iBorg R&R

- "Rhaaargh uh urrrgh!"
| Social Information |- GIVEN NAME: Grozkkatta ("furious/burning/golden" "child/scoundrel")
- ALIAS(ES): "Groz"
- FACTION(S): Sith Empire, and anybody willing to work with him in spite of that
- RANK: Starship Captain, Smuggler, Scoundrel, Slaver
- MARITAL STATUS: Probably has a wife on Kashyyyk he's not proud of
- LIFE DEBTS: No! HELL no! In fact, so far into the no, people owe him life debts! One of them is on his ship too...
- HOMEWORLD: Kashyyyk... where else would a wookiee grow up?
- LIVING SITUATION: The Romance Explorer... also know by Groz as Rrhahaowo scwo! (roughly, "Bite me!"), an ancient TL-1200 transport ship
- SPECIES: Wookiee
- AGE: 324
- SEX: Male
- HEIGHT: 2 meters
- WEIGHT: 175 kg
- EYES: Brown (right eye), Foggy Grey (left eye, blind)
- HAIR: Grey/black
- MARKS AND SCAR(S): Large red scar down the left eye, causing it to fog over in blindness.
- FORCE SENSITIVE: No, he's too smart, too strong, and too old for that!
| Personality and Traits |
Grozkkatta, is not your average wookiee. Where most wookiees are known for both their strength, bravery, and honor, Grozkkatta is markedly not as strong as his more famous peers, fairly cowardly, and is almost dishonorable to a fault. He is, the anti-stereotype of your typical wookiee. Now, compared to a human, Grozkkatta is still very tall, very heavy, and very strong... but he might lose to Chewbacca in a wrestling match. Still, Groz tries to make up for this with his conniving intelligence, and often takes advantage of the wookiee idea of life debts... even enforcing them on aliens who don't even practice it! Usually through contrived plots where Grozkkatta "rescues" them from a threat he likely created for this specific purpose, and then demand a life debt in return for saving them. If they accept, they will undoubtedly be sold into slavery, or kept as one of Grozkkatta's pets. If they don't, he may take an arm or two as compensation for his services, and leave them to bleed to death. To say that Grozkkatta is a savage, is an understatement, and for this reason he holds numerous enemies, many of which are wookiees.
- Aren't you a little short to be a Wookiee? - Grozkkatta is markedly shorter than most wookiees, and mentioning as such may earn his ire. It should also be noted he is also a bit heavier than most wookiees, don't call him fat, he'll show you that most of it is probably muscle. Probably.
- Sore loser - Grozkkatta, aware of his weaknesses, would not be so foolish as to engage in any kind of combat where he was not stacked for victory... in all other cases you can see his furry hindquarters trotting to his ship. The wookiee hates to lose, because when he does, it suuuuuucks.
- Cunning bastard - Grozkkatta will always, always, utilize absolutely everything he can muster to his advantage, so that no matter what his enemy or victim chooses to do about him showing up, they lose. He'll usually laugh about it too.
- Still a frickin' Wookiee - Grozkkatta might be short, he might be fat, but he'll still rip your frickin' arms off if he feels like it.
WEAPONS: Bowcaster, Electro-Whip
ARMOR: Unspecific gold spiked armor
- Olos Nah - Grozkkatta's first life debt prisoner, whom he treats like a pet or a trophy, toying with him whenever he wishes. In fact, his name for Olos - Aoooro - actually means toy. (Random trivia - Olos Nah is just Han Solo backwards in case you were slow and didn't catch that ;D)
SHIP(S): The Romance Explorer... also know by Groz as Rrhahaowo scwo! (roughly, "Bite me!"), an ancient TL-1200 transport ship. Capable of holding more than a hundred prisoners at once, and 150 metric tons of cargo. Numerous modifications to the hyperdrive, and various additional weapon systems. Additionally, is host to a number of "Guard Droids" that patrol all other parts of the ship.

| Role-plays |
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.
- Stranded in the Unknown - Grozkkatta follows a homing beacon, and hopes to capture a lucrative trophy to be sold! Unfortunately, the Wookiee gets spooked by other hunters, and gets the hell out of there before it gets bad.
- Trading with People - Grozkkatta successfully captured [member="Captain Beloved"], and sold him into a gladiator tournament on The Wheel to make a quick buck. While his crew tries to free him, Groz tries to make a deal or two for his next gig, even as he tries to escape the Captain's revenge.