, but before she could come up with a witty or snarky reply, he was on her and she was pushed on the defense. She fell back into familiar Shii-Cho sequences and forms, going for wide blocks and parries, though quite the contrary to the purpose of Ataru, as he was quick to point out.

«Yes, well!» she managed with a grunt, before she was forced to duck, roll, and throw up a block over her head from a crouched position. «There’s no opening!» she managed to get back up, walking backwards yet unable to turn defense into offense.

In an attempt that perhaps smelled of desperation, she lept backwards, feet on the wall and with a light amplification through the Force she kicked off towards Jax. She was on a collision course and she had no choice now but to strike at him.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
"Here we go again," Jax said rolling his eyes while Aveline struggled to find any openings from Jax's defense. Admittedly, Jax never had the best defense, but Aveline was painfully predictable. He didn't have to plan out a strategy for her, she just kept using the same moves and then reacting to his onslaught.​
"You're whining again Aveline," Jax said. "Instead throwing a tantrum adjust your approach, if you keep doing the same thing and expecting different results than you're in the realm of insanity."​
Not that Aveline was insane she was just really bratty but she'll eventually learn. "Ataru is an aggressive but elaborate form but that doesn't mean you should be predictable!"​
The Jedi Knight attempted a horizontal slash aimed at Aveline's chest, however she leapt backwards placed her feet against the wall and used the Force to launch herself onto Jax. He barely had time to react before he was tackled onto the ground back first. "Ugh....." Jax's Lightsaber fell from his hand rolling onto the ground. "That's what I meant....."​
Getting on his knee, Jax reached for his Lightsaber pulling it to his hand using the Force. "Good job," Jax said. "Improvsation and a perfect use of the ton su ma. You're learning Aveline, that's good."

I wasn't even..! Aveline hadn't been throwing a tantrum before, but she felt one coming her way, manifested by her tutor. The disrespect!

Jax had a way of provoking her with the slightest effort, poke at her insecurities. Anger flared up within her. There was no time to meditate it away, to step back and let serenity wash over her. No, she was to be on the attack. And the anger... Made her stronger.

Her moves felt crisp. She was on point. And when she next opened her eyes, Jax was on the ground. That felt good too. She wanted to scream, to drive her weapon home and strike him while she had him exposed but she managed to catch herself in the middle of it.

Jax got up and Aveline stepped back. Uncharacteristically, he was praising her. "Good, good, yeah" she said, smiling and nodding. She had calmed, at least there was that, and she was trying to cover that she had even slipped up to begin with.

"Well it's getting late, I should probably be getting back. Good session though" she said with a smile, taking a step backwards as if to begin leaving "I'll keep looking up and practicing Ataru in my coming lessons too"

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Silver Rest​
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Lightsaber
Jax liked to make fun of Aveline much to her annoyance, but he was happy that she was finally getting the basics of Ataru down at least. Now what was left was to have her change her approach to dueling. "Yes, we should." Jax said walking alongside Aveline.​
"Before you go and rest," Jax warned. "Just keep in mind that we have another mission coming up soon. So mediate, eat, do whatever because as soon as you're finished, we're heading to Coruscant."​
The Jedi Knight grinned. "That's the life of a Jedi," he said. "We always keep moving and accept the next thing that comes in our way."​
He wondered if he was projecting his own feelings onto the Jedi life. Jax spent most of his Knighthood running away from the guilt of allowing his Master to die. Hopefully, Aveline would truly understand that a Jedi's is not easy and that they will constantly be busy.​


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